The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Warning, Jubilee Edition: 20/22
They are not just trying:
Feast of Unleavened Bread, April 2023
Who are THEY?
Could they be the Devil in human form? Has Lucifer divided himself and become incarnate in a global elite?
In a way, yes!
The fallen one is the complete antithesis of God’s anointed: Jesus Christ – ישוע. המשיח. Jesus (Yeshua) spoke of the ruling elites of His day in this way:
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44, NKJV)
The priests and rulers among the Jews in Jesus’ day claimed to be the descendants of Abraham; and physically (genealogically) many were. But the Son of the God, the promised “seed of Abraham,” revealed them to be the children of the devil! It was Satan who ruled their hearts and minds – THEY were descendants of a long line of rebellious generations misled by Satan into serving and worshiping him!
Instead of God’s spirit; it is the spirit of Satan that lives in and directs them!
The apostle Paul explains the true seat and source of powers now ruling on earth:
“Put on the full armour of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:11-12, BSB)
So THEY: rulers, authorities, and powers in this world of darkness; are agents of the spiritual influence exercised on earth by fallen angels, whether they know it or not! It is Lucifer (the Devil; the adversary of God and all of humanity) who wants us dead! And it is his will that is being carried out on Earth by his minions.
The HISTORY of TIME begins, not in Genesis – בראשית, or the Garden of Eden; but before the creation of mankind. It is described in a variety of biblical passages; in a number of books, including Psalms, Job, Ezekiel, Isaiah, the gospel of John and the book of Revelation. Additional narratives can be found in apocryphal (ex-canonical) ancient texts; like 1 Enoch for example.
Most people living in this modern age believe what they have been taught in schools and universities. They have learned and accepted a false narrative promulgated by religious, scientific, technological, mass media, educational, cultural and commercial organisations. THEY BELIEVE what they have been told – But most of the information in books about life on earth and human history are carefully constructed LIES! Satan has seen to that.
Histories going back hundreds and thousands of years have been twisted by the evil elites (under Satan who controls the kingdoms on earth); to keep the masses living largely in ignorance and easier to CONTROL. Even in this age of the internet where, as prophesied by Daniel about 6th Century BC: “many go to and fro and knowledge shall increase” (Daniel 12:4), the majority is grossly ignorant of the truth!
Although God has made THE TRUTH – HIS WORD available to those who seek it in almost every conceivable language all over the world; the Devil, Satan has masterfully “hidden in plain sight”what everyone needs to know in order to obtain GOD’S GIFT of eternal life.
WHY? Because SATAN (the Adversary) is diametrically opposed to GOD’S PLAN of SALVATION – He does not want any human being to obtain forgiveness and live forever as a son of GOD.
This is why the Devil attempted to kill Jesus at birth: to destroy Him before, during and at the close of His three and a half year ministry! Jesus Christ – ישוע המשיח is the gateway into the Kingdom of God for all of humanity!
(Many today believe the myths of modern science and reject GOD’S TRUTH. Even though many bible translations have been adulterated in part; the CORE of God’s message remains intact)
IF GOD’S PLAN is the salvation of humankind; to “[bring] many sons to glory;” (Heb 2:10) and SATAN’S PLAN is to destroy humanity and prevent anyone becoming a son of God; why doesn’t the devil just annihilate all life on earth in the oft mooted nuclear holocaust, and have done with it? After all, he is “the god of this age.” (1 Corinthians 4:4)
I’m not sure that Lucifer can just wipe everyone out; and furthermore, I don’t believe he would even if he could. Satan’s plan is far more subtle than just raining physical death on humanity. It is not enough to destroy our bodies – SATAN WANTS OUR SOULS!
Satan is “the god of this world,” (I Cor. 4:4, KJV); but there is ample evidence in the scriptures to show that he doesn’t have ‘carte blanche.’ Satan rules on earth: but God is ruler of the universe. The devil can still only do on earth what God allows. So, Satan is being restrained; and eventually, after he has served God’s purpose – he will be CHAINED! However, in the meantime, the devil is free to wreak havoc on earth, and cause untold misery.
If you’re one of those “happy, clappy Christians” who understand that salvation is through faith and not by works (lest anyone should glory); then you may not have read Torah – תורה, containing God’s original covenant; let alone the Tanakh (the Old Testament – the Law, the Prophets and the Writings).
While none of the scriptures may be necessary for salvation (it’s what’s written in our heart and mind by God’s spirit that counts), it is “profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 2:16); and the apostle Paul was referring mainly to the Tanakh.
