The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
16 September 2021
PART ONE of this Sermon delivered to the Basildon Congregation of the Worldwide Church of God on Saturday 3 October, 1987, covers “Satan’s Plan” to destroy mankind following his rebellion against the throne of GOD; for which he and his followers were cast out of heaven and now exercise rulership over the earth.

A SPIRITUAL “PRIZE FIGHT,” initiated by Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12), has been raging between the angels of God, Satan and his fallen angels, Adam and Eve and their descendants whom Satan has deceived. Jesus, the “second Adam,” was God’s substitute who would make possible His plan of redemption.
Whereas ADAM FAILED to overcome Satan’s temptation; he with his wife was expelled from the Garden of Eden and barred from taking the fruit of the tree of life; JESUS CHRIST (the prophesied “seed”) OVERCAME SATAN’S TEMPTATIONS and qualified to rule over the earth, AND paid the death penalty for SINFUL MANKIND.
THE DAY OF ATONEMENT – PART TWO: covers the Old Testament Ritual Sacrifices in LEVITICUS 16 commanded by God to be performed annually by the Ancient Israelites. The Apostle Paul explains in epistles to the Romans and Hebrews that these customs though commanded were only a symbol of the TRUE SACRIFICE made by Jesus Christ, who overcame Satan to become the “CAPTAIN OF OUR SALVATION.”

In the second part of The Day of Atonement, Phil J Gray goes through the ceremonial duties of the HIGH PRIEST outlined in Leviticus 16; and links the meaning of the sacrificial customs of this Annual Holy Day to their fulfillment in the SACRIFICE OF CHRIST who paid the penalty of SIN for all mankind.

Don’t you find it annoying when people come up to you in the street and ask: “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?”? I know I do; and I believe I have!
(I think perhaps evangelisers should begin by asking IF people are interested in discussing the meaning and purpose of life. If they are, then perhaps they are ready for a theological discussion?)
If you haven’t yet answered this question for YOURSELF, I believe the theological background to understanding the question are covered quite comprehensively in THE DAY OF ATONEMENT – PART ONE & PART TWO.
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
16 September 2021