Friday 11 December 2020
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us.”
(I John 4:17-19, NKJV)
2020 BEGAN POSITIVELY ENOUGH, if you don’t count JANUARY:
“Disasters, conflicts bring stormy start to New Year”
- US killing of Iran’s Soleimani (3 Jan)
- Downing of Ukrainian plane. On Jan. 8, a Ukrainian plane was downed by the Iranian military, killing all 176 people on board. …
- Trump impeachment inquiry
- Putin’s political shake-up.
- Locust invasion in eastern Africa.
- Coronavirus outbreak.
- Philippines volcano eruption.
- Turkey earthquake.
- BREXIT (31 Jan)
IN JANUARY 2020 there was only a hint of the mayhem that was to be unleashed upon the world; even though, as we know now (as the story goes), “the novel coronavirus, “SARS-CoV-2,” had already ‘jumped species,’ OR, spilled out of the Wuhan National Biosafety, Level 4 experimental laboratory in November or December 2019. And the die had already been cast.
In the middle of March 2020, it became clear that politicians around the world were hell-bent on shutting down the global economy in response to, what soon became apparent to some, was essentially the work of a few overactive, medical drama film crews who appeared to have cornered the network news markets with their global disaster movie series (lifted straight from the plot of “CONTAGION”). And apparently world leaders, including presidents, prime ministers, kings, the Queen; and the entire political and media establishment were bingeing on the boxset!
TRUSTED NEWS SOURCES, seemingly overnight, became filled with government, medical industry and the media “group think” propaganda. Disinformation, scientific and political “doublespeak” was rife; as an incredulous public was bombarded and bamboozled by a constant stream of lies; patronising adverts on commercial and public broadcast media channels (and in the printed press); pumped out like bilge by totally disingenuous and disgraceful “establishment” figures.
As an avid consumer of news and current affairs; and a politically aware (if not active) “citizen:” the new, media CORONAVIRUS SPIN immediately set alarm bells ringing. Beginning in March, on my Facebook page, I posted a series of long Covid-19 articles, “calling out” the politicians and the media (still available on my page).
So sickened was I by the constant stream of lies, half truths and disinformation being promulgated by the BBC; that I wrote on 10 June directly to the Director General (then Tony Hall), and the entire BBC Board of Governors, in my capacity as Editor of The VOICE of Prophecy!
To its credit, the BBC did reply (in two stages). After considering my complaint; it repudiated my allegation of “bias,” and assured me that, as publicly funded body, it takes its role as an impartial, public service broadcaster very seriously. Yeah, right!

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, DG of the WHO, declared a “global pandemic” on 11 March 2020.
The world; our world, has literally been turned upside down and inside out. Instead of leaders and government institutions trying to build up their economies and protect their citizens; they are deliberately tearing down and destroying the centuries old global economic framework that for decades has generally increased prosperity and provided security for the greater part of the earth’s populations!
As I predicted in my article “LET’S TALK ABOUT CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) – PART 2,” published on Mon 23 March 2020”:
“Amid the “hyped up” and hysterical reactions around the world to the very real threat posed by what may well be a man made, biological weapon; the global casinos (financial markets) are inconsolable. Successive RATE CUTS by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and ECB (European Central Bank) amounting to trillions of dollars pumped into bond buybacks and QE stimulus packages have failed. As we have come to expect on such occasion, the RICH are “capitalising” on global economic uncertainty, including three senators (among them Diane Feinstein, Dem.) accused of trading on ‘inside information.‘
When this media-fuelled mayhem ends; we will find the rich a lot richer and the poor a lot poorer.”

Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon has become the world’s richest man, his fortune climbing by 48% to a staggering $201bn. Many other corporate Tech and Retail giants have also benefited from the enforced closures of small and middle-sized businesses (SMEs) during the totally unnecessary lockdowns. This shift in fortunes is not at all accidental but specifically designed; as government social distancing, work and stay at home edicts “nudged” shoppers online to be gobbled up by the corporate giants.
In the past decade a whole industry has grown up around the deployment of psychological techniques in the design of public policies and commercial advertising that steer individuals and populations toward desired behaviours. The idea is not new, but standard advertising, promotional and public relations campaigns have been turbocharged through the use of “big data” and AI that can target specific groups or individuals with handpicked messages and information through the ever ubiquitous worldwide web. Think “Cambridge Analytica.”
In fact, the average individual is a bit like the prey caught in a spider’s web – his every move telegraphed to the eight-eye arachnid, waiting in the wings to strike! In this analogy, it is the web owner and spinner that benefits (which has been funded and developed under the auspices of the US military, where eventually, much of your data ends up!); and it is the “consumer,” often trapped by his own appetites or desires that is preyed upon and ultimately is consumed by the merciless predator.
CENTRALISED MIND CONTROL did not begin with the Covid-19 pandemic. IN THIS AGE, it starts when we’re in the cradle, with the religion or credo we were born into. It continues through our formal education in schools, training in colleges or workplaces; and is all pervasive in popular culture; from the sports we engage in or watch; the books, newspapers or magazines we read; the music and bands we listen to or follow, and the films we see! It is all around us – IT HAS SHAPED US!
“You are a slave born into a prison, FOR YOUR MIND!”
Morpheus, The Matrix, 1999
I understand a new sequel to “THE MATRIX” is on its way – Now here’s a movie that shines a light on the “human condition.” The ideas of the technocratic elites who are building this “Brave New World,” are often written into the screenplays of blockbuster movies.
Indeed, many movies have and continue to be used to condition and control us! “Terminator 2, Judgment Day” is another film that depicts the dichotomy of a future dystopia where humans both depend upon and are at the mercy of machines with superior powers.
Interlaced in these gripping tales are the ideologies, mythologies, philosophies, sexual immorality, wanton violence and moral corruption of the ultimate Hollywood Movie Mogul himself – Satan, the Devil.
IF WE ARE SELF AWARE, we are conscious of all (or most of) these influences; and we can make informed choices about them. But even the most self aware among us can be carried on tides of emotions, by national fervour, or a socially induced WAVE OF FEAR.
One has to be “AWAKE,” ALIVE and ASSERTIVE, to resist the carefully created “social tides,” generated to manipulate our behaviours; of which the Covid-19 “Plandemic” (many years in preparation) is only the latest and perhaps greatest example. (If you haven’t yet seen Plandemic 2, do yourself a favour; it is well worth watching)

Governments around the world are spending huge amounts of money (our money) to change our perceptions! They are withholding and burying the truth, and anyone who dares to speak it. They are carpet-bombing us with LIES, to bludgeon us into submission!
The image below is a visual illustration of how our perceptions can so easily be changed BY OUR SURROUNDINGS.

In my article “The BIG LIE!” (on page 8), I quote Joseph Goebbels, himself quoting Adolf Hitler, who wrote in 1925, in Mein Kampf: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
It’s for these reasons, way back in March, I advised my Facebook friends to turn OFF their TVs and radios, and ignore the news! But I took it a step further. Between 8 April (my birthday) and 29 May (the feast of Pentecost), I came off Facebook altogether.
I took a SABBATICAL! During that time I launched into in depth studies and research about the origins of this “GLOBALIST CONSPIRACY” that is presently rocking our world. I used the time to DRAW CLOSER TO GOD (James 5:8); FASTING each Monday for seven consecutive weeks; studying and praying, up to the day of PENTECOST. I wanted to break free from old, bad habits; to bring my body and MIND into subjection – under MY CONTROL!
TODAY, the battle lines seem to be about what the government and/or its agents can or cannot INJECT into an individual’s body; where and when a person can travel; what an individual must wear; and whom that individual can or cannot consort with. But the real battle is for the CONTROL OF YOUR MIND (and with it, your body)!
If you have CONTROL OF YOUR OWN MIND; you decide what you will do; when you will do it, and whom you will do it with. These decisions if taken may come with unintended (or undesirable) consequences. But in life decisions always have consequences; sometimes good and at other times adverse. At stake is whether we LIVE as an autonomous INDIVIDUAL, or we become an AUTOMATON. It is that simple!
The VOICE of Prophecy! unashamedly directs the reader to the living God and His Christ; who alone is able to save; in whom all can find acceptance and unconditional love; the only condition being that we accept Jesus as our LORD, Saviour and SOON COMING KING.
I will end this piece with the quote I used to begin my aforementioned article back in March:
“…the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
(Franklin D. Roosevelt, inaugural address, 4 Mar 1933)