The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
29 April 2021
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment edition 20/20, cover page 1; and The VOICE of Prophecy! Restoration edition 2008-19, page 36
The VOICE of Prophecy!is a limited edition magazine aimed at and published for an EXCLUSIVE group of readers: THE RICH, FAMOUS, POWERFUL, POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL LEADERS OF THIS AGE – SATAN’S MINIONS!
(TRUE BELIEVERS, followers of Jesus Christ and the Creator GOD, do NOT need this magazine. Their source of information and insight comes directly from God through His Holy Spirit.)
The VOICE of Prophecy! IS FOR THE EVIL ELITE, and the godless masses whom they deceive and lead in the WORSHIP OF THEIR god – SATAN!
GOD’S IDOL HIT LIST – 2006: Western Leader to whom the “Final Warning Prologue” were sent 70 world leaders, with instructions to “share” the contents with two others (which though unlikely to have been followed through, would have circulated the message among 210 recipients in all). Several of the packs were returned undelivered. Some of the original addressees, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Sir David Frost and Nelson Mandela (who acknowledged receipt of the missive) have since died.
The back (showing the contents of the Final Warning Prologue, inlay card and 2 CDs) and front of the 2006, God’s Holy Day Calendar, Featuring an original cartoon series, THE INNOCENCT.
ALL YOUR PLANS, SATAN’S PLANS, WILL COME TO NOUGHT! You will be consumed by the fierce wrath of CHRIST at HIS IMMINENT RETURN as “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” (Revelation 19: 15-16)
IT MAY BE that by God’s grace He will grant you REPENTANCE; if even now you turn away from your sins. BUT EQUALLY, some vessels are made for “honour” and others for dishonour. If your heart is hardened and impenitent, you may go the way of Pharaoh, King Saul or Judas Iscariot. (2 Timothy 2: 19-20)
SATAN (Lucifer) “fell from heaven,” drawing with him a third part of the angels who became “demons;” and he is “the devil.” (Isaiah 14:12) (Revelation 12:9)(Matthew 25:41)
GOD, through Jesus Christ is offering humankind ETERNAL LIFE. **SATAN’S PLAN is to DESTROY all human life (to prevent man from entering God’s Kingdom). (Matthew 19: 17-18)
AT PRESENT, SATAN IS “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), and all kingdoms and nations on earth are his! CHRIST’S KINGDOM is NOT “of” or on this earth. But Jesus overcame Satan and qualified to become both our SAVIOUR and KING. He will establish God’s kingdom onearth at His return; when He will put down ALL THE KINGDOMS and rulers of Satan. (Revelation 17:14)
THOSE RULING IN THIS AGE are liars, thieves, murderers and cheats. They worship and serve Satan the Devil. (John 8:44)
IF YOU SERVE (and/or worship) SATAN, the Devil; YOU WILL SHARE HIS FATE! (Revelation 20:10)
FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, Satan sought to upset God’s purpose; corrupt mankind physically, morally and spiritually; but God has never abandoned His purpose. So the Devil has not and will not succeed. BUT NOT EVERYONE WILL BE SAVED! (Genesis 3:1-3)
ADAM AND EVE rejected God as their guide, Father and King; opening themselves and their offspring up to the INFLUENCE and ruler-ship of Satan.
LEGEND OF THE FALL: Depictions of the “temptation” of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden in Western Art.
