The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Thursday 4 March 2021
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”
(Galatians 6: 7-8, NKJV)

SINCE THE OUTBREAK AND DECLARATION OF THE “COVID-19 PANDEMIC” by the WHO on 11 March 2020, many people have been much exercised on finding an effective CURE and/or remedies to this “deadly,” NEW RESPIRATORY DISEASE!
LEAVE ASIDE that only 1% of the global population who contract SARS-n-CoV2 are not likely to experience any serious symptoms; and perhaps 2 or 3% of them could require hospitalisation; but it is a tiny minority who might require intensive care: THE SEARCH FOR A “CURE” WAS BOX OFFICE NEWS.

DR ANTHONY FAUCI and others bad-mouthed, denigrated and restricted access to HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE; a proven remedy to malaria and lupus over seven decades, and used successfully to effectively treat scores of patients by many doctors who refused the financial inducements to give inappropriate treatments to their patients, and steer them toward ventilators which have a 12% survival rate; AND IS AS CHEAP AS CHIPS.
MEANWHILE, the corrupt medical establishment pushed EXPENSIVE, experimental drugs like REMDESIVIR, which WHO trials showed had only a limited effect on promoting recovery from Covid-19 infections. According to the BMJ (British Medical Journal), 19 October 2020:
“Martin Landray, an Oxford University epidemiologist. He said that the poor results seen with hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir-ritonavir were expected, as they had previously failed to show a benefit in the UK Recovery trial, which Landray leads.
“The result for interferon is interesting, and there will doubtless be some debate about whether different doses or routes of administration—for example, by nebuliser—might be more effective,” he said. “But the big story is the finding that remdesivir produces no meaningful impact on survival.”
He explained that “people will argue about the need for earlier use” of remdesivir but that, even if it brought modest benefits, “the absolute numbers of lives saved would be small.”
Landray added, “Remember too that remdesivir is a drug that is given by intravenous infusion for five to 10 days and costs around £2000 [€2205; $2600] per course. Covid affects millions of people. It is not a rare disease. We need scalable, affordable, and equitable treatments. The WHO Solidarity trial has done the world a huge favour by producing clear, independent, and robust Results.”
[NOTE: This WHO study also “panned” hydroxychloroquine despite numerous doctors going public with their successful treatment of hundreds of patients using the well known malaria treatment (that has few adverse side effects); only to find themselves quickly silenced and in some cases barred from practice. Of course, we now know that the BILL GATES run WHO was discrediting all possible remedies, IN ORDER TO PUSH POPULATIONS TOWARDS GATE’S VACCINES; at that time we were told were 18 MONTHS AWAY]

“He fought against the 2009 Swine Flu situation and is an honorable and honest man we should all listen to:” Wolfgang Wodarg, “PLANET LOCKDOWN” Full interview -1, INSIDE

The World Health Organisation was not only pooh-poohing the expensive and ineffective products of BIG PHAMA. Innovative natural remedies from developing nations also came in for character assassination; non more notable than Madagascar’s “COVID-19 Organics.” Reuters reported on 8 May 2020:
“ANTANANARIVO (Reuters) – Madagascar is putting its self-proclaimed, plant-based “cure” for COVID-19 on sale and several countries in Africa have already put in orders for purchase, despite warnings from the World Health Organisation that its efficacy is unproven.

Last month President Andry Rajoelina launched the remedy at a news conference, drinking from a sleekly-branded bottle filled with an amber liquid which he said had already cured two people.
The tonic, based on the plant Artemisia annua which has anti-malarial properties, has not undergone any internationally recognised scientific testing. While Rajoelina extolled its virtues, the WHO cautioned it needs to be tested for efficacy and side effects.
Madagascar has been giving away thousands of bottles of “COVID-19 Organics”, developed by the state-run Malagasy Institute of Applied Research.”

NINE MONTHS ON, AND NO ONE SEEMS TO BE TALKING ABOUT “CURES” ANYMORE (the media has done its best to bury the success stories and “bad-press” small island nations, who despite everything are managing to largely keep the coronavirus and its mutations at bay with fewer than 300 deaths in Madagascar, and a 97.3% recovery rate – if one can believe any figures?).
EVERYONE IS BEING POINTED TOWARDS A NEEDLE with one or other experimental mRNA gene therapy in its tube; and being *asked to hold out their arm and “take a jab for the team!” *(If not serenaded by DOLLY PARTON no less)

Why should perfectly healthy people be vaccinated when they have a low risk of catching the chimera that is no more deadly or contagious than seasonal flu (and possibly is just seasonal flu); which even if contracted will produce mild symptoms (if any at all) in over 80% of people; cause serious illness in less than 1% of people; and death in about 0.03% of cases who fall ill? (Remember, the vast majority of people do not become ill even if the dodgy PCR test, which is not a test, confirms they have contracted Covid-19!)
Add up the costly PPE, constant testing, track and trace; and now a whole raft of never-ending “vaccinations,” so that we can “live with the virus” humans have been living with for thousands of years!
SADLY, some will never wake up, because they have already died, alone and neglected, in the deliberate euthanasia programme being carried out in hospitals and nursing homes. Many have died from other caused because of the deliberate denial of treatment by the NHS. And still more have died AS a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF TAKING a COVID-19 VACCINE!

I received a phone call from my medical practice this morning. Funny, because if one has a medical problem and tries to contact a doctor; one is likely to be “sent round the houses” several times before ever being invited for a face to face, or should that be mask to mask consultation? (Such was the experience of my neighbour last November, before he was found dead in his flat on 4 February). BUT, a nice lady on the end of the line was inviting me to visit the practice this Saturday 6 March to be vaccinated.
I very politely declined, saying: “I’M NOT AT ALL INTERESTED IN BEING VACCINATED, THANK YOU!” After getting over her initial shock, she quickly thanked me and said, “I’ll update your records so you won’t be asked again.” (What’s the betting that sometime down the line, I WILL BE ASKED AGAIN?)
As it happened, the phone call from Portland Medical Practice came bang in the middle of my exercise session; lasted 37 seconds, and was all over by 11:45AM.

To me, there is a measure of poetic symmetry in that I should be invited to receive an experimental “vaccine” I know would probably make me sicker than a dog (because I’m allergic to penicillin) during my “Covid-19 Cure” session – BECAUSE, the way to protect oneself from all manner of diseases is to LIVE RIGHT, EAT RIGHT and KEEP FIT!
“The good life” is one that is not dependent on drugs, alcohol, medications or invasive medical procedures. I have never taken a flu vaccine (another big pharma rouse); and my only recent memory of having the flu is the time I realised I needed to look after my health better.
So, this is not a philosophy I developed to counter the coronavirus threat; but one I adopted as a teenager and have more or less followed all my life. At age 16 I gave up sugar in my tea (and largely gave up tea drinking too); reasoning that “all this sugar (3 spoons) can’t be doing my teeth any good.” It was at a time when dentist started pulling teeth out with for fun; and were paid handsomely to do so – 3 times as much as for a filling!
But I had to admit that over the years I had lapsed. In 2017 (aged 61), I realised I was not only seriously out of shape; but in a state of terminal decline. And God showed me I needed to take urgent and irrevocable action. The story of what happened over an 18 month period (about the time it takes to develop a ground-breaking, miraculous mRNA “vaccine”) is the subject of my booklet “LET’S TALK ABOUT BMI,” posted on Facebook, which I will link to this page.

TODAY IS “WORLD OBESITY DAY!” (Who knew?) The news has been highlighting the finding that up to 90% of those who succumb to Covid-19 is OBESE; and often has other “co-morbidities” such as diabetes or heart disease:
“Dr Tim Lobstein, who is a senior policy adviser to the World Obesity Federation and visiting professor at the University of Sydney, said: “We now know that an overweight population is the next pandemic waiting to happen.
“Look at countries like Japan and South Korea where they have very low levels of COVID-19 deaths as well as very low levels of adult obesity.
“They have prioritised public health across a range of measures, including population weight, and it has paid off in the pandemic.
The UK has a weight problem – two thirds of adults are either overweight or obese
“Governments have been negligent and ignored the economic value of a healthy population at their peril.
“For the last decade they have failed to tackle obesity, despite setting themselves targets at United Nations meetings.
“COVID-19 is only the latest infection exacerbated by weight issues, but the warning signs were there. We have seen it in the past with Mers, H1N1 and other respiratory diseases.”
Johanna Ralston, chief executive of the World Obesity Federation, said: “The failure to address the root causes of obesity over many decades is clearly responsible for hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.”
The boffins trotting out these pearls of wisdom are doing so to further identify their TARGET GROUP for priority vaccination. They are say it’s in order to protect them, when in reality it is to put them in the firing line along with the elderly, disabled and mentally impaired, the so called “useless eaters,” to be quietly eliminated!
WHAT MY EXPERIENCE TAUGHT ME is that we are our own keepers – or as I like to say “THE SUM OF ALL OUR CHOICES!” If we look after our own health and bodies, then they will serve us well. If we don’t, then we will reap the consequences of our own actions (or inaction). Garbage in, garbage out!

Excerpt from “LET’S TALK ABOUT BMI,” Chapter 2 – By Phil J Gray

“Inside every fat man is a thin man trying to get out!” – (Anthony Horowitz, Scorpia Rising)
HOW I SHED 15KG IN 7 MONTHS: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly…” (John 10:10. NASV)
Jesus says He came to give His followers “full” (NIV) or abundant lives. The question for us is: “ARE WE LIVING ‘LIFE TO THE FULL;’ or is our life an over an INDULGENT ONE?”
This is why the government propaganda about individuals needing to be medicated (vaccinated) in order to protect the community, their neighbours or someone else’s granny DOESN’T RESONATE WITH ME.
I’m not going to be used as a guinea pig in a massive, fraudulent scientific experiment in order (we are told) to protect someone who can’t be bothered to protect themselves. It may sound harsh; but the reality is, I don’t want to drink fluorinated water because some children may eat too many sweets or forget to brush their teeth – their teeth is their look out; fluoride is extremely toxic; and medicating EVERYONE to protect a tiny minority is BONKERS (to use a technical term)!
This is not to say I do not have sympathy for those who may suffer from a congenital illnesses, have been injured in an accident; or for one reason or other fallen into a “trough” and need help and support. I am very much in favour of the strong helping the weak. Anyone of us could find ourselves in either category over time. But the man with two arms cannot better assist the man with one arm by cutting off one of his own arms.

People taking these dangerous gene therapies are not protecting others or themselves; EVEN THE EXPERTS ARE TELLING US THIS BEFORE BEING JABBED. They will render themselves just as vulnerable as those they hope to protect.
I AM NOT AFRAID OF CATCHING COVID-19 or of passing it on (which is very unlikely, and does not happen if one is ASYMPTOMATIC) even if it was as widely spread as it has been made out to be, which it isn’t). Because at the end of the day, I AM LIVING ACCORDING TO HEALTH PRINCIPALS THAT PROTECT ME FROM DISEASE AND INJURY – And “AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH any number of fake vaccines!”

The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Thursday 4 March 2021