The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
26 May 2021
(My sincere apologies to all those visually impaired)
SAMSARA is a 2011 American non-narrative documentary film of international imagery directed by RON FRICKE and produced by MARK MAGIDSON, who also collaborated on BARAKA (1992), a film of a similar vein, and CHRONOS (1985).
I first encountered this global safari of seeing on the eve of the UK second LOCKDOWN, as it aired on PBS, 5 January 2021. Since that day (night really), it has been my intention to write a review to promote the circulation and appreciation for this epic film.
But for an evocative stream of often esoteric sounds that periodically morph into rhythmic beats, actual audio or silence; SAMSARA might be considered a SILENT MOVIE.
THERE IS NO NARATOR.Not a word is addressed to the viewer. The pictures, sometimes moving sometimes static, tell their own story; with the occasional subhead to convey where, in the 25 countries in which the 70mm film was shot, the camera is located.
And yet, WITHOUT A WORD, the epic festival of light and colours SPEAK! Softly, imperceptibly, surely and definitely – and still AMBIGUOUSLY!
SAMSARA IS A CONCEPT MOVIE – A STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS that does its best to girdle the globe; presenting to us a dizzying breadth of imagery, from the most exceptional and remote to the ordinary and mundane; in most instances shown from both unique and unusual angles. THE SPECTATOR is introduced to sights rarely if ever seen, barely conceivable; and other scenes one might have preferred not to have witnessed.
AN ALBUM OF STILL AND MOVING IMAGES of many kinds of men, women and children; their relationships, surroundings, creativity, productive activities, appetites and wastes; SAMSARA IS A WINDOW on the human condition and mans questionable relationship with “Mother Earth!”
IT IS A FILM I WISH THAT I HAD MADE; if only to have travelled so far and wide, and observed so much and so deeply; for inevitably, what the movie makers saw is far more than can be presented in 105 minutes of film.
BECAUSE its language is VISUAL, it transcends the varied CULTURES it studiously endeavours to represent, open-mindedly, with unfiltered lenses. And yet, it must be the case that THE VIEWER; wherever on earth he or she is from, going to, or now residing; WILL TAKE FOR HIMSELF (or herself) WHAT SAMSARA IS SAYING OR MIGHT MEAN.
FINAL CREDITS roll for almost the last 10 minutes of the movie. Listing the locations, personnel, producers and other institutions involved in creating this visual masterpiece.
To me SAMSARA is confirmation of the SPECTACULAR BEAUTY OF BOTH MAN AND NATURE; and our capacity to both create from and destroy that beauty for selfish, short-term pleasure or gain.
SAMSARA SHOWS A WORLD apparently separated from the creator of “heaven and earth;” and under the sway of elemental forces that have built A WORLD OF GOOD AND EVIL.
Phil Gray, The VOICE of Prophecy!
WATCH SAMSARA HERE FOR ONCE, I would like to leave the comments section “active,” to allow visitors to give their reactions and views to Samara the movie; BUT I WON’T, to protect your data (as far as I can on this site). HOWEVER, should you feel compelled to share your opinions, and have access to Facebook (whose prying T&Cs you have presumably accepted, along with me), then I have set up a companion page there, on which you can leave respectful comments in the usual way. pg
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
17 May 2021
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to act in its defense. (George P. Shultz)
WITHIN DAYS of announcing a further relaxation of “THE RULES” of the Covid-19 “ROADMAP” in England; the Prime Minister was back at the lectern with his Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, to signal their intention to “put the kibosh” on the planned return to full freedom on 21 June. “THE INDIAN VARIANT” is apparently so contagious (if not deadly) that it is generating an alarming rise in cases; so much so that the government has ordered local lockdowns (notably in BOLTON), and is encouraging increased vaccination, not only among adults but in CHILDREN!
“Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!”(John 8:43-45, Berean Study Bible)
THE HOME SECRETARY, PRITI PATEL, was also on the list of recipients of the PETITION LAST YEAR; and received NOTICE of my intention to hold her personally accountable for any Misconduct in Public Office (MIPO) committed by her. Since 15 October 2020, Ms Patel has put her name to and made pronouncement on a number of measures that have RESTRICTED CIVIL LIBERTIES and adversely impacted the opportunity to earn a living – SHE AND OTHER MINISTERS HAVE CREATED A “PRISON ISLAND!”