UNDER SATAN’S SWAY the tendency of mankind is only to do evil (Genesis 6: 11-12). Even after starting again, after Noah’s flood; still misguided by Satan, the human family didn’t fair any better. And God stepped in when Nimrod began to build Babylon; confounding their language and scattering peoples around the globe. (Genesis 10: 8-10) (Genesis 11: 1-9)
From among all the families on Earth, GOD CHOSE ABRAM to be the forebear of a kingdom of priests and kings to rule all nations on earth; and made a COVENANT with him, his son and grandson. But because Abraham’s descendants, through Isaac and Jacob’s 12 sons by 4 wives; enticed by SATAN’S religions, BROKE GOD’S COVENANT; they were ultimately dispossessed and cast to the four winds AS SLAVES. (Amos 9: 8-10)
GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE remain dispersed and “captives” to this day; and will only be FREED and restored upon their repentanceWHEN CHRIST RETURNS and brings back their captivity(Amos 9: 13-15). These “Lost Ten Tribes,” and ALSO the Southern Kingdom of Judah (Judah, Benjamin and half-tribe Manasseh), having lost sight of the covenant and God’s laws, NO LONGER KNOW WHO THEY ARE!
SATAN has continually persecuted God’s chosen people and sought to exterminate them, because they are central to GOD’S PLAN.
NOW, because the times of “restitution of all things” is at hand (Acts 3: 19-21); and SATAN KNOWS he has “but a short time”(Revelation 12: 7-12); he is proceeding full tilt on his programme to annihilate humanity; but especially the “CHILDREN OF ISRAEL,” God’s people who were to be numbered like the sand and cover the earth as the waters cover the seas – BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLES. (Genesis 22:17)
It is the prodigiously procreative BLACK PEOPLES who have been specifically targeted in this GENOCIDAL GATES FOUNDATION, GLOBAL “VACCINATION” PLAN!
Bill & Melinda Gates
DEPOPULATION has always been at the heart of GATE’S (and his co-conspirators) “philanthropic” activities in Africa, India and among African-America ethnic groups. THE UN, WHO, IMF, EU and WEF, GLOBALIST AGENDA is about the subjugation, exploitation and eliminations of African, first nation and minorities communities, both at home and abroad.
IF YOU ARE STILL READING THIS,perhaps it’s because you are only NOW waking up to the truth that you have been WORSHIPPING SATAN. You are in OPPOSTION to the LIVING GOD who is about to bring JUDGMENT UPON YOUR HEAD!
THOSE who knowingly and willingly go along with Satan are usually rewarded in this life, but are also often unfulfilled and empty souls. As Jesus said “they have their reward,” but have not “stored up treasure” for God’s kingdom. (Matthew 6:19)
THOSE not comfortable with the thought of being BLOTTED OUT OF HISTORY ANDALL MEMORY (in a “vision” that long predates George Orwell’s 1984, or 1948; becoming an “UN-PERSON” who in “fact” never existed) NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUE CREATOR GOD; and separate themselves from SATAN’S WORLD SYSTEM – “GET OUT!” (Revelation 18: 3-5) (Revelation 21: 5-8) (Revelation 22: 6-7, 10-17)
THOSE who would enter into life, REALLIFE; MUST REPENT! (Luke 10: 25-28)
Letter of acknowledgment from NELSON MANDELA’S office for the 2003, Limited Edition of The VOICE of Prophecy! sent with THIS IS NOT GODS WORLD, CD to many world leaders of the day.
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
17 April 2021
It’s not what family, friends and hirelings say about us that counts: It is what Christ has written in His books…
“And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.”
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
4 April 2021
One year on from the WHO declaration of the FAKE COVID-19 PANDEMIC; and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s FIRST LOCKDOWN; the UK Parliament rolled over yet again, voting 484 to 76 in favour of a further, SIX MONTH extension to the hastily cobbled together (illiberal and draconian) CORONAVIRUS ACT, 25 March 2020.
MPs, charged with representing 650 constituencies in England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland (although the Devolved regions didn’t have a vote), failed the British public by rubber stamping the government’s assault on the UK economy and people with barely a whimper of protest.
Her Majesty’s “Loyal Opposition” did what one has come to expect from the newly neutered Labour Party under Sir Kier Starmer; and threw its weight full square behind the ramshackle, unprincipled scum that comprises the Conservative government; showing its “loyalty” is indeed to the Crown and not to its constituents.
