The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
26 June 2021
G7’s – CYNICAL SUMMIT – June 2021

EARLIER THIS MONTH, beginning with a meeting of their FINANCE MINSTERS (9 June 2021), THE G7 LEADERS were talking to themselves and their evil acolytes; CROWNED by the visit of the white, wicked witch of the West who joined a jamboree at the EDEN PROJECT in CORNWALL.


When the summit’s host, BORIS JOHNSON, talked about “not repeating the mistakes made over the past 18 months;” what he really meant is the errors that had led to more PUSHBACK and RESISTANCE to the “GLOBAL RESET” and depopulating, VACCINATION PROGRAMME which is not proceeding quite as well as the EVIL ELITE would like.
This is just one example of the CONSTANT STREAM OF “DOUBLESPEAK” that proliferate media content from both politicians and news presenters – PAID LIARS, ONE AND ALL!

THE FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT made by “SLEEPY JOE” BIDEN, masquerading as a US PRESIDENT, signalled the intention of the world’s wealthiest nations to spread 1 BILLION DOSES of their poisonous gene altering serums to the already economically struggling developing countries whose subjugation and exploitation has bolstered the exponential growth of the G7 nations and others, for the past 200 years and more.

THE SECOND, key objective of the G7, EU and invited partner nations is to address the GLOBAL WARMING “crisis.”
It did not require CLIMATE CHANGE PROTESTERS to point out the obvious HYPOCRACY of a dozen or more jumped up bureaucrats JETTING INTO CORNWALL with their entourages and security apparatchiks; at a time when the vast majority of their citizens are BANNED FROM FLYING and in most cases even crossing neighbouring borders!
UK Prime minister, BORIS JOHNSON made a point of FLYING from London to Cornwall, when presumably an “environmentally friendlier” way to travel be by RAIL or CAR (perhaps even a Boris Bicycle)? The French president, EMANUEL MACRON (pictured above) and German Chancellor, ANGELA MERKEL, along with other EU leaders flew in from the continent to regal receptions; when presumably all could have traveled by EUROSTAR? Heads of state from further afield, JUSTIN TRUDEAU of Canada, JOE BIDEN from America, and “invited guest” SCOTT MORRISON of Australia, perhaps had no alternative to flying; but it BEGS THE QUESTION: “For a gathering allegedly dedicated to dealing with the “CLIMATE EMERGENCY,” in the middle of a “GLOBAL PANDEMIC,” would it not have been better to hold a VIRTUAL SUMMIT?”
In her landmark national address to the UK NATION on 5 APRIL 2020 (which no doubt had a global audience) THE QUEEN famously quoted the wartime ballad “WE’LL MEET AGAIN.” And there they were – NOT IN WASHINGTON, LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, ROME, TOKYO or even OTTOWA; but in CORNWALL!
MARA-ZION, 11.6.21
WHY CORNWALL OF ALL PLACES – “APART FROM BEING AN AREA OF OUSTANDING BEAUTY?” It may have to do with the “spiritual” significance of the location in “MARAZION?”

THERE IS SOME IRONY that at a time when this same EVIL CABAL is in the process of decimating the earth’s populations, it should choose to hold their first major congress with the White Witch at THE EDEN PROJECT.
THE WORLD “BLEEDERS” would like you to believe that their summit, meeting face to face for the first time since they started their “Plandemic,” was an important and valuable event that will benefit the world.
THE G7 SUMMIT IS A MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE, UNECESSARY PRIVATE JOLLY FOR THE GLOBAL ELITE to celebrate their progress, and plan the NEXT PHASE of their assault on citizens in countries in every corner of the world.
DESPITE THE DISENGENUOUS BICKERING OVER “BREXIT,” in an ostentatious show of unity, the Western Powers are once again pointing the finger at CHINA and RUSSIA to be the bogey men of the world. But THE TRUTH is they are working hand in glove with BEJING and MOSCOW to reduce liberties and freedoms in THE WEST; to bring them into line with these COMMUNIST autocracies.
ONLY THE SLEEPING will not be aware that the so-called “freedom-loving” pillars of western democracy have rapidly become AUTOCRATIC STATES!

And as for the OTHER INVITED NATIONS to the G7 jamboree; INDIA, AUSTRALIA, S. AFRICA, S. KOREA, and delegates of the EU (27) Ursula Von de Lyon and Charles Michel; if anything most are far worse when it comes to liberal democracy since the announcement of the pandemic in March last year.
Then we come to the G7 “political protests.”
POLITICAL PROTESTS have been a part of pretty much every high level international summit (wherever in the world they take place) for as long as I can remember; and have grown if not ballooned over the past two decades.

Days before arriving in Carbis Bay to hobnob with his chums; EMMANUEL MACRON, the French President, was unceremoniously slapped in the face by a “protester” during a walkabout in S. E. France. THERE WAS NO DANGER OF THIS IS CORNWALL.
Besides the overwhelming show of police force (with Devon & Cornwall Police bolstered by 5000 officers from other areas of the UK), a common feature of all these political spectacles; the MILITARY and secret services (I’m sure of many nations) were also deployed; with President BIDEN alone accompanied by 400 US security team.

LOCALS COMPLAINED about streets being closed, restricting their ability to go about their lives as normal. PROTESTERS, who were very much in evidence in and around the AREA OF ST IVES, but may as well have been on another planet for all the PROXIMITY THEY COULD ACHIEVE to our lofty leaders.
BUT THEIR EXCLUSION MATTERED LITTLE; as it was clear from the careful choreography, slogans and “quality” of a diverse range of theatrical exhibits; that most if not ALL OF THE PROTESTS HAD BEEN PROFESSIONALLY STAGED (and probably funded indirectly by governments through NGO and/or their lobbyists)!
THE PROTESTERS, IN MOST CASES (from Oxfam to Extinction Rebellion), WERE URGING THE G7 LEADERS TO PURSUE EVEN MORE EXTREME AND DAMAGING POLICIES, particularly in relation to the CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX and VACCINE ROLL-OUTS. Calls which if heeded will have an even greater crippling effect on the world’s economies; and especially in the developing nations. THEY WERE IN EFFECT “CHEERLEADERS” FOR THE DEEP STATE!
The final communiqué said it all. That is it said pretty much NOTHING NEW; certainly nothing that could not have been arrived at by G7 LEADERS in a ZOOM call from their respective capitals!

The COMBUSTION ENGINE WILL BE OUTLAWED; and replaced by fewer, more expensive and no more “environmentally friendly” ELECTRIC CARS. Ordinary people’s movements and liberty to TRAVEL WILL BE RESTRICTED. Many jobs will be eliminated, or mechanised, along with the people who do them! Those who survive will live in a “CELL” (apartment block), in a SMART CITY; probably “transhumanised,” and, in the words of WEF founder,
KLAUS SCHWAB: “You will own nothing and be happy.”
The real aim of the G7 SUMMIT (apart from to give the politicians the opportunity for a giant knees-up), was to impress upon the world’s subject peoples the ELITIST APPETITE for EXCESS, POWER and their complete disconnection from ordinary PLEBS. THIS THEY SUCCEEDED IN DOING IN SPADES!
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
26 June 2021