One ‘old chestnut’ often raised by atheists and other non-believers is: “If there IS a loving god; how could he allow so much suffering on earth?” While the answer to this question can easily be found in the בְּרִית חֲדָשָׁה –The New (covenant) Testament; not least in the examples of Christ, the apostles and early followers of Jesus; in the manner of their lives and deaths: to my mind, the clearest and fullest answer to this question is to be found in the book of Job, in the Writings – כתבים (Ketuvim).
I have heard someone say: “The book of Job never answers Job’s question;” which is “Why do the righteous suffer?”
Job is a long book: 42 chapters, two more than Exodus, which it could be argued is a far more important book. It may be true that our Creator never says directly to Job: “This is why you’re suffering;.” However, to the reader, at the end of all the arguments and expositions between Job, his three friends, Elihu (a younger man who shows up later), and then God’s response to their debating; the answer should become clear to most given a little thought.
This book, said to have been written between the 7th and 4th centuries BC, does not really give us much information about the historical period, location or time when these events took place. Some say that this is deliberate; because the burning question is: WHY DOES GOD ALLOW GOOD PEOPLE TO SUFFER? (Most of us have no problem “bad” people suffering; they have it coming to them. In fact, we can be bitterly disappointed when we see bad people prospering!)
If I was to be glib, I would say: GOD CANNOT BE WRONG – man cannot be RIGHT! This is borne out by many scriptures in the old and new testaments.
Isaiah says: “…all our righteousness is like filthy rags;” Paul writes: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God:” (Romans 3:23); and “…just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works:” (Romans 4:6)
To my mind, the answer to the question of why “apparently” good people suffer is in Job 1:6-12. It is the most important element in the story. (Remember: “…we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12):
“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. The LORD said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?” Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for no reason? Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” And the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.” So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.”
(Job 1:6-12)
Many Scriptures in the Bible affirm God’s promise to protect, guide and bless us if we obey Him. And equally, we can read plenty of examples where God promises to curse us for disobedience. THE QUESTION IS: why do we still suffer WHEN WE OBEY HIM (or at least try to)?
The verses above may make God appear to be capricious and inconsistent; but viewed with the perspective of God’s ultimate PURPOSE (which the rest of the book of Job and the bible give us) we should understand as the apostles came to: “We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22). And, speaking of Jesus Paul writes: “…though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8)
God does not tempt us; that is Satan’s role, which he is well fitted for. He is the “accuser of [the] brethren,”* as illustrated in Job’s story; but God uses the evil that the devil brings about in our individual experiences to develop in us His Holy, Righteous character. This is why the story of Job concludes as it does – with Job recognising he is no match for God; repenting and receiving God’s forgiveness; then being blessed above and beyond his previous status!
This is a clear picture of the SALVATION PLAN that God offers to every human being: if we recognise our sins and repent – WE ARE SAVED BY GOD’S GRACE; through the blood sacrifice of ישוע המשיח!
*(Revelation 12:10)
IT IS SATAN WHO is not just trying, but IS ACTUALLY KILLING US; and has been doing so all these many years! DEATH entered the human life-cycle when the devil (in the form of a snake) persuaded Eve and Adam to disobey God!
One doesn’t have to read very far into the story of to humanity to find Cain, stirred by satanic pride and jealousy, plotting and KILLING HIS BROTHER. As far as we know, these were the third and fourth humans ever to have lived; and the first to be BORN! Even after being warned by god, Cain murdered righteous Able!
THERE IT IS! Why do the righteous suffer? Because Satan cannot stand them!
Things could only have got off to a worse start if Adam had turned around and killed Eve; or visa versa (too awful to contemplate – God would not let that happen)! But things did get worse; and within 10 generations; under the influence of Satan and fallen angels; life on earth became so polluted and vile that God felt it necessary to DESTROY ALL LIFE ON EARTH; with the exception of the family of Noah. WOW!
SO FAR, SO BAD! Then what happened?
Within three generations of the flood, mankind was again in almost TOTAL REBELLION AGAINST GOD! Warlords like Nimrod “united” the peoples in demon worship and the construction of a “civilisation” quite different from the one God had intended to develop under Adams stewardship – but that ship had sailed!
God knew that a united humanity, egged on by Satan and his demons, would be difficult to restrain: so in addition to drastically shortening human life spans, He “confounded their language:” in other words, gave different languages to different family groupings or tribes (listed in Genesis 10 – the table of nations). God also scattered the peoples into different regions of the earth.
EVER SINCE NIMROD and the tower of BABLE, Satan has continued to inspire men (it is mostly men) to create ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Call it an Empire, Caliphate, Reich or the United Nations; the goal is the same – HUMANITY UNITED AGAINST GOD! In one way or another, Satan has used these human systems of government to kill and destroy many, many people – and keep them separated from God through IDOL WORSHIP.