On 25 February Boris announced his “Roadmap” to release restrictions in England.As those who pay any attention to such things are released from their self imposed silos, blink and realise the sun is still shining, rain still falls, and dead bodies are not (and never have been) piling up in morgues; their shaggy haired leader assures them that there is indeed “light at the end of the tunnel;” and ever-so-cautiously we might reintroduce some “normality” while paying due homage to “the science.”
Boris Johnson leaving Downing Street ahead of the House of Commons vote to approve his “road map” out of lockdown and the extension of the Coronavirus Act until September 2021.
(At the same time, successive medical and scientific stooges NOISE OFF in the media; sounding caution and predicting gloom and doom from future waves of CORONAVIRUS VARIANTS, they know are comingthis autumn to claim a shed-load of lives among those who’ve been “JABBED” and had their “innate immunity” turned off by these PRETEND PROPHYLACTIC serums masquerading as vaccines!)
The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, fulminated about the financial fiasco (of the government’s making) in his Budget of 3 March 2021; yet pledged further billions to prop up the British economy he through his policies and profligate spending is doing his level best to destroy!
In his “Autumn Statement,” the UK Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, highlight the record amount of debt the government had racked up courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic. Having indicated that measure would have to be taken (taxes raised, services cut) to PAY OFF this exploding debt; in his 3 MARCH BUDGET, 2021; he proceeded to add fuel to the fire by pledging a further £65bn to extend the FURLOUGH (job retention) SCHEME for 6 months and offering yet more grants and tax breaks to businesses
The sudden extension of the Furlough Schemeto September 2021(in which taxpayers pay 80% of about 12 million salaries for people NOT TO WORK, while their jobs gradually erode) is a clear indication of where this government and our economy is headed. There will be NO RECOVERY – No miraculous “bounce back.” Survivors of the cull will be “graduated” to Universal Credit and indebted to “the state,” will along with their civil liberties eventually lose their property and possessions too.
JOHNSON wants Britons to think that the government’s “cautious approach” is to prevent another LOCKDOWN brought on by a fourth wave. But the truth is when the anticipated WALL OF DEATH hits (as it will because the UK has successfully disabled more than half of its citizens innate immune systems with its “vaccines”),when the seasonal flu season kicks in next winter; HE WILL LOCKDOWN THE UK, AND IT IS LIKELY NEVER TO OPEN UP FOR PLEBIANS TO LIVE LIFE FREELY AGAIN!
Amid all the chatter about summer holidays abroad, “staycations,” vaccine passports and yet more vaccines to tackle new Covid strains; the illusion is given that the populous is inching toward some kind of return to normality, if only we are careful and disciplined. But those who are listening to and following this GUFF are living in a fool’s paradise (more like an idiot’s parallel universe)! ORDINARY CITIZENS ARE NEVER GOING TO BE ALLOWED FREELY TRAVEL ABROAD AGAIN!
Many, having been cooped up in their own homes or neighbourhoods for the past year, will be glad to be able to take a trip into the country or to the seaside. Already, the government and media have their messaging in place; STAYCATIONS (for those who can afford it) will be the order of the day.
In a rare moment of good fortune, the arrival of the first milestone in Boris Johnson’s “road map” to lifting the lockdown on 29 March, 2021 coincided with a “nano-heatwave” on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; and the introduction of “British Summer Time” (BST) which saw millions in the UK stripping off, heading for parks and even to the beaches.
SUMMER OVER; before too long many returning from their masked football matches, rock concerts or folk festivals, still clutching their vaccine passports, will be wheeled into Nightingale Hospitals, makeshift morgues where they will be left to die; because with their innate immune systems shot, there will be no effective treatment on earth to save them – WHICH HAS BEEN THE PLAN ALL ALONG! – “Ipsos Mori” – THEY DIE!
