The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Thursday 14 January 2021
I WANTED TO RETURN A PHILIPS ROTARY SHAVER TO SAINSBURY’S. But more important than that, I wanted to test the UK’s third largest supermarket chains reported resolve to carry out the MANDATE FROM BULLY PATEL (the putative Home Secretary); to get tough on mask “refuseniks,” and STOP THEM ENTERING SUPERMARKETS.
Tuesday 12 January, 2021, MORRISONS, quickly followed by TESCO and SAINSBURY’S supermarkets, vowed to step up DESCRIMINATION against non mask wearers, accept those with medical exemptions.

THE NEWS MEDIA, that well know source of government edicts, laws, guidelines and MIND CONTROL (Parliament being a redundant rubber stamping organisation); promulgated the policy of Boris Johnson’s goons, like “BULLI PATEL,” (Home Secretary, Priti Patel, responsible for the 43 police forces in England and Wales). Masquerading as governmental authority, they FURTHER RESTRICT civil liberties and freedoms of ordinary citizens, to go about their lawful business; BY OUTLAWING LAWFUL BUSINESS on the pretext of a PATENT LIE; that the United Kingdom and the world is in the grip of a deadly, contagious coronavirus PANDEMIC!

What we are witnessing is the IMPOSITION OF MARTIAL LAW BY STEALTH! The “SHEEPLE” can’t see it; but those people that do, need to STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS, or lose them!

(WHILE THE BORDERS ARE CLOSED (through costly testing and quarantine rules); free trade hampered; transportation systems shut down; and independent businesses trashed; the last vestiges of the “BABY-BOOMERS” are wheeled into “vaccination centres” to be CYNICALLY CULLED; pumped full a poison designed only to kill them off and sterilise future, younger victims; when their turn comes).

I AM PROUD TO BE BANNED FROM SAINSBURY’S! They are overpriced anyway, and clearly willing to do this illegitimate government’s bidding – THEY ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM, and don’t deserve our patronage; which is one of my main motivations for taking back the Philips shaver (quite apart from its missing content). I GOT MY MONEY BACK!
THE MONOLITHIC SUPEMARKETS are not the sole source of groceries; and the less we do business with them, the better.
WE SHOULD TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY (the government imposition of a police state) TO SUPPORT SMALLER BUSINESSES where possible; other, fairer price supermarkets like ALDI and LIDL; and local independent food stores (who may be a little more expensive), but who still treat shoppers with respect, and realise that “CUSTOMER IS KING!“
IT CANNOT BE LONG NOW before we see police and soldiers patrolling our streets. INTERNMENT CAMPS are under construction (or being prepared as people self-isolating stare at their screens). Those not duped into voluntarily taking the government “cool-aid;” WHO RESIST THE EVIL TYRANNY that has taken control of all “liberal democracies,” will be branded as dangerous (no doubt COVID-19 SUPERSPREADERS)! WE must be imprisoned for the good of “society.” – IT’S ALL IN THE CORONAVIRUS ACT, MARCH 2020.
(I know this sounds to incredible to believe; but unfortunately, IT IS TRUE!)

Some of you (Facebook friends) may remember I started a CHANGE.ORG campaign to “ABOLISH THE CORONAVIRUS ACT;” which attracted very little support and was barred from the platform last October. BIG TECH of which is a part – another money spinner for Silicon Valley – IS FRONT AND CENTRE OF THIS GLOBAL CONSPIRACY to establish the “NEW WORLD ORDER.”
After trying to share the above post from my Facebook page at 03:00 AM, to groups that I’ve joined (with the additional comments in orange text below); I received a message from fb saying that my account has been temporarily suspended

I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS A LONG TIME AGO (though to be fair, I do most of my shopping at Aldi)! DON’T WAIT TO BE BANNED! Let’s stop giving our custom to extensions of “THE GLOBAL BEAST” that clearly wants to control every aspect of our lives – INCLUDING AMAZON! We may not cripple these supermarket monoliths; but WE CAN support smaller and independent retails who still “VALUE THEIR CUSTOMERS!” (I’m not saying Covid-19 doesn’t exist – in fact I’m telling you their plan is to release a far more deadly strain and blaim those of us who won’t take “THE JAB,” wear masks, socially distance or STAY HOME) I’m saying: DON’T BE TREATED LIKE A PATSY! x