The Creator God foresaw ALL THIS; even predicting empires, individuals and events centuries before they happened. From the very beginning, He provided a way to bring humanity – led astray by Satan – BACK TO HIMSELF: something the devil is violently opposed to!
After Adam and Eve sinned by taking the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; God put them out of the garden and cursed the ground for Adam’s sake. He also cursed the Satan who had assumed the form of a serpent; promising that from the seed of Adam one would come who would be victorious over him. He would become the door into God’s Kingdom; where it is God Who rules, not Satan or misguided human beings.
As we know; Jesus Christ – ישוע המשיח is that promised “seed;” the “Son of Man,” and “Lamb of God; who takes away the sin of the world.” It was God’s willingness to sacrifice the life of His only begotten Son to ATONE for our SINS that made it possible for each of us to gain victory over Satan, through Jesus Christ!
Although it is the most important topic; SPIRITUAL SALVATION is not what this article is chiefly about. It is to alert the reader to the many “schemes” Satan has set up through his minions to deceive, enslave, exploit, manipulate and poison; if not just KILL YOU OUTRIGHT!
In this final, The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Warning, Jubilee Edition: 20/22; several articles highlight the efforts of the evil elite to drastically reduce the earth’s human population, in the process inflicting gross and unnecessary suffering on the masses. Indeed, this secretive, parasitic cabal who control politics, banking, industry, commerce and culture, seem to take delight in inflicting suffering for its own sake!
It is particularly important NOW; as for some time it has been clear that WE ARE LIVING IN THE TIME OF THE END prophesied by Daniel (Chapter 12:9); THE LAST DAYS (and) PERILOUS TIMES spoken of by the apostle Paul (2 Timothy 3:1); and the time of: “Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time,” foreseen by the apostle, John. (Revelation 12:12)
The “wrath” of Satan did not begin three years ago with the “Plandemic,” “clot-shots,” “lockdowns” and “track and trace.” The devils intensified attacks on humanity was being planned centuries ago; and has been implemented over the past 150 years and more!
Clandestine, influential and powerful organisations; many a part of the reclusive Illuminati; including the Catholic, Jesuit order, Freemasons, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group; and billionaire banking dynasties like the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers to name just two; have in some cases dictated the development and shape of society and governance since the Middle Ages until now. Satan has subtly led them ideologically towards developing a mechanistic, digital, post human future.
Behind the façades of altruism, decency, piety and respectability; these men, their families and organisations (often set up as “charitable trusts”) ARE IN LEAGUE WITH THE DEVIL; and have been systematically creating the structures; first to control the earths billions; and finally to eliminate up to nine tenths of all people alive today!
“THEY” would not have any hope of achieving their despicable aims without the use of blatant deception and lies; often tied to occult practices and the use of sophisticated psychological techniques. Until recent years, the vast majority of people were in near total ignorance of their demonic rituals and evil plans (even though they have been often represented in movies)!
Millions who are now “awake,” following the global “Plandemic” of 2020-2022, know what the evil elite have planned for the masses, and are actively resisting.
“THEY” are no longer hiding their plans. The UN, World Bank, WHO and World Economic Forum (WEF founded by Klaus Schwab), now openly publishes their vision of the future in print and online. Schwab heralds the Covid-19 pandemic as the opportunity to “re-imagine” our world and introduce the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in his 2020 book, THE GREAT RESET; co-authored with the extremist, Israeli “historian” Yuval Harare. It is a manifesto predicting a dystopian, hi-tech, “post human” future where, “you will own nothing and be happy.”
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Warning Jubilee Edition: 20/22 references several written sources and documentaries in its pages that are worth taking a closer look at, if you haven’t already done so:
One of the lead articles, “THE BIG CORONA VIRUS LIE!” (Pages 8 & 9), explains how the evil elite employed Hitler’s Nazi German technique (borrowed from the British) to bamboozle the masses with propaganda, misinformation and LIES – THE BIGGER THE BETTER!
But we would be wrong in thinking that lying as a policy was invented for World War 2. LYING, as we have already noted, is a technique deployed by Satan, and is as old as the hills! So endemic and widespread is its use throughout “history” (much of which is also laced with lies), that it is difficult for anyone brought up in the past two centuries to distinguish TRUTH from FICTION.
WE HAVE BEEN BORN, BREAD AND WEANED ON LIES! So were our parents and their parents too!