THE PULL OF FOREIGN TRAVEL IS A STRONG MAGNET; and the prospect of returning to pubs, football matches and live music festivals is drawing millions towards the experimental “vaccination” programme that will almost certainly (despite the government and media propaganda) DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD
The mRNA “vaccines” are aBINARY WEAPON(as discussed on this site before).Furthermore, it is possible that for many they might have offered more protection had the two doses been administered 3 WEEKS APART as they were designed to be and as happened in “clinical trials.” DELIBERATELY DELAYING the second dose to 12 weeks or more actually causes the innate immune system to produce a “sub-optimal response,” leaving the host wide open to ANY future variant not SPECIFICALLY “vaccinated” for.
IN OTHER WORDS: new coronaviruses come round every year, that’s what annual flu shots are supposed to but never really combat. But most people with strong, innate immune systems can fight off the flu virus WITHOUT BEING VACCINATED. It is only those (according to the theory) with compromised or weakened immune systems who need vaccines to protect them; and if the jab they receive does not contain the “strain” they are attacked by, they will still become ill.
DEL BIGTREE (an American medical TV presenter of 15 years standing) GIVES A PLATFORM to what he believes is one of the most important interviews recorded; in which GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE, a renowned vaccine expert and head of many international projects at one time or another, SOUNDS THE ALARM about the current Covid-19 vaccination strategy.
DESPITE HIS EMINENCE IN THE FIELD OF VACCINES, establishment figures immediately set about to discredit Bossche’s WARNING MESSAGE: “He’s saying that the current crop of Covid vaccines will cause the novel coronavirus to mutate into a “super-infectious virus.” And therefore he’s calling for an immediate halt of the use of the current vaccines…However, Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses.”HOOMAN NOORCHASM
These mRNA vaccines Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and yes even Donald Trump (while still president) are cheerfully doling out WORLDWIDE, effectively turn off an individuals INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM leaving them totally dependent on mRNA antibodies targeted at a manmade Covid-19 strain that has been supersededby far more dangerous variants(Covid-21 – quite possibly manmade too)!
NOVEMBER 13, 2020: TRUMP gives update on “OPERATION WARP SPEED,” hailing the success of his administration’s “fast tracking” of the Covid-19 vaccination programme
People have been told there is a pandemic. THIS IS A BIG LIE. There was a new bio-weapon, Covid-19, designed and released and targeted at the weak and elderly. The evidence shows it is no more deadly or contagious than seasonal flu; but its most deadly attribute is that it can be manipulated and used to defeat the innate immune system. This would be extremely unlikely to occur by accident: IT IS HAPPENING BY DESIGN and that is why this “new technology” is being rolled out with unprecedented speed at an unprecedented scale.
The bigger lie is that the global vaccination programme is being rolled out to protect mankind and return our lives to “normal.” “No one is safe until everyone is safe.” THE TRUTH is the vaccination programme is designed to kill at least 90% of the population; and far from protecting people is destroying individual and collective innate immunity. Have a look at the “Georgia Guide Stones” if you really want to know where Ted Turner and other billionaire philanthropists are taking us.
THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. BUT NOTE, a guiding principle is that the human population should be kept UNDER 500,000,000, (5 hundred million). Those responsible for erecting this monument are now embarked on a mission to bring the earth into “PERPETUAL BALANCE WITH NATURE.”
THEY WANT YOU DEAD! They also figure, if you’re stupid enough to go along with this – YOU DESERVE TO DIE! There is no place for “useless eaters” like you in their brave new world.
The EVIL ELITE are murdering everyone above 30 (outside their inner circle). They are capturing our children. They want to turn them into TRANSHUMAN SLAVES! The masks, social distancing, obsessive hand washing and pointless testing have nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with brainwashing and social control. IF YOU DO THESE THINGS, you are giving up your independence and humanity!
None of this is speculation or a “conspiracy theory;” it is borne out by the facts which are available if you look for them. I’ve said from the very beginning (1 April 2020),mainstream media is full of propaganda, half truths and downright LIES. The BBC in particular is promulgating truck loads of bullshit – I wrote to their directors and boards of governors to warn them that they are being judged NOW!
