The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Thursday 18 March 2021
David Takes a Census
Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel. 2 So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army, “Take a census of all the people of Israel—from Beersheba in the south to Dan in the north—and bring me a report so I may know how many there are.”
3 But Joab replied, “May the Lord increase the number of his people a hundred times over! But why, my lord the king, do you want to do this? Are they not all your servants? Why must you cause Israel to sin?”
4 But the king insisted that they take the census, so Joab traveled throughout all Israel to count the people. Then he returned to Jerusalem 5 and reported the number of people to David. There were 1,100,000 warriors in all Israel who could handle a sword, and 470,000 in Judah. 6 But Joab did not include the tribes of Levi and Benjamin in the census because he was so distressed at what the king had made him do.
(1 Chronicles 21: 1-6 NLT)

COME SUNDAY 21 MARCH, ALL UK HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS ARE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE THE 2021 NATIONAL CENSUS. It is a legal obligation. Failure to do so could result in a £1,000 FINE!
Why the compulsion? And what benefit will the census be to YOU or ME?
We’re told that it will help “local authorities and charities” plan and provide the services we need; but the truth is that it provides invaluable information with which the powers that be (who jealously guard the information for A CENTURY) are able to marshal, control and TAX us from cradle to the grave!
Rulers have been numbering and taxing their subjects/citizens since time immemorial. Who can forget that Jesus was born in a stable because Joseph and Mary were required to return to their ancestral home to be numbered for TAX PURPOSES?
The Romans didn’t invent the census. King David, a progenitor of Christ, famously got into trouble when he numbered the 12 tribes of Israel after succeeding Saul, the first king of Israel. It was an idea he no doubt got from other rival kingdoms at the time. We also know that the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt kept an eagle eye their populations and that of their slaves.
In the British Isles, rulers, fiefs and monarchs must have kept tabs on their subjects after the “indictions” of Romans times; but the first major “formal census” in England was when the Domesday Book was compiled in 1086 under William the Conqueror for tax purposes.
“National decennial (10 yearly) censuses of the general population started in 1801, championed by the statistician John Rickman. The censuses were initially conducted partly to ascertain the number of men able to fight in the Napoleonic Wars, and partly over population concerns stemming from the 1798 work An Essay on the Principle of Population by Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus.” (excerpt from Wikipedia)
You should have got the point by now: CENSUSES ARE NOT CONDUCTED IN ORDER TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. They are carried out in order for the authorities to be able to CONTROL, conscript and above all TAX THE PUBLIC. That’s why you’re threatened with a fine if you don’t complete it. The other social information is a fringe benefit.

Of course, HMRC (Her Majesties Revenue and Customs) collects all the important financial details about us on an annual basis; and the INTELLIGENCE SERVICES know as much if not more about US than they do any foreign enemy; as information is constantly monitored, gathered (and STORED) through CCTV, our purchases, mobile communications and internet search histories. The “authorities” have as much OBJECTIVE information about us as it is possible to know. With its intrusive questions, THE CENSUS affords our “minders” an opportunity to peer into our souls! They believe they OWN US, and accumulate every piece of DATA about us in order to exert maximum CONTROL over our lives.

AN IMPRESSIVE 76% OF PEOPLE IN ENGLAND AND WALES HELD A UK PASSPORT at the time or the last census in 2011. Since 1983, the vast majority of people born in the UK of indigenous parentage, i.e. not foreign diplomat or “enemy agent” are British Citizens. Before January 1983, most people with “a close connection to the UK,” including those of Commonwealth nations were referred to as BRITISH SUBJECTS.
With many former Commonwealth countries having become independent, and conferring citizenships of their own; the number of “British Subjects” greatly declined and since then very few people have qualified for that status.

Reading my mother’s “REFLECTIONS,” it was a very sore point with her, that arriving in England in June 1955, she was then a British Subject, which has considerable rights attached; but in 1968 (post Jamaican independence on 6 August 1962), when my father then enlisted in the armed services (one of the rights open to all British Subjects, along with voting and standing in local and national elections) was posted to the RAF Rheindahlen; she felt her status had changed, and not for the better.

