The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Sunday 28 February 2021

THE UK HOME SECRETARY, PRITI PATEL is but one of a cast of corrupt officials in BORIS JOHNSON’S government, leading the British people to their DOOM; ultimate punishment for their misdeeds; and failure to recognise and WORSHIP the TRUE, CREATOR GOD!
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.“
(John 8:44, NKJV)
Around about now, it would not be unusual for me to be in Jamaica; the land of my parents, were we still have property and plenty of family. But of course, because of the global pandemic, in the UK it’s actually ILLEGAL FOR ME TO TRAVEL ABROAD.

I REALISE there’s no reason on health grounds why I or the vast majority of people shouldn’t travel; either within or outside of the British Isles. Yet, the Transport Secretary, GRANT SHAPPS (another bonefide government bully) announced on Wednesday 10 Feb. that Brits should not make holiday plans for the summer; either for abroad or a “staycation!”
But unfortunately, unless you have considerable independent means, or are a part of the privileged few; THE CHOICE HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM YOU! Everything possible has been done to take away the freedom and choices we so long took for granted; including when and where me may travel.

(I am reminded that some people have now gone almost an entire year, unable to visit their elderly or vulnerable relatives in nursing homes and other care facilities; BY GOVERNMENT EDICT. And it is among this cohort that MOST OF THE COVID-19 DEATHS are being recorded – This is no accident, but a planned programme of EUTHANASIA)
I seriously considered booking a flight to America this month, to visit a friend in Arkansas. First up, the flight comparison sites WARNED ME that there are “Covid-19 restrictions,” as if I didn’t know. Airlines are still flying (though freight is down by 20% which spells doom form many UK exporters), and seats are still available; but you’re not going to be able to board one, other than for exceptional circumstance – like, if you were Boris Johnson’s bit on the side; then you could fly, and probably wouldn’t even have to pay.
Let’s say I had a valid reason; I don’t know? I’m taking President JOE BIDEN a new hearing aid or Zimmer frame? I WOULD HAVE TO HAVE A NEGATIVE COVID-19 TEST RESULT (taken within the past 72 hours). And I’d have to be prepared to quarantine for between 10-14 days quite likely at both ends of my journey and be subjected to further testing.
BUT WAIT! AMERICA HAS BANNED ALL TRAVELERS from the UK, China, South Africa, and I think from most of mainland Europe! So I guess BIDEN will just have to rely on his old “speakerphone” and a walking stick.
Of course, I would probably have missed my flight anyway; even if I had fulfilled all the travel requirements. Not driving, and relying on public transport; would put me at the mercy of the rail system. Previously, up until the end of last year, I might have been able to get to Manchester or a London Airport by a National Coach; but they scrapped their services at the beginning of this year.
THE TRAIN SERVICES are increasingly subject to disruption and delays. It seems Network Rail has saved up all the maintenance work for the past 10 YEARS and is carrying them out during the lockdowns.
SO, AMERICA would not let me in right now *(and I suspect Jamaica wouldn’t either). But had I miraculously somehow made it out of my own front garden without being stopped by the Stasi, and landed in some exotic country outside the UK; then getting back into Britain would be and even bigger ordeal – they have made sure of that!
*(JAMAICA: Travel is subject to entry restrictions
- Prior to checking in for a flight to Jamaica, you must get authorisation to enter from the Visit Jamaica website
- There is a ban on all flights arriving in Jamaica from the UK until Sunday 28 February 2021. Additionally, all non-Jamaicans who have been in the UK within the last 14 days prior to intended arrival date in Jamaica, who may seek to enter the island through another country will not be permitted to enter Jamaica.
- All travellers arriving in Jamaica will be screened for Covid 19 symptoms at the airport and travellers from the USA, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Panama require appropriate evidence of a Covid 19 negative test.
See Entry requirements for more information before you plan to travel.
Preparing for your return journey to the UK
If you’re returning to the UK from overseas, you will need to:
- provide your journey and contact details before you travel
- check if you need to self-isolate on your return
If your return journey to the UK transits another country, you should check whether it is subject to a travel ban or any other additional requirements. If so, contact your travel provider.)”

On Tuesday (11 Feb.), the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, announced new, draconian quarantine rules (to come into effect on Monday 15 January, and probably NEVER LIFTED), that require travelers whether UK citizens or not, to be billeted in a quarantine hotel for 2 weeks at their own expense (£1,750) and forcibly subjected to, not one but TWO COVID-19 TESTS (on days 2 and 8). One assumes if the test is POSITIVE, you may never be let out!
It’s all about controlling the populous, discouraging and preventing people from travelling. If you listen to the radio for too long, you will get the distinct impression it’s neither safe or advisable to venture outside you front door. Any attempt to exercise your freedom to “LIVE,” will be looked upon disdainfully and punished with fines. (Although I suspect that like the vaccination figures, the numbers of actual fines handed out have been grossly exaggerated)
WHILE THE AUTHORITIES STRUGGLE TO KEEP THE MASSES “IN THEIR PLACE” (I say struggle, because I’ve noticed myself that there are quite a lot of people about in shopping arrears, even though most of the shops have been needlessly closed to destroy their business); THEY ARE ROLLING OUT THEIR KILLER VACCINES among the elderly, in care homes and in other vulnerable groups. Then noting, with not a hint of irony, that death counts among these groups appear to be rising?
(Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or death)

Those not currently being bumped off through vaccinations or neglect in nursing homes; are under siege in their own homes. People are told it is to reduce the spread (of Covid-19 and its vicious new strains from South Africa and Kent – KENT?!); protect health, shield the NHS and SAVE LIVES – WHEN THE REVERSE IS TRUE!
A WAR OF ATTRITION is being waged against the hapless, furloughed or otherwise disenfranchised masses; confined to their modest dwellings, many without gardens; discouraged from leaving home for all but essential reasons. Such as: to go to work (if you can’t work at home); to go to school if you’re in a vulnerable group or child of an “essential worker;” to get a Covid-19 test, vaccinated, or for a medical appointment (you’ll be lucky; they’ll see you die first!); shopping and exercise, LOCALLY – But don’t venture more than 5 MILES.
When it comes down to it; there’s no reason you can’t leave your home if you want to. It’s only the media onslaught of mind-bending government propaganda (and the fact they’ve closed 90% of shops) that keeps the majority pinned in their homes and off the streets.
AND THINK OF WHAT YOU’RE MISSING (I know you’d rather not): pubs, clubs, cinema, meals out, hair cuts, football matches and live spectator sports whether amateur or professional, visiting relatives or friends, parties, live music, festivals, weddings, funerals (of more than 15, or 30 people).
You’re told that once everyone receives the poison “vaccines,” we can have these things – *BUT YOU’LL NEVER BE ALLOWED THESE THINGS AGAIN! These servicess are being systematically DESTROYED. *(Access will be limited to those with a high enough “social score,” i.e. fully vaccinated and Covid-passported).
WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR SILO, in stasis; they are using the media to attack your mind and erode what few resources you may have left. Whether through the proliferation of gambling and lotto games, or the multiplicity of SCAMS arriving by emails or fake online government of shopping sites, phishing for details; they are determined to fleece hard pressed families of what little resources they may have left.

ALCOHOL IS FREELY AVAILBLE; and, judging by the amount of hash I smell being openly smoked both indoors and out, I’m willing to bet that very little is actually being done to stop the illicit trade in drugs (which further fattens the wallets of the EVIL ELITE).
PORNOGRAPHY (one or its specialties) IS RIFE! It pervades the internet, seeping through social network sites like Facebook. I know from experiencing a marked rise in unsolicited friend and dating requests from “hustlers” with such charming chat-up lines as “do you want to see my nipples? – Well, frankly –NO!

THESE CORRUPTING INFLUENCES are almost totally unregulated even among “minors.” And it is the EVIL ELITE’S assault on children’s minds and bodies (a longstanding sinful trait) for which it has already been judged and CONDEMNED!
This unrepresentative minority want to ELIMINATE THE MAJORITY and control those who remain. THEY think of themselves as “the crème de al crème;” but in reality, THEY are the “SCUM OF THE EARTH!”
They are inoculating adult populations with a slow but certain death serum. But what they have planned for our children is worse. Having robbed them of their education, friendships, hopes, freedom to explore, DREAM, opportunities to flourish and LIVE – The technocratic megalomaniacs intend to sterilise and genetically modify our children and future generations into PERPETUAL SLAVERY AS TRANSHUMANS!
THIS IS INCREDIBLE! I mean, it is unbelievable… but the bible predicts, because our unwillingness to repent of our sins, IT WILL HAPPEN!
THEY WILL BE COMING FOR YOUR MONEY, AND YOUR PROPERTY, NEXT (what they don’t already have of it)!…
CENTRAL BANKERS and Finance Ministers around the globe are deliberately “debasing” the financial system. In the UK, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, RISHI SUNAK, a Pakistani Billionaire, is gleefully pissing public funds down the drain on a series of flawed programmes and policies; from unusable PPE (not that it’s needed) to the incompetent TEST TRACK AND TRACE systems (again, an unnecessary, and intrusive measure) massively enriching Conservative cronies and other “Del Boys” close to the government; then announcing in celebratory tones that Britain borrowings has reached record levels.
Following the announcement that the UK economy shrank by 10% in 2020, the worst decline in 300 years ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME UNTIL SUNAK (the UK Chancellor) ENDS HIS CURRENT LARGESS, CUTS BENEFITS, AND RAISES TAXES. And, as millions of people will have joined the ranks of the unemployed when the furlough scam is inevitably withdrawn, INCOME TAX will not raise enough revenue (we will be told – in fact the BOE could write off the UK debt); people will be hit with a PROPERTY TAX, and probably higher death duties and inheritance taxes.

In the meantime, utility costs (gas, electric and water) will rise exponentially, way above inflation; as Council Taxes are also set to balloon. Those living in London still using public transport to commute will face an average increase of 2.6%, this on top of a crippling 9.5% rise in the Mayor, Sadiq Khans, share of the Metropolitan areas Council Taxes.

Phil Gray
Saturday, 13 February 2021
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Sunday 28 February 2021