The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
5 June 2021
Matt 2:16-18
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”
New International Version
1pm, 4 June 2021, MATT HANCOCK TWEET:
“Following a robust review of the evidence, the MHRA has concluded the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine meets its high standards, authorising use for those aged 12-15. The government has asked the JCVI to advise whether routine vaccination should be offered to those aged 12-17.”

SINCE the declaration of a “global pandemic” by the World Health Authority (WHO) on 11 March 2020; the UK downgraded the SARS-n-CoV2 from a HCID (High Consequence Infectious disease) on 19 March 2020.
IN FACT, over the period of the “pandemic,” FEWER not more people have succumb to (DIED from) infectious diseases, including seasonal flu, than comparable periods in recent years.
AT NO POINT in the UK have we seen bodies piling up in the streets; and the hyperbolic media frenzy notwithstanding, neither has the NHS come close to being overwhelmed. In fact, GP and hospital services have been DELIBERATELY CUT BACK to force a spike in deaths among the elderly and infirm; which is the true cause of “excess deaths,” NOT COVID!
Even so deaths in 2021, though 0.17% higher than 2020, are comparable to levels in 2003 (during the SARS outbreak); when no one was suggesting shutting down schools and the entire economy to “SAVE LIVES (that would inevitably be lost in the near term anyway)!”

THE COVID-19 coronavirus is a chimera genetically engineered in a lab in Wuhan (China), FUNDED and originally developed in US research facilities until outlawed by the regulatory bodies there. There is no evidence that it is any more deadly or contagious than seasonal flu; and it can be successfully combated through a healthy lifestyle and with a range of inexpensive treatments including HYDROXCHLOROQUINE, high doses of vitamin C and zinc.
THE ELDERLY and clinically vulnerable (with suppressed immune systems) are more susceptible to contracting covid-19, just as they would be with the flu. The treatments being prescribed for alleged covid-19 victims (if treatment is offered and not totally withdraw as in the case of thousands of elderly patients discharged from NHS hospitals into care homes) is OTT and designed to do more harm than good; such as placing “victims” on VENTILATORS.
THE PCR TEST IS NOT A TEST. It is not capable of showing if a patient is carrying a live Covid-19 infection. Estimates vary, but the “method” produces up to 96% FALSE POSITIVES. All testing, track and tracing systems based on these “TESTS” are meaningless and flawed; AND are in themselves a health hazard due to nanotechnology being introduced into the pineal gland on test swabs.
NO ROUTINE AUTOPSIES have been permitted to establish the actual causes of death which in very many cases are KNOWN NOT to be attributable to covid-19. Both cases and deaths attributed to Covid-19 have been hugely inflated.
THE “PANDEMIC” IS A GOVERNMENT AND MEDICAL INDUSTRY HOAX that has been game-planned many times over.
MEDICAL EXPERTS and epidemiologist confirm that masks are USELESS against coronaviruses and HARMFUL to human health. SOCIAL DISTANCING is psychologically and physically damaging; as is SELF ISOLATION.
All the fuss over PPE and the NHS is a deliberate distraction and part of the PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR being waged against the general public.

Though, like the seasonally flu, Covid-19 can deadly for the elderly and other at risk groups (with co-morbidities), the REAL THREAT to the general population is from the EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPIES masquerading as “vaccines.” These mRNA and viral vector prophylactic serums have been licensed by the FDA in the US and the MHRA in the UK for emergency use only – THEY ARE NOT FULLY APPROVED.
Those receiving “THE JAB” are “guinea pigs” in a global experiment which those running this experiment KNOW WILL LEAD TO MILLIONS OF DEATHS!
Pfizer/BioNTech, approved by the MHRA as “meeting its high standards” has by its OWN RECKONING caused 396 deaths to date with over 183,000 Adverse Drug Reactions. Anecdotal evidence indicates that THESE FIGURES are just a fraction of the real number of ADRs which include up to 4,000 deaths and many more serious side effects.
For those with their EYES OPEN, everything above is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Those who continue to trust their political leaders, elected officials, mainstream media, and in many cases their own medical practitioners ARE IGNORANT of what is really going on.
NOW, the so-called Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, MATT HANCOCK; sponsor of the CORONAVIRUS ACT, MARCH 2020, and arch henchman of the MINISTRY of DEATH; wants to inject CHILDREN in the UK with these KILLER, GENE EDITING, STERILISING SERUMS!

The Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA experimental concoction HAS NOT BEEN TRIALED in children or pregnant women (though governments are now recommending it for both); hell, it hasn’t been properly trialed in the adult population: the current mass vaccination programme IS A GLOBAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT!
REINER FULLMECH, a German Lawyer currently bringing a NURENBERG style legal case against governments and institutions involved in what he has labeled “genocide,” highlights the fact that ANIMAL TRIALS of similar mRNA serums were conducted in 2005 and 2012, with the result that ALL THE ANIMALS (ferrets and cats) DIED! Because of this, the FDA did not approve its use in Phase 2, human trials. Yet here we are, 9 YEARS LATER, and the FDA has approved the “emergency use” of this deadly serum, GLOBALLY!
HOWEVER, in the carefully constructed culling programme; beginning with the ELDERLY and clinically vulnerable; moving down the age categories to 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s and under; the murdering, Mengele, medical maniacs are finally TARGETING the 18s and under.
BUT, I SUSPECT THE SERUMS THAT CHILDREN WILL RECEIVE MAY BE DIFFERENT (different strokes for different folks); because there is a method in these EVIL eugenicists madness. THEY DO NOT WANT TO KILL OUR CHILDREN (at least not the healthy ones), but merely render them STERILE and suggestible to the 5G CONTROL SYSTEM busily being assembled by STARLINK, high above the stratosphere.
ELON MUSK (founder and CEO of **Spacex and *Neuralink) is a key player in building the infrastructure like the “STARLINK,” 5G NETWORK, necessary to CONTROL the generation of TRANSHUMANS now in the process of being “CREATED!”
*(Neuralink Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others, developing implantable brain–machine interfaces (BMIs). The company’s headquarters are in San Francisco; it was started in 2016 and was first publicly reported in March 2017)
**(Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by SpaceX to provide satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers. SpaceX also plans to sell some of the satellites for military, scientific, or exploratory purposes)
* ** – Source, Wikipedia
Whereas the plan is to KILL OFF the majority of OLDER ADULTS; they want to GENETICALLY MODIFY our children into TRANSHUMAN SLAVES. They don’t really know if it will work – but many will die in their attempts to achieve their EVIL ENDS! Experts in the field of vaccine technologies like Dr Sherri Tenpenny have been SOUNDING THE ALARM; but they have been consistently marginalised and SILENCED!

The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
5 June 2021