A helpful rule of thumb is to look at any information being put out for public consumption; particularly by governments, as virtually the exact opposite to the truth. Another favourite trick of theirs is to mix truth with lies; thus creating confusion and doubt. We saw this technique used time and time again during the recent “Plandemic.” But again, IT IS NOT NEW!
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; or to give it its full title: Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion; was first published in Russia in 1903; translated into multiple languages and circulated internationally in the early 20th century. Famously, Henry Ford funded the printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the United States in the 1920s.
If you search for this work online (where it is said by Wikipedia to be widely available), you will be told firstly it is “anti-Semitic;” that distillations of it were assigned by some German teachers; they became required readingin Nazi Germany in 1933: and secondly that it is a HOAX.
The book purports to describe a “Jewish Plan” for global domination. Since we hold that those “who say they are Jews” ARE NOT; but in fact are Eastern European, Ashkenazi, Revelation 3:9; who are falsely claiming to be the decedents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – renamed ISRAEL by God: the protestations of no doubt Ashkenazi Jewish scholars that the work is a “fabrication,” plagiarised from earlier sources ring very hollow indeed.
You only have to read the “summary” overview of the contents to SEE that what were “plans” 120 years ago have almost completely come to fruition; and the chief marshals of their implementation have been prominent, Ashkenazi Jewish banking families!
Structure and Content
“The Protocols purports to document the minutes of a late-19th-century meeting attended by world Jewish leaders, the “Elders of Zion”, who are conspiring to take over the world. The forgery places in the mouths of the Jewish leaders a variety of plans, most of which derive from older antisemitic canards. For example, the Protocols includes plans to subvert the morals of the non-Jewish world, plans for Jewish bankers to control the world’s economies, plans for Jewish control of the press, and – ultimately – plans for the destruction of civilization. The document consists of twenty-four “protocols”, which have been analyzed by Steven Jacobs and Mark Weitzman, who documented several recurrent themes that appear repeatedly in the 24 protocols, as shown in the following table:”
If this document is a “forgery,” it is a REMARKABLY PRESCIENT one; as most if not ALL ITS “PLANS” have come to fruition!
The article on page 41, “THE GREAT RESET!” makes reference to several of the 24 protocols and their “themes.” Leave aside the “nationality” or ethnic origin of those responsible: it is patently TRUE that a small, influential, global elite; from a basket of related family dynasties, HAS CONTROL over industry, culture, commerce, banking, education, medicine, media, science, technology, sports, energy, land and food production. That the majority of these powerful men and women are of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage is irrefutable!
Seven “Prophetic” Protocols
There is some overlap between the 24 protocols; The Great Reset article alludes to 9 in summary: “Might is Right – Economic War – Ubiquitous Propaganda – Destruction of Religion – Nullification of Education – Organised Disorder – Acquisition of Land – Worldwide War – Jewish Rule.”
I’m going to review seven of the 24 protocols more closely; six from the list above and one other quoted in the penultimate paragraph of the cover letter in the magazine, opposite page 3 in The VOICE of Prophecy! It reads:“The “Learned (Jewish) Elders” have indeed turned the minds of the masses from to “the essential to the nonessential.”” Jacobs and Weitzman (J&W) summarise the themes of this 13th protocol as: “Gentiles; Business; Chosenness/Election; Press and censorship; Liberalism.” (This overlaps with protocol 12: Kingdom of the Press and control)
(As there is a lot to cover, even looking at only 7 protocols, I need to be brief,)
1) Turning Public Thought from Essentials to Non-essentials
What is ESSENTIAL, and what is “NON-ESSENTIAL?”
Most people would agree that water, food, clothing, shelter and fuel for heating and cooking are essential. In the affluent, developed economies in the “northern hemisphere;” until recently, even the “working class” had largely been able to take THESE for granted. Now, with the manufactured “cost of living crisis,” poorer “citizens” are increasingly finding themselves caught between affording “heating and eating.”
These same “poor people” would likely agree that a television, car, eating out, foreign holidays, smoking and gambling are “non-essential.” And yet, despite their limited means, even the poorest citizens in “the West” not only aspire to but often “indulge” in all of the above!
But the real “ESSENTIAL” that the Learned Elders want to distract people from (and have largely succeeded in doing) is KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! THEY have created a world full of meaningless activity and entertainment. Generally, the masses are more concerned about “pointless celebrities,” overpaid sports personalities; “film stars,” fictional stories and fantasies, virtual reality, or violent computer games; most laced with every kind of moral degradation and evil!
THEIR goal is to seduce us into believing that acquisition of material things, money and “fame” is equal to success in life; and to leave little of or no room for the real purpose of our being: a spiritual connection to God!
