The Final Warning Jubilee Edition of:
The VOICE of Prophecy! June 20/22
6 September 2022
On Monday 8th November 2021, I hired a van and visited my brother, Rick, in Manchester with my friend Paul. Rick wasn’t feeling well that day; but we, along with my brother Sam, his son and daughter (expecting her first child) with her partner, shared a lovely meal which he had prepared. Within the week, Rick was in hospital with COVID-19; and the rest of us (with the exception of Paul) were showing symptoms of the disease to one degree or another.
Life After Covid-19
I recount this experience because it has been almost a year since my last update of this website; and that is a direct result of my illness last year.
On Thursday 18 November 2021, I was busking on the High Bridge in Lincoln. The City was preparing for the Christmas Lights turn-on. The BBC Radio outside broadcast team were much in evidence; along with many street vendors selling Christmas paraphernalia. There was too much noise coming through the tannoys to make busking worthwhile. With my guitar on my back, I turned on my heal to go to my bike, and felt a muscle pull in my lower left leg. The injury didn’t feel bad then; but it would eventually make it difficult to walk even short distances.
By the weekend, it seemed that not only all of my family who shared lunch with my brother in Manchester were suffering with Covid-19; but I too had been smitten. I was exhibiting many of the symptoms of the infection, and became as ill as I can ever remember being in my life. I could hardly eat or drink; breathing and walking became difficult; and I had a chronic case of diarrhea. I did not begin to recover until just before Christmas; and even then, very slowly. Because of the effects of covid on my breathing, I believed my busking days were over.
Thanks to the love, prayers and support of my brothers and other family who live nearby; I received the advice, help and care I needed to make a steady recovery. And, having lost a stone in weight; still struggling to walk, eat and breath; I began to turn my attention (to start with in short spurts) to COMPLETING THIS Final Warning Edition of The VOICE of Prophecy! begun in April 2020. (I’m glad to report that all my family affected by Covid-19 has recovered)

Having neglected the magazine for months; emerging from the worst physical health condition I can remember; I determined to complete what I had started 18 months earlier, with the advantage of experiences, knowledge and information I did not have before. Slowly, over a 5 month period, I completed the remaining 20 pages. Some of the titles of the planned articles changed along with their contents. And FOUR EXTRA PAGES were added in the final phase.
With each edition of The VOICE of Prophecy! magazine, I usually include a cover letter. In the case of this Final Warning Jubilee Edition, it took about a month to complete this letter. The letter “evolved,” as I considered carefully what my FINAL WORDS in the 30 YEAR mission put God’s message into the hands of the “high and mighty.” It is in effect a recap of the series of magazines from 1992 to date; and it is the most direct message of all my letters over the past 30 years.

BELOW: Copies of the FIRST BATCH of the Jubilee Edition of The VOICE of Prophecy! magazine and The BIBLE CODE CD, collated, addressed and mailed to 20 recipients (inc. Queen Elizabeth 2) in middle of July 2022. To date, about 100 magazines have been sent by Royal Mail to world “leaders” in America, Britain, Europe, Africa, The Caribbean, South America, Australasia, China and The Far East

CLICK HERE to view the POSTAL RECORD of The VOICE of Prophecy! magazine
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Warning Jubilee Edition, “Holy Hit List” (already numbering over 100) will eventually extend to as many as 300 notable individuals, leaders in their field. Given the current turmoil being stirred up in the world by the Globalist Elite; it may be that I will not be able to mail a physical copy of the magazine to everyone on this exclusive list. HOWEVER, the edited, revised and completed, 52 page Jubilee Edition will soon be posted to this website for ALL (including the elites) TO SEE!
IN JUNE 2006 I mailed 70 Holy-day Calendars with 2 CDs, intended to be passed between certain leading lights within the same fraternity. As is to be expected, several of the packages were returned unopened; and I dare say others may not have reached all of the intended recipients; which is why I set up TVOP website in 2008 (no longer active), so that contents of the Calendar and following edition of the magazine was accessible, not only to “the movers and shakers” on the planet, but to the whole world.

BELOW: a few example photos of The VOICE of Prophecy! Holy Day Calendar packed and mailed to leading figures around the world in late 2006; later posted to TVOP website in 2008

The VOICE of Prophecy! Jubilee Edition, June 20/22
6 September 2022