PAINFUL TO WATCH: “Sir” LENNY HENRY” took to the airways last week, along with a host of other signatories to a letter addressed at black people living in Britain. In an impassioned but disingenuous appeal, he exhorts those of AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN decent to take the Covid-19 vaccine: “We’re asking you to trust the facts about the vaccine from our own professors, doctors, scientists involved in the vaccine’s development, GPs, not just in the UK but across the world, including the Caribbean and Africa.” Henry is asking people to put their trust in “sinful men;” I ADVISE YOU TO PUT YOUR FAITH IN GOD.
A recurring article in The VOICE of Prophecy! magazine is “THIS IS NOT GOD’S WORLD.” In this 20/20 Edition, you can see just how far away from God’s ideal our world is. It’s not as if the Covid-19 scam is the first an only evil ever to confront humanity.
The history of mankind is littered with despicable human conduct. We have been poorly educated, misinformed and misled into believing that EVIL is good and good is evil. THIS IS THE WORLD OF SATAN THE DEVIL – the whole system is rotten!
It is JESUS CHRIST who is coming to establish the NEW WORLD ORDER – THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
We are called out of this world (or age) and commanded not to be part of it! If we ignore Jesus’ commands, and participate in this world system; if we receive “the mark of the beast,” we will suffer the same punishments it does for the sins we are committing. (Revelation 13:4)
Jesus famously said: “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”
He goes on to say: “For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works.”
(Matthew 16:25-27, NKJV)
Clearly, our reward will be commensurate with our actions. I have quoted Revelation 22: 10-11 before; but Jesus follows by saying: “Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
(Revelation 22: 12-13, Berean Study Bible)
SO OUR REWARD (or punishment) is dependent on OUR CONDUCT. Our conduct is measured against God’s laws, and Christ’s life and example which he told us to follow. As we celebrate this Passover season, we are reminded that Jesus’ life was one of service and sacrifice. He did not come to amass wealth and power for Himself (indeed He had all that in His pre-existence). He came to save the weak and the poor, and sacrificed his life for us. This is in direct contrast to the EVIL ELITE, who are now in the process of “ending poverty” by eradicating the poor!
The focus of this, Satan’s world, is almost completely material. However much we may yearn for spiritual fulfilment, it is the MATERIAL WORLD that dominates and dictates our lives in this age. Jesus came to show us another way. And while He didn’t “abolish the law of Moses,” it was a better way than that of the Old covenant, it was a New covenant; not based on physical rituals but centred in spiritual development – the law of Moses which is external was to become internal.
This is NOT something we can do on our own by human willpower. In fact it is impossible for a human to achieve this. This is where the life and example of the apostle Paul (Saul) is so instructive. Of all the apostles, he was most antipathetic to Jesus. Yet he was struck down on the road to Damascus (on his way to have followers of Jesus imprisoned and even put to death) and GRANTED REPENTANCE. The bible and Paul himself have much to say about repentance and our need for it. But it isn’t something we can do ourselves. Like GRACE, we have to be given it. But we can certainly pray for it!
THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF) headed by its founder, Klaus Schwab, is leading the charge to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” on the back of the Coronavirus pandemic; to enact THE GREAT RESET and “Build Back Better,” at the expense of the masses to benefit a few: “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.”
A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.
THIS ARTICLE has been about how humanity has been deceived by Satan’s minions who control the world’s governments, media, and religions, economic and industrial systems. And how in the lingo of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, “The Great Reset,” “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” and “Build Back Better” are ushering in THE NEW WORLD ORDER. But it is God and Jesus Christ who will have the last word:
“Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”
So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
He said to Him, “Which ones?”
Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”
The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?”
Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”
So Jesus said to them, “Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.
(Matthew 19: 16-30, NKJV)
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21