THEY own the influential film, TV, radio, press, publishing and digital media corporations that have produced and peddled a torrent of increasingly socially destructive, morally debasing “entertainment,” NEWS and documentaries. As they say: “When we want your opinion, we’ll tell you what it is!”
2) The All-Embracing Propaganda
(J&W summary: Law; education; Freemasonry)
Many educated in “Western institutions” will have been made aware of the historical use of PROPAGANDA in European countries (including the colonised Americas and Caribbean); when we learn about its deployment as a “weapon” in the First and Second World wars. In the UK, the secondary school “history” curriculum is disproportionately weighted to studying these two periods of global conflagration; but propaganda did not start in 1914 nor end in 1945.
In the “histories” of the “civilised west,” one will find copious evidence of the use of propaganda by rulers, religious and political leaders, corporations and commercial enterprises. Among the ancient inscriptions of Samaria, Egypt, Babylon and Syria, there are plenty of examples of propaganda. And, in the modern world we have long been overwhelmed by persistent waves of disinformation, misinformation and outright LIES; generally in the form of ADVERTISING, opinion polls, or the use of government statistics!
It is ironic that this very treatise, devised by “Jewish Elders” in the late 1800’s, was used in Nazi Germany by Adolph Hitler to implicate and vilify the *Ashkenazi Jews; turning the allegedly “superior” Aryan German citizens against their *Jewish neighbours; who, between the wars, at a time of severe economic depression, were largely in control of banks, businesses and wealth.
An “All-Bracing Propaganda” was turned against German Jews, Gypsies, Blacks, the disabled, homosexuals and others deemed “inferior;” to dehumanise them in the eyes of the “master race;” who ultimately herded them like animals into concentration, DEATH CAMPS!
(If you think it’s inconceivable that *JEWS could betray their own people: consider the role of the Rothschild’s, *Jewish bankers during the Napoleonic and two World Wars; and the conduct of men like George Soros following the World War 2; or the “treatment” of modern Israelis during the “Plandemic;” how they were forced to take the harmful, mutagenic (*Bill Gates funded), “Covid-19 clot-shots”–The evil elite only serves itself and Satan; having little sympathy or regard for ANY human life!)
3) The Destruction of Religion by Materialism
(J&W summary: Business as Cold and Heartless; Gentiles as slaves)
It’s hard to believe now: but up until about 120 years ago, the western nations and many there colonies (about 570m people) believed in the God of the Hebrew Bible; and the Muslims who made up a tenth of earth’s 2 billion human populations worshiped the same God by a different Name. Indeed, most of the wars and conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, from the Middle Ages onwards, were conflicts between Christians and Muslims; Christians and other Christians; and Muslims against other Muslims!
HOW COULD THIS BE? If over one quarter of earth’s population nominally believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; how is it there has been constant killing between them for over 1,500 years? In a way, followers of ישוע המשיח shouldn’t be surprised. Jesus prophesied the very same:
“And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
(Matthew 23:5-8, NKJV)
We know from the book of Acts, and the Epistles of Peter, Paul, Jude and Jacob (mistitled, James) and John; that apostasy took place in the first century church, within the apostle’s lifetimes. By the third century AD the “Christian” church was subsumed by Emperor Constantine and the Roman Empire; who merged with it pagan, roman customs, and soon banned “Jewish” (Christian) practices. God’s laws kept by ישוע (Yeshua) and the early apostles as an example of “The Way” His followers should live were OUTLAWED by this apostate, CATHOLIC CHURCH! And successive popes would claim to sit “in place of Christ!”
Again, ישוע warned his disciples; the “church” (God’s kingdom in embryo) would be taken over by “unbelievers,” sown by the devil:
(Explaining the parable He had earlier told “great multitudes gathered before him;” Jesus said this to his disciples, privately)
He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
(Matthew 13:37-43, NKJV)
Since corruption entered the congregations of Christ from the very beginning; one might ask: “Why is it necessary to destroy religion by materialism?”
The answer is also found in this example parable of the kingdom of God: the “good seeds” are in the same field (churches or congregations) as the tares. Christ knows who they are, because they are set apart by His spirit; and are led and live by it. The “Learned Elders” want to lure Christ’s true followers away from their SPIRITUAL CALLING by material enticements!
ישוע warned of this danger in His earlier parable of the sower:
“Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.”
(Matthew 13:22, NKJV)
The EVIL ELITE has constructed a MATERIALIST world designed to “choke the word” and spirit of God out of our lives! Because the Devil will not be satisfied with destroying our bodies only: he wants to rob us of the GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE!
4) The Nullification of Education
FOR