“Their tongues are deadly arrows; they speak deception. With his mouth a man speaks peace to his neighbor, but in his heart he sets a trap for him. Should I not punish them for these things? declares the LORD. Should I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?”…” (Jeremiah 9: 8-9, Berean Study Bible)
THE WHOLE OF THE BRITISH ESTABLISHMENT, NOT LEAST THE GOVERNMENT, is pitted against the general population in a GENOCIDAL CAMPAIGN of euthanasia and MASS DEPOPULATION! Just because it is NOT sudden or overtly VIOLENT doesn’t make it ANY LESS DEADLY!
PEOPLE HAVE BEEN “BAMBOOZALED” and psychologically manipulated into passively going along with their OWN ELIMINATION! Those who have raised their VOICES (and there are many), have been CENSURED, SANCTIONED, SIDELINED OR SILENCED (some permanently!). THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, but sadly the majority of people are not only NOT LISTENING; THEY DON’T WANT TO HEAR!
THEY, along with their criminal, “scientific,” government “advisors” have ISSUED A STREAM OF PUBLIC DECREES they would like you to believe are “LAWS;” but most of which is just ADVICE (and BAD advice at that). Such EDICTS, even if “rubber stamped” by a feckless and supine parliament; only have “the force of law” IF YOU CONSENT.
THE MISANTHROPIC MEDIA (bought, paid and directed by the EVIL ELITE) HAS HERDED THE MASSES INTO “MENTAL PENS,” with a Tsunami of FALSE REPORTING, and un-investigated journalism! THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE, LIKE SHEEP, ARE NOT THINKING FOR THEMSELVES, or questioning what they are being told.
MANY MILLIONS IN AFRICA, ASIA AND THE FAR EAST HAVE ALREADY DIED and ARE DYING. But their horrific treatment and lack of support goes UNREPORTED in the WESTERN WORLD which has almost UNIVERSALLY CUT AID to the exploited, developing nations; and isstoking up trouble and regional conflict to COMPOUND THEIR PROBLEMS.
But when WHITE PEOPLE in the developing nations begin to drop “like flies” with their BLACK neighbours, the “SHEEPLE” will begin to take notice. But they will draw the WRONG CONCLUSION; because they don’t have the facts to come to a right conclusion.
Misled by the government and media; THEY WILL BLAME THEIR NEIGHBOURS who are not sick because the REFUSE THE POISONOUS VACCINES and contaminating TESTS; believing quite erroneously that such a thing as an ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIER actually exists!
THE POOR, SICK AND DYING “SHEEPLE” will be turned against the healthy people who refuse to be brow beaten, bullied and coerced into accepting “medication” which is neither efficacious nor NECESSARY! Unlike the ignorant masses, WE DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES!
It must be approaching nine months since I gave up any hope of AWAKENING THE DOZY MASSES; but in their defence, the EVIL ELITE have spared no cost and employed every agency at their disposal to try to deceive us! If we do understand the PLANDEMIC, it is not so much due to superior intelligence as it is to God’s grace and even luck.
STILL, even now, many hundreds and thousands are coming to the realisation that the “nagging suspicion” in the back of their mind, that gut feeling occasionally felt was not ill-founded; and that they have in fact BEEN DUPED:
DECEIVED into thinking that a “novel coronavirus” no more deadly or contagious than seasonal flu poses an existential threat to them or a loved one
MISLED by false statistics into believing that CASES are rampant through faulty tests; that there is NO CURE; so self isolation, social distancing and obsessive hand-washing is our only protection
DENIED access to effective treatments (like Hydroxychloroquine) and forced into harmful medical procedures that diminished the patient’s life chances
COERCED under the pretext of public health into abandoning their jobs, education, social and family life by the closure of public services and mandating of work and study at home
DEPRIVING the population dependent on the NHS timely and essential treatment while PRETENDING the health service is overwhelmed; pushing the sick and elderly out of hospitals to be abandoned in care homes
CYNICALLY separating the elderly from their caring families, children from their peers, and other adults from their friends and society to deliberately damage individual mental health
CLOSING DOWN THE ECONOMY to destroy the financial independence of the middle classes, limit the life chances of current and future generations, and impose a NEW WORLD ORDER
DUPED into accepting experimental prophylactics (dubbed as vaccines) which were banned for use on humans over 12 years ago; PRETENDING that a biological agent supposedly developed in 9 months will prevent illness WHEN THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE
RESTRICTING FREEDOMS to travel, to gather, of speech, to justice; by perverting the police services, sabotaging the transport network, closing places of worship and social gathering and MANDATING TESTING, AND OR V@CCINATION IN ORDER TO TRAVEL
MORE THAN A YEAR ON, many who once believed governments were acting in their best interest ARE NOW WAKING UP!
