Weekly Blog Post

The FALSE Hope!

β€œThough they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.”   (Proverbs 11.21, NKJV)

December 8, 2020

TODAY THE UK FOLLOWS RUSSIA and CHINA in rolling out a Covid-19, mass vaccination programme in response to the alleged Coronavirus pandemic declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on March 11, 2020. “The Wuhan virus,” as President Trump labelled it (“It comes from China!”), is supposed of claimed fewer than 5000 Chinese lives, and less still in many of the other far-eastern nations like South Korea, Thailand and Japan; yet we’re led to believe it is completely out of control in Western Nations.

Quietly downgraded from a “High Consequence Infectious Disease” (HCID) on March 19, 2020; governments around the world still used hyped up epidemiological studies provided by Messrs Fauci and Ferguson to lockdown the US and UK societies (with devastating effect on their economies) 9 months ago. The 2 million (plus) deaths in America and 250,000 British fatalities forecast by the two doomsters were also drastically downgraded within weeks. A madness replicated across Europe and the world!

In March 2020, Dr Anthony Fauci (right), Head of NIAID, initially estimated that over 2 million Americans could die in the Covid-19 pandemic if drastic measure weren’t taken
In a relationship full of tension, President Donald Trump (left) played down the threat of Covid-19 (and played golf); often publicly disagreeing with Fauci, his most senior advisor on Infectious Diseases. (Centre) Vice President Mike Pence
Professor Neil Ferguson, the Oxford epidemiologist whose extravagant predictions of possible UK Covid-19 deaths in the pandemic were used as a pretext to “lockdown” Britain, a policy mimicked from CHINA around the world.
HIghly qualified and truthful scientist like Dr Judy Mikovits, were de-platformed, vilified and shut out of mainstream media in an orchestrated campaign to HIDE THE TRUTH.

The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Fulfillment edition is replete with articles that trace the trajectory the “Plandemic,” from the annals of the Rockefeller Foundation, and its “Scenarios for the Future of Technology”(published in May 2010), to the UN and WEF orchestrated “GLOBAL RESET;” in which the WHO is playing a catalytic role by instigating a fake pandemic, and marshalling the entire population of earth toward a dangerous concoction, being passed off as Covid-19 Vaccines.

“The real threat to people’s health and wellbeing is from their rogue governments; peddling “fake news; “pursuing catastrophic policies; arranging pointless testing, while destroying livelihoods. Unfortunately, many will not recognise the truth until it is too late.”

Throughout this “global health emergency” one man has had more than most to say about how mankind will “survive” Covid-19, Bill Gates.

Even the casual observer will be aware that the former Microsoft Founder turned billionaire “philanthropist,” is heavily invested in vaccines. He would like us to believe that the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” are primarily concerned about the health and wellbeing of humanity as a whole. But he, through his financial control of the WHO and investments/funding of most of the major pharmaceutical groups, will make many billions more dollars from the vaccines; which in all likelihood will do more harm than good (if his track record is anything to go by).

Bill Gates called for pharmaceutical companies to be indemnified (against possible lawsuits); suggested vaccines should include an ID chip; and openly admits that vaccines alone won’t be enough to defeat Covid-19. People will have to get used to social distancing, wearing masks and regular vaccinations – It’s the


The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfillment Edition, Pg10: “The FALSE Hope”

BILL GATES is one of few world leaders who has been on The VOICE of Prophecy’s exclusive mailing list for over two decades. These publications have not been produced to “win friends (or even) influence people;” although it cannot be ruled out that one in a hundred may have “repented” as a result of the message of this magazine.

CHRIST IS ON HIS WAY – And He is coming “quickly!” Not as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes; but as mighty King to deliver judgment; destroy Satan’s wicked world; and establish the “kingdom of God.” Those who are not for JESUS must be against Him; and everyone will be rewarded “according to his works.”

β€œThe real conspiracy is that of the rich and powerful against the poor and weak.” 

Phil Gray