WE, my younger siblings and I, could no longer travel on her passport; which had been replaced by a JAMAICAN one. An older brother, born in Jamaica, remained on her new passport; but I, at the tender age of 14 was issued my own, blue, UK passport; AS THE FIRST BRITISH BORN MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY; onto which my younger brothers and sister were added.
TO BE A “CITIZEN” IS USUALLY SOMETHING TO BE PRIZED. It confers both rights and responsibilities; BUT, in the UK, it comes with “historical baggage” that ironically, British or Commonwealth, most “SUBJECTS” have jettisoned:
“Before the concept of nationality was codified in legislation, inhabitants of English communities owed allegiance to their feudal lords, who were themselves vassals of the monarch. This system of loyalty, indirectly owed to the monarch personally, developed into a general establishment of subjecthood to the Crown. Calvin’s Case in 1608 established the principle of jus soli, that all those who were born within Crown dominions were natural-born subjects.[2] After the Acts of Union 1707, English and Scottish subjects became BRITISH SUBJECTS.”
“The British Nationality Act 1948 redefined British subject as any citizen of the United Kingdom, its colonies, or other Commonwealth countries. Commonwealth citizen was first defined in this Act to have the same meaning. This alternate term was necessary to retain a number of newly independent countries in the Commonwealth that wished to become republics rather than preserve the monarch as head of state. The change in naming also indicated A SHIFT IN THE BASE THEORY TO THIS ASPECT OF BRITISH NATIONALITY; ALLEGIANCE TO THE CROWN WAS NO LONGER A REQUIREMENT TO POSSESS BRITISH SUBJECT STATUS and the common status would be maintained by voluntary agreement among the various members of the Commonwealth.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia)
(To some extent, this is also true in DOMINIONS of the UK, like JAMAICA; which despite some flirtations with the idea of becoming a republic, retains Queen Elizabeth 2 as its head of state; and the “Privy Council” is still the highest legal authority on the island.)

I (was) genuinely surprised to learn this; as I must have had half a dozen passports in my lifetime, and never once have I taken cognisance of the fact that my passage “without let or hindrance” is in the name of and contingent on the good graces of Her Majesty (The Queen). Had I NOT been British born and bred, and had to apply for citizenship, and go through a “NATURALISATION” ceremony; THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. Because you cannot become a British “citizen” without taking an OATH, and swearing allegiance to the Queen and her heirs!
While the UK masquerades as a liberal democracy; in reality, BRITONS REMAIN UNDER THE FEUDAL YOKE OF MONARCHIC BONDAGE! The British national anthem boasts that “Britannia rules the waves (some say “wave the rules”) … and (Britons) never, never, never shall be slaves.” BUT THE TRUTH IS BRITISH CITIZENS (unlike Americans) HAVE NEVER BEEN FREED!
It has been possible to renounce British citizenship since 1807; but unless you possess another nationality, to do so would render oneself STATELESS (ask Shamima Begum how that’s working out)!
The fiction that the Queen and Royal Family are just “titular” Heads of State is a total MIRAGE! Anyone who doesn’t SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO THE MONARCHY is sidelined or ousted from positions of power and influence: JEREMY CORBYN is just the most recent example. Our democratic system of government ISN’T “DEMOCRATIC” AT ALL; but suffused with corruption, under open and clandestine influence of an UNACCOUNTABLE MANIACAL MONARCHY.