BUT, if not already one of the early, elderly casualties who make up the estimated 45,000 “excess deaths” in the UK; having had perhaps one or two jabs, and who knows how many PCR tests, MANY already face a slow and incurable decline.
SOME OF US HAVE BEEN SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS “DON’T TAKE THE VACCINE!” We knew it was coming, and we knew what it is really for. But we are branded “ANTI VAXXERS.”
I heard the despicable BLONDE BLOB bandying the appellation like an invective almost 10 months ago; before the “miracle cure” that doesn’t stop you getting Covid-19, won’t stop you spreading it and will require you to continue wearing masks, social distancing, testing regularly and have subsequent “booster” shots.
Tell people they’re being injected with poison; their reaction is: “IS THAT SO? Next week I get my second jab; when are you getting YOURS?”
Eventually, as you know, the government will blame those who have not been vaccinated for the continuing non-existent spread of the Covid-19 virus; THE REASON FOR THE NHS BEING OVERWHELMED (as it doubtless will be this winter). WE will be blamed for causing the escalating hospital waiting list, now reported to be over 5 million. The TRUE FACTS (that vaccinated people will be filling hospital beds) WON’T MATTER – the healthy will be blamed for the problems of the sick, who will turned against “ANTI VAXXERS.”
Andrew Lloyd Webber was on the news this afternoon likening those who don’t get vaccinated to DRINK DRIVERS!
PERVERSELY, it’s those who are doing the right thing who WILL be persecuted!
BUT WE HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT; because the person who is trying to kill us is going to look into his governments handling of the killing spree, AFTER WE’RE ALL DEAD! When no doubt “LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED,” so the same “mistakes” can inevitably be REPEATED!
Boris Johnson announces a public inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, in the House of Commons. Photograph: UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor/PA
“TOO SOON OLD, TO LATE SMART!” (Gordon Livingston, 2004)
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
5 May 2021
“If and when the government or media need or want YOUR OPINION: they will TELL you what it is!”
WE’VE BEEN HEARING A LOT ABOUT ELECTIONS THIS PAST FEW MONTHS; and lately Lincs FM has been running ads reassuring the public that not only will polling stations be COVID-SAFE, but there will be more of them!
PHIL GRAY: Independent Candidate for the Parliamentary seat of Lincoln, outside the polling station in the Bud Robinson Community Centre on Newark Road, 8 June 2017. Photo by Alaric Gray
WELL, even if there were a thousand voting venues, one for every half dozen voters in our, Park ward (impracticable I know); you will not see me darkening the door of any polling station, not because of any fear of the “pandemic,” but precisely the opposite!
THE THEORY IS, we are being asked to cast our vote (give our consent and support) to an individual; almost always aligned with one political party or another, TO REPRESENT US. But in practice what usually happens is once elected these “representatives,” with their strong allegiance to political parties, begin to see themselves as DELEGATES, deciding on our behalf, often with little consultation, what policies and laws to pursue and implement.
LAST YEAR IN MARCH, following a few poorly substantiated DOWNING STREET press statements; presenting so called scientific experts whom nobody had previously heard of; who deferred to a “health” organisation (WHO) with NO STATUTORY REMIT, and relied on statistical MODELS based entirely on conjecture by privately funded “think tanks” with strong ties to pharmaceutical industries: A SMALL CABAL IN NO. 10 (not even the cabinet, government or parliament) MANDATED A SYSTEM OF SOCIAL CONTROL cheerfully rolled out by LOCAL AUTHORITIES, without any discussion or consultation; the effect of which has been to DESTROY BUSINESSES, JOBS, EDUCATION, RELATIONSHIPS AND LIVES!They did not “SAVE the NHS;” they SHUT IT DOWN!
YET, if and when one attempts to contact central or local government officials, or ministers to CHALLENGE and or get them to ACCOUNT for their policies and actions; ONE IS MET WITH SILENCE and completely STONEWALLED!
SO, in the case of COVID-19, and the so called “health emergency,” we have witnessed local politicians “roll over” with no questioning, consultation or resistance at all to the unwarranted, disproportionate and DRACONIAN restrictions DRIVEN by a deranged, demagogic and unaccountable government in Westminster!
IF local representatives do not have the wherewithal or gumption to stand up for the interests of their local constituents; THEY ARE NOT WORTHY OF OUR SUPPORT! And to engage in a “democratic process” which is little more than a SHAM, is to lend this corrupt system our tacit approval.
