The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
10 July 2021

From the moment we can sit up we a plonked in front of a TV screen; these days before he can sit up a baby may be handed a smart screen; and our psychological conditioning begins! As even ancient philosophers like Cicero and Juvenal observed; keep people fed and entertained and you can control them.


THERE’S A LOT OF EXCITEMENT AROUND THE ENGLAND FOOTBALL TEAM who have made it to the EURO 2020 final on Sunday. I’ve heard it oft quoted that “…It’s coming home; football coming home…” And I wouldn’t be surprised if it does. If I was a BETTING MAN (and I’m not), I’d be tempted to put money on an ENGLAND win over ITALY.
WHY? BECAUSE ENGLAND ARE THE BETTER TEAM? I don’t think so; although I don’t profess to know. But what I do think is FANS (short for fanatics) ought to be QUESTIONING WHAT THEY’RE SEEING. What we have learned these past 15 months (those who have been seeking THE TRUTH), is that NOTHING in this world is what it seems – We appear to be living in a global episode of THE TRUMAN SHOW.

WITH (alleged) MOUNTING DELTA VARIANT CASES, the “powers that be” have chosen a strange moment to allow the “BREAD AND CIRCUS” events of EURO 2020 and WIMBLEDON to go ahead in front of CAPACITY CROWDS; while signalling the coming ROLLING LOCKDOWNS by insisting the OLYMPICS is played before EMPTY STADIUMS! Isn’t the mass psychological manipulation OBVIOUS?

In the inevitable hubbub of press coverage that followed. The Canadian Born Raducanu, of Romanian and Chinese parentage, was quizzed on what caused the noticeable BREATHING PROBLEMS that led her to retire from the match. A competent media performer, she batted away the veteran Wimbledon BBC broadcaster, SUE BARKER’S questions with some aplomb. But the interview ended with a curious Question, given that the A’ level student had not previously been noted for either her football knowledge or support of the England team. Nevertheless, on the eve of England’s Semi-final against Denmark; she hesitantly predicted a 2-1 win to the home team at Wembley.
THIS COULD HAVE BEEN A LUCKY GUESS, But I suspect that there are spectators looking down on us, AND WE’RE THE ONES WHO ARE BEING PLAYED!
A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began: “Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.” The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles.

MOST MEN AND WOMEN LIVING IN THE INDUSTRIALISED WEST ARE IN PERSUIT OF ESCAPISM. MILLIONS DREAM every week of winning “life changing” amounts in a lottery or other gambling forum.
“LIFE CHANGING,” because given enough financial recourses (say, millions of pounds); most people would stop the life they are presently leading and use their newfound wealth to live differently – more opulently; what many would consider to be “THE GOOD LIFE.”
So, if given the cash most people would DITCH their present life, what does that tell us about the lives that the majority of us are leading today; in an age where we are continually told we are living longer, are healthier and wealthier (on average) than ever before?

The relatively “CHARMED LIVES” that most of us now lead in the west today, are lives that the majority of us wish to ESCAPE FROM! Which is why the annual holiday which for many includes travel abroad is seen as essential even among the “proletariats” of today.
We live in societies and cultures ridden with escapism of every kind. From our MASS ENTERTAINMENT industries designed to dull the harsh edges of “REAL LIFE” with music, literature, movies and sports in which we can live out FANTASY LIVES vicariously, in the room of our minds; to the virtual realities of computer games, avatars, online distractions of every kind, including a super abundance of pornography and gambling sites.
IF THE UBIQUITY of these SOFT OPTIONS provided by the system for us to escape the actual prisons we are trapped in don’t cut it; then alcohol and hard drugs may be the “SOMA” of choice in our “Brave New World” – Despite the phoney wars waged against them, they remain easily accessible gateways to oblivion.
FROM THE MOMENT WE ARE BORN, we are measured, registered, “inoculated,” medicated, categorised, educated/indoctrinated, legitimated/subjugated, streamed/regimented and VEGETATED in the tiny “PLOT” the system has determines we should exist in. Much of this is achieved through psychological manipulation: OUR EXPECTIONS ARE SHAPED from parturition to the time of our orchestrated demise; indeed, for most of us they are predetermined through our parents and grandparents.

THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF REALITY IS BEYOND THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE “MANUFACTURED MAN” OF TODAY! To grasp reality one needs the capacity to UNDO ONESELF – something most of us are ill equipped to do!
FOR CENTURIES NOW, men and women have been PRECONDITIONED for a future which now awaits them. Having physically and psychologically “engineered,” and spiritually neutered; the PUPPET MASTERS of our sandbox or “Matrix” experiences are ready to produce their ultimate creation – a merger between man and machine – TRANSHUMANS!

Unlike testy humans, these will be under total control of their slave masters, through the AI grid now being constructed in space for that express purpose. THIS SOUNDS LIKE SCIENCE FICTION. But this is actual FACT.
It is our fruitless lives, shaped by game shows, talent contests, sports events and TV soaps that are a fiction. WE ARE HAPLESS PAWNS in a continuous, global episode of the TRUMAN SHOW; incapable of telling when we are sleeping and dreaming, or awake and daydreaming.
UNTIL NOW, our handlers have needed to keep us endlessly DISTRACTED; so we could never work out what they are doing that they shouldn’t be; OR, what we ourselves are not doing that we should be.
BUT SOON, the evil elite will be able to drop all pretence; because by INNOCULATING HUMANITY with nanotechnology (which is what the Covid-19 vaccine is), they will be able to BYPASS our innate free will – they will not need PSYCHOLOGICAL TRICKS; they will have direct control of human thought and minds!

WE HEAR OF REAL WORLD EVENTS, such as the assassination of JOVENEL MOISE, former President of HAITI, one of the poorest and exploited people on earth; and we don’t see the connection or relevance to our own lives.
Yet, we can watch a sporting event, pitting people we don’t really know against people we know even less, and somehow feel that our futures happiness depends on it! WE WILL BE FAR MORE UPSET about the loss of our team or sporting hero in a ultimately meaningless contest, than the murder of a president on an island we’d like to forget about; despite the fact that our own governments may well be implicated in Jovenel Moise’s death.

(In 2019, I wrote to Jovenel Moise, along with a dozen or more Caribbean leaders, to warn him about the dangers of relying on his security services or human agencies. I specifically pointed out that the Black Peoples are the true descendants of Israel, and Esau’s descendants, Edomites, have usurped the birthright and blessings given to Jacob, because his descendants broke God’s covenant – It is Edom, the white minorities on planet earth, who now “possess their enemies’ gates;” who are the head and not the tail. And, just as in Africa, it is white western European nations who will rule [or misrule] over black and brown people. I ALSO TOLD THE PRESIDENT – CHRIST IS ON HIS WAY; and when he comes, He will depose all human leaders.)
THIS SHOULD ALARM US! It should say to us: “There is something WRONG with your priorities.” But it won’t, because we have been conditioned NOT to bat an eyelid when people die and suffer (at least not for too long), especially if they are far away and dark skinned. We will flip the channel to a sporting event, engaging movie, or put on our headphones to get the “dopamine hit” our fragile psyche craves.
We can watch any number of movie extras eviscerated before our own eyes in the name of entertainment: but please don’t show me a real, bleeding or dead human being on the news. THE SYSTEM has done everything possible to INSULATE us emotionally from death; the most certain thing about our human existence. Hence, the manipulators are able herd the masses like cattle toward their own demise; because they have no concept of what death looks or smells like.
When all of the hoopla of the Wimbledon Finals and EURO 2020 is over; what will the system controllers throw at the incredulous public to keep them distracted as their neighbours, family and friends drop like flies from the harmful effects of being DOUBLE-JABBED with the mRNA and viral vector gene therapies?


“And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts ever be burdened with dissipation and drunkenness and the cares of life—and that day would come upon you suddenly as a snare. For it will come upon all those sitting upon the face of all the earth. Watch also at every season, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.”
(Luke 21: 34-36, BSB)
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
10 July 2021