But it was a move that excited growing numbers of Labour activist and members. His views horrified the “establishment;” dubbed “POPULIST” his policies were genuinely democratic and threatened to shake up the status quo! Surprisingly successful in the 2017 election; Corbyn came under intensified attack from both within and outside his party; and particularly in the Right wing media. THE POWERS THAT BE ARE NOT AT ALL INTERESTED IN GENUINE DEMOCRACY; had Corbyn become Prime Minister, there was a very real chance that the UK would have embraced “socialism,” and sidelined the Monarchy and House of Lords. Every dirty trick was used to prevent this from happening.
Some may be happy to be SERFS under a FEUDAL SYSTEM that offers them food, security and protection if they follow the rules and don’t rock the boat. OTHERS MAY JUST LIKE TO BE FREE TO DETERMINE THEIR OWN FUTURES AND RULE OVER THEIR OWN LIVES.
(I’m actually in the process of applying for Jamaican citizenship; but “the new world order” has put the kibosh on freedom to travel; and Jamaica remains a VASSAL STATE of the UK, US and now even CHINA – So liberal democracy isn’t really thriving there either.)
WE STILL HAVE RIGHTS AS CITIZENS IN LAW; whether we swear allegiance to the Queen or not. The fact that the “ESTABLISHMENT” unduly influences and in some cases controls key institutions throughout the United Kingdom and beyond, DOES NOT PREVENT US FROM EXERCISING OUR RIGHTS.
NOW, MORE THAN EVER, whether you are a CITIZEN or a SUBJECT; you need to STAND UP FOR and EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS. Because if you don’t use them now YOU WILL LOSE THEM SOON!
(POSTSCRIPT – CONSIDER THIS: There’s a good chance you were born in a hospital NAMED AFTER THE MONARCH; educated in a Church of England School (which the monarch heads); will have travelled on a ship, road or train line named after the Queen; may have been cautioned or arrested by Her Majesty’s Constabulary; appeared in a “magistrates court;” served time at HMP (Her Majesty’s “Pleasure”); or in Her Majesty’s armed services, as my father did in Royal Air Force (RAF), and in which Royals tend to hold HIGH RANKS; you will certainly pay TAXES to HMRC; and when you die, a large portions of your “estate” will be gobbled up in “DEATH DUTIES;” to further swell Her Majesty’s coffers. And if one dies intestate (without a will); with no near relative to step in; THE WHOLE ESTATE will go to “THE CROWN!”
MEANWHILE, when our noble Queen “shuffles off this mortal coil,” ALL HER ASSETS will pass to “Bonnie Prince Charlie” TAX FREE!”

The BBC ought to be re-branded as HMBS, Her Majesty’s Broadcasting Service (other interpretations might spring to mind). WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD would TV and radio transmissions end every God given day with a musical tribute a single person; guns be brandished and exploded on her birthdays; and hour by hour of often grovelling commentary on what she and her offspring are up to given such prominence? Not to mention the “Annual Christmas (indoctrination) Message.”

SO, you may have thought we live in a FREE COUNTRY; but in reality, WE ARE STILL IN A FORM OF SERFDOM! And things are about to get a whole lot worse.)
17 November 2020
In many ways the 2021 Census is a waste time. ACCEPT, during this fake pandemic, if everyone faithfully completed the online or paper form, accurately; IT WOULD PROVE FAR MORE USEFUL THAN THE OVERBLOWN TRACK AND TRACE SYSTEM!
Of course, in large arears of the country, where stay at home orders are still technically in place, there will be no “visitors, 1, 2, 3 and 4” to record. And I imagine a great many people will be perplexed as to what put in the “Occupation” section; since though they may be technically still employed, come September when the furlough scheme finally ends, THEY ARE LIKELY TO BE UNEMBPLOYED.
THIS CENSUS WILL BE USELESS AS A PREDICTOR of future population shifts; and about as useful as a holiday snap taken at Butlins on this summer’s “staycation.” In any case; POPULATIONS are being DRIVEN in the direction that the technocratic elite want them to go.
By the time of the next census of 2031, FEW who like me must have featured in the 8 censuses (if you include the 1966, short and long form census) since 1951 WILL REMAIN ALIVE. In fact, most people over 50 will have been culled by one or other of the “oh so safe” and “scientifically tested” VACCINES!

Decide for yourself how useful this census is to YOU and your family (as opposed to them – the royal family); and fill it in appropriately.
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Thursday 18 March 2021