We need hardly to be reminded that since BORIS JOHNSON (perhaps the least qualified individual ever to occupy the premiership) came into office in July 2019, the United Kingdom has gone to wrack and ruin. His “oven-ready BREXIT deal” has been an unmitigated disaster; with dire economic consequences on the fishing industries and exports which have yet to fully unfold. And already it is having a serious impact on Northern Ireland, putting strain on the Union itself.
With the advent of the “Plandemic,” we have seen the most shambolic, nepotistic, cronyism in full public view; which has gone unchallenged by a supine BBC and all other major media platforms who have covered the airwaves a torrent of bilge and propaganda. What the British People are endangered by is NOT a “deadly virus” but an EVIL AND UNSCRUPULOUS POLITICAL CLASS IN EVERY CORNER OF THE ISLAND!
BEFORE 1997 I would scarcely have commented publicly on political issues either local or national; belonging as I had ever since reaching the age of majority to a religion that eschewed politics as something spawned by the devil (as has been so proved).
BUT, having lived through THATCHERISM, the Poll Tax riots, Maastricht MAJOR and his “bastards” in the cabinet: I FOUND MYSELF AGREEING THAT IT WAS “TIME FOR A CHANGE!”
(What I didn’t appreciate fully then and know now is that all that ever really changes is the personalities and perhaps the parties; THE SYSTEM STAYS THE SAME)
At the tender age of 40, I joined Blair’s “NEW LABOUR” party, and began to canvas for the parliamentary candidate for Lincoln, GILLAN MERRON. I knew little or nothing about the inner workings of “politics” or the Labour Party; but I was impressed by quality and rhetoric of the youthful candidate, who swept into power on Thursday 1 May as one of 100 “Blair’s Babes,” and his whopping 177 seat majority.
LIKE THE WHOLE COUNTRY (it seemed), I was engulfed by the euphoria of the size of the “Labour Landslide” victory, described in the election night TV coverage by the psephologist, Professor Anthony King, as being akin to “an asteroid hitting the planet and destroying practically all life on Earth,”
BLAIR, with his “spin doctors,” Alastair Campbell (who famously said, Blair “doesn’t do god,” despite his catholic leanings) and Peter Mandelson ushered in a new era of “COOL BRITANIA,” that curried favour with popular and celebrity culture; had appropriated the 1994 hit song “Things Can Only Get Better” by D-ream as New Labour’s 1997 election theme tune; while at the same time planning a ruthless political overhaul of the British economy that would further disenfranchise the working classes.
PHIL GRAY with ESTELLE BURNS, at the Labour Party victory party in Grafton House, Lincoln, on 3 May 1997 (Below is a rough demo recording of The LABOUR VICTORY SONG, written by Phil Gray). This song was reprised during Phil’s 2017 election campaign under the title “CONSERVATIVE RULES.“
At a post election victory party a couple of days after the result, I performed my own Lincoln Labour Campaign song, in Grafton House, the Labour HQ in the city.
BUT THE TRIUMPHALISM was to be short-lived (at least on my part); as my political education was to mount a steep learning curve. In early 1998, barely 9 months into his “presidency,” Blair gave every sign of being the WARMONGER he turned out to be, when he committed British forces to “Operation Desert Fox,” to advance the West’s strategic plan to topple Sadam Hussein(whom they set up, and had grown too big for his boots), and destroy Iraq to lay claim to its oil and generally destabilise the Middle East.
I didn’t join the Labour Party to support the ferment of foreign wars to rain misery on millions of innocent foreign peoples. I voted forGillian Merron, and New Labour, to address the mounting domestic issues in the UK; and to improve the lot of the struggling masses of Britons. When Blair’s direction of travel became all too obvious, I withdrew my support from his government and never renewed my party membership. I was a Labour member for one year only!
It would be churlish to deny that three successive terms of New Labourgovernment did not see some improvements in the lot of the working classes. But any gains came at a price; and in hindsight (and even at the time) it can be seen that Blair’s “centrist” party became almost indistinguishable from Thatcherism and continued to butcher the “society” of mutual benefits in favour of moneyed, capitalist, international corporations; Public Private Partnerships being just one example.
Prior to my membership of the Labour Party in 1997, I had never voted, period!
I had become aware but not engaged in politics through “the troubles” (in Northern Ireland) that played out nightly on our black and white, then colour television screens through the 60’s and 70’s. Although I’d travelled with my family to RAF postings in Gibraltar, Aden, Germany and in the UK; my world view at age 16 and 17 was pretty sketchy.
I would not in those days have automatically made the connections between the ACTIONS of the Western, first world, powers, and the PROBLEMS of the third world, developing nations. But with my involvement in the Worldwide Church of God from 1975 onward, I became far more politically aware while remaining completely politically inactive.
The VOICE of Prophecy! New Millennium Edition, 2004/2008, “The NATURE of PROPHECY,” pages 6&7 – This article looks at the first (1991) Gulf War in the light of Bible prophecy, in which the Western “Coalition of the willing” attacked Sadam Hussein’s IRAQ,
By the time of the first “GULF WAR” was brewing in 1990, and my relationship with the church was strained and almost broken; my own world view was beginning to take shape in the light of Bible Prophecy. I can see now that I was “seeing through a glass darkly;” nevertheless, the obvious injustices compelled me to speak out; and not always in the most appropriate forums. But it wouldn’t have occurred to me to join an action group or stand for political office (‘though I did join Friends of The Earth).
So what on earth changed in the two decades between 1997 and 2017?
What caused me to take the huge leap from being a bystander carping from the sidelines to STANDING FOR THE PARLIAMENTARY SEAT OF LINCOLN; held for 3 terms by Ms Merron, until she was defeated by Karl McCartney? I’m Not Sure I Understand Why Myself!
GILLIAN MERRON (newly elected MP for Lincoln) at the LABOUR VICTORY PARTY, Grafton House, Lincoln, 3 May 1997, photo by Phil Gray
I HAD WARNED GILLIAN, in a personal letter, sent on the eve of her departure for the role call of the newly elected parliament in London, NOT TO LET WESTMINSTER CORRUPT HER. Nevertheless, able as she is, she rapidly made her way up the greasy pole (whipping the vote for the 2003 Iraq War on her way); and, despite losing her seat in 2010, this year (2021) ascended to the House of Lords asBaroness Merron!
(Margaret Thatcher served 3 TERMS as Conservative Prime Minister, from 1979 to 1990; and after being ousted in the November leadership election was elevated to the House of Lordsin 1992 asBaroness Thatcher of Kesteven. When Ms Merron lost her seat, she had been the junior minister of state for public health for less than a year. What “massive” contribution to British society has Gillian made that warrants her elevation to the hugely expensive and anachronistic Upper Chamber? Is it her service to the elites as Chief Executivethe Board of Deputies of British Jews?)
GILLIAN MERRON: former Minister of State for Public Health in 2009-2010. Now, to The Right Honourable The BARONESS MERRON, 2021
THERE ARE VOLUMES that I’m leaving out;but cutting a long story short, I continued my association with the Labour Party, not as a member but through my friendship with another member, Chris Burke, with whom I’d become socially active in The Prial & Westwick Tenants Association in 1995, and who in 1998, as office manager for the MEP for East Midlands, Veronica Hardstaff, arranged a trip to the European Parliament in Strasburg.
ABOVE, left to right: European office of the MEP, VERONICA HARDSTAFF, on the High Street, Lincoln; Cllr. CHRIS BURKE, former East Midlands European Office Manager (at the Labour Victory Party, 3 May 1997); View of the European Parliament building, across the Canal de la Marne in Strasburg, 1998; East Midlands EU constituents visiting the Strasburg Parliament in 1998 (MEP Veronica Hardstaff is in front row, 2nd from right; Phil Gray, back row, left of centre)
When Ms Harstaff was shamelessly dropped from the Labour list of candidates for the 1999 EU elections (effectively being replaced by a Blairite); Chris lost is Job as office manager, and had to find other employment. He also stood for the City council. Despite my disillusionment with politics, I did believed my friend would be good ward councillor and voted for him when I moved into his area.
However, it’s one thing to put a check in a box once every 2 to 4 years in a local election; and another thing another to put ones name forward as an independent candidate for parliament!
IN 2015, after the re-election of a Conservative government (and obliteration of Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats, who had been coalition partners); egged on by the increasing factionalism within the Tory party, parliament and the nation; the British Isles approaching an impasse. In fact it felt like it had reached its nadir over the increasingly fractious debateaboutUK membership of the European Union(not a debate that I and most of the country was actually engaged in) but mainly a Tory party squabble.
You may recall that a REFERENDUM was foolishly called by the embattled Prime Minister of the day, Dopey Dave? THE GOVERNMENT, with all its resources and unfair advantage, were both expected and predicted to win (albeit by a narrowing margin); even going into the polling booths on 23 June 2016. But, to the astonishment of CAMERON and OSBORNE, the EU, and British electorate; and to the bewildered delight of the LEAVE campaign, IT LOST!
SO HIGH were the stakes in the decision we were taking; and, given I was committed supporter of remaining in the EU (for all its faults of which there are many); I FELT I HAD TO VOTE (and I’m pleased I did, because even if the outcome of the poll had been rigged, as well it might; at least I had made my position clear)!
Members of NIGEL FARAGE’S “BREXIT PARTY”(pictured centre)MEPs including former Conservative government minister Anne Widdecombe and Claire Fox (1st & 2nd right of Farage), celebrating their historic Referendum win in June 2016.
SO I AND 16.4 MILLION OTHERS VOTED REMAIN, AND LOST!That’s democracy for you. It’s doesn’t promise you the wisest choice; it is supposed to deliver the POPULAR choice. And then everyone is supposed to accept it. But as even a child could see; this was never a question that could be settled by a “simple majority!”
AND OF COURSE THE ESTABLISHMENT who expected “REMAIN” to be the OUTCOME; and like the leave campaigners themselves had no plan in preparation FOR LEAVE. A state of apoplexy ensued. And there followed about 3 YEARS of internecine warfare; with neither side really willing to yield ground.
MEANTIME, the Europeans watched from the continent open-mouthed, patiently waiting for British politicians to get a grip; and constantly reminding us that “THE CLOCK (which we set in motion) IS TICKING!”
DAVID CAMERON resigning in front of No 10 Downing Street after losing the EU referendum to the Leave Campaign in June 2016 (having previously said he would stay in post to carry out the will of the people)
Perhaps a lot of the turmoil might have been avoided had Cameron and Osborne not both “jumped ship,” leaving both the conservative party and country rudderless (one might ague, it already was without direction)?
INTO THE POWER VACUUM stepped the dynamic duo – BORIS JOHNSON and MICHAEL GOVE; arch deceivers and architects of the leave campaign. NEITHER had the faintest idea how to take control and steer the great ship of state into calmer waters. Before long, instead of working together so “LEAVERS” could gain control of the Tory party; they turned on each other, allowing the prize to fall into the lap of the least OBJECTIONABLE “REMAINER!” Home Secretary, Theresa May.
FEW DID MORE THAN BORIS JOHNSON TO DESTABILISE THE CAMERON GOVERNMENT and advance the cause of the LEAVE CAMPAIGN. But betrayed by his original backer for the Conservative leadership, MICHAEL GOVE, Johnson fell at the first hurdle while Gove made his own bid for the top job. In the end, both he and Andrea Leadsom, another Leave Campaigner, were outflanked by the Home Secretary and REMAIN voter, THERESA MAY; who entered No 10 as Prime Minister on 13 July 2016
At this point, July 2016, I HAD RESOLVED TO ACCEPT that our government would negotiate in good faith with our European partners, to hammer out the best “DEAL” to secure a positive economic, cultural and military relationship, to benefit both them and us for our future prosperity and posterity. I need hardly remind you that this isn’t what we witnessed.
TUESDAY 18 APRIL 2017: there I was, minding my own business – preparing for a relaxing day, having busked on Easter Monday. In the middle of the morning the BBC was carrying a live statement to the British public from “strong and stable,” Prime ministers THERESA MAY (as she had become by fiat), announcing a“SNAP” general election for 8 June!
WATCH: Prime Minister, Theresa May, calling a SNAP general election, Tuesday morning 18 April 2017
There had been a General election in 2015; and the referendum in 2016; Local Elections were less than a month away; these were now to be followed by another GENERAL ELECTION! – Why? Political opportunism! All the polls were showing a massive majority for Mrs May’s conservatives against Jeremy Corbyn’s left leaning Labour Party (perhaps approaching Blair’s victory against Major?); and despite having said she would not call an election – SHE DID!
Almost immediately, and I don’t really know why, but my GUT REACTION was that “I’m going to stand in this election!” I didn’t have the experience, the money or a hope in hell of winning; but nevertheless, I felt I should make a stand to articulate my utter dismay not to say CONTEMPT for the politicians and their manipulation of situation for their own advantage; AT A TIME WHEN THE NATIONAL INTERESTS SHOULD BE PUT FIRST!
Theresa May’s political bombshell exploded immediately after the Easter weekend. My reaction was immediate; and I began to plan how I, with no resources or experience could enter the general election process.
WITH ONLY 8 WEEKS between the calling of the election and POLLING DAY; the first hurdle was to get 10 NOMINEES from within the Lincoln constituency, raise the £500 deposit and submit my papers before the 11 MAY DEADLINE! Having achieved this, working almost entirely alone, the task was to publicise my candidacy and reach out to the voting public. Fortunately, my notoriety as a street entertainer, MUSIC MAN, afforded me some media interest; and as a result I received a number of media opportunities.
AN IMPORTANT AVENUE for spreading my message was the HUSTINGS hosted by several institutions; all three of which (a fourth was cancelled) I took part in. In addition to posting regular updates on Twitter, Facebook and my YouTube channels, which were sometimes censored in some groups on the grounds of being “political;” perhaps the most important vehicle to connect with the electorate was MY MANIFESTO. This was a mammoth task to produce, have approved, get printed and deliver to the POST OFFICE distribution centre BEFORE ELECTION DAY; and I nearly didn’t make it. As it was, only half of my 56,000 “Election Publications” (which cost me £,2000 to produce) were printed in time to be delivered; leaving 28,000 to find a home for after the hoopla was all over! (I could not have got those leaflets to the post in time without the help and support of family and friends)
AS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE, I didn’t have the well-oiled machinery or bank of supporters fielded by the Conservative, Labour or Liberal candidates; and was able to do VERY LITTLE canvasing myself. Had there been a few more weeks or months normally available in the run up to a general election; I feel sure I could have achieved a greater impact. Many people were unaware that I was even a candidate, let alone of who I was.
TOP: Photos from a promotional event held in the Arboretum on Sunday 21 May. ABOVE: An early promotional leaflet design printed on my PC with limited print run. As it turned out, while a proof copy of my manifesto was posted on my Facebook page 31 May, it was not distributed until a couple of days before the election!
As we all know, Mrs May lives to regret her decision (which to be fair wasn’t hers alone). She proved to be as WOODEN on the stump as Pinocchio, but with none of his charm. JEREMY CORBYN by contrast came alive on the campaign trail; and while Labour didn’t technically win the 2017 election, it felt like Theresa May LOST IT; ending up with fewer seats than she started with.
I had thought I could “send a message” to Westminster; or if elected (a slim chance I knew) possibly take it there! To let the powers that be know that the PARTISAN system of government is well past its sell by date; and in no way in the national interest.The 2017 election PROVED THAT POINT – as following the election, the infighting in both parties intensified to the detriment of both foreign and domestic governance.
Galvanised into action by what I saw at the time of the malfeasance of our elected officials; I began (in May 2017) to develop an online campaign, in the hope of supporting my bid to secure the parliamentary seat for Lincoln as an Independent candidate.
I need not recount all the twist and turns within parliament and the Conservative party; the “BREXIT” bills, votes of no confidence and “meaningful votes,” that brought Boris Johnson and Michael Gove back into the leadership frame; but they were not alone.
The indecorous bun-fight among a bakers dozen of conservative hopefuls wishing to get their grubby little paws on the helm; in which we witnessed a shabby coterie of self-seeking career politicians stab each other in the front and back. THE RESULT BEING that leadership of the nation fell not into the lap of the best candidate for the prestigious office (there really wasn’t a good candidate); but the person felt by Tories most likely to win the next general election.
WHEN, at last the disruptor and treacherous former London Mayor, Boris Johnson was shoe-horned into Downing Street; he wasted no time in angling for yet another general election (despite the FIXED TERMED PARLIAMENT rules); while neglecting if not actively rubbishing negotiations with the EU over “BREXIT;”and proroguing parliament to stifle debate!
BUT, they finally got their way; and much to his party’s dismay, Jeremy Corbyn acquiesced to yet another challenge to face the electorate in December 2019!
It’s true that I cast myself as the “novelty,” or “joke” candidate; in the tradition of “Screaming Lord Such,” and “Lord Bucket-head.” STANDING on a platform of “END PARTY POLITICS;” and “LOVE, JOY & PEACE!” But behind the flamboyant, jocular exterior was a deadly serious message. I took great pains in writing MY MANEFESTO (with some difficulty), and was able to publish and distribute 28,000 leaflets, half of my election publications. Whereas the extremely tight time pressure (LESS THAN 8 WEEKS between the calling and polling day of the election!) meant that my fellow independent candidate, IAN SCOTT-BURDON had printed his leaflets, but did not have time to distribute them!
Despite my dismal showing in Theresa May’s general election of 2017; having attracted only 312 votes and lost my £500 deposit, I was genuinely asked by some if I would be standing again. Had the election come a year earlier (as some of us expected it could) I might have been tempted. But with 26,000 leaflets from my last campaign still in my flat and garage; and having witnessed the blatant chicanery of the political machine, I COULD SEE NO BENEFIT THAT I COULD ACHIEVE, EVEN IF I WON! I had already made my point to those prepared to listen.
AFTER MUCH MANEOVERING AND CHICANERY, BORIS JOHNSON SUCCEEDED IN FORCING THE EARLY GENERAL ELECTION HE ALWAYS WANTED, IN DECEMBER 2019. Here is my explanation at the time for “Why would not stand in Boris’s Brexit Election”(Featuring my nominee and election agent, the late ALARIC GRAY)
Since, indeed on the heels of Boris Johnson’s overwhelming election victory in December 2019; the country has been engulfed by an even greater danger than “BREXIT!” You might be thinking that it’s a global pandemic? BUT IT ISN’T. It’s political corruption of the highest order;and the complete breakdown of representative and accountable government. To understand what I mean, you need only look at what I have written on my Facebook page since the adoption (it was not voted on by a full parliament) of the EVIL INTENTIONED “CORONAVIRUS ACT, 25 MARCH 2020”
Much of what I’ve written, and the individuals and agencies I’ve written to appears in this website. To take a leaf out of Boris Johnson’s political playbook: sometimes it’s better to be on the OUTSIDE chucking missiles into the organs of state, than on the INSIDE trying to wrestle with centuries of entrenched corruption.
I have put several “markers in the sand” where the British Establishment is concerned. I not only sent a PETITION to the Boris Johnson, the Queen and other first ministers of Devolved Parliaments, calling for the “abolition” of the Coronavirus Act in June 2020; in October 2020 I wrote directly to many notable figures, giving them NOTICE of my intention to hold them PERSONALLY LIABLE for Misconduct in Public Office (MIPO) for any injury or detriment suffered by me and/or other named members of my family.
Among the recipients of my MIPO letter is my current Conservative Lincoln MP, Karl McCartney; whom I stood against as an independent candidate in the 2017 general election.
Following a pointed email exchange regarding my letter to him; I have noticed that he has been among the few conservative MPs (and even fewer Labour “opposition” MPs) to vote TWICE, in April and again in September, AGAINTS the extension of “lockdowns” and other restriction (which are so damaging to individuals and the economy; and are quite unnecessary). I cannot say that Mr McCartney voted as he has because of my letter. I can say the way he has voted is representative of myviews and that of many others.
HOWEVER, Mr Johnson still wealds a significant majority in parliament. And with Kier Starmer’s gutless Labour Party in “Lock Step” with the government, the views of millions of constituents regularly meeting and marching peacefully through the capital, and other major and smaller cities ARE BEING IGNORED! We are not ignorant of their devilish designs.
SO, given that the political machine is BROKEN, and the process CORRUPTED; I will not be voting in any further elections unless and until there is REAL ROOT AND BRANCH REFORM. I will not give in the semblance or veneer of LEGITMACY!
PROOF that MPs, parliament, political parties and even police services ARE NOT PUBLIC organisations, but PRIVATE BUSINESSES!
Queen Elizabeth 2 & Prince Philip at the state opening of parliament, 9 May 2012
The parliamentary system of “representative government” and electoral system is pure subterfuge and a gigantic charade
It has been constructed and perpetuated to give the ILLUSION of power “resting with the people,” when in fact power is and always has been maintained at “the centre;” a centre OUTSIDE of and superseding political control
Members of Parliament (MPs), local councillors, central and local government officials; both Houses of Parliament are ALL LACKIES in a “Spiders Web” that exist only to support and perpetuate an EVIL ELITE who sit “above politics” and control every aspect of life in Britain for citizens and subjects alike
YOUR MP is not elected to SERVE YOU, but to SERVE THEM!
If they do it well, they will be “honoured” with a seat in “the other place,” irrespective of whether or not they have served the “public good”
THAT IS WHY THE HOUSE OF LORDS, an unaccountable chamber of government cronies, is swelling to bursting point and will never be abolished in our lifetimes (which governments around the world are doing their best to ensure will be as SHORT as possible)
THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT “the great and the good;” they are wicked and evil minions of a “DEMONOCRACY” that has held the world in its grip for hundreds of years – THEY ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH (something to be scraped of your shoes), and will be ashes under the feet of the righteous.
This is The VOICE of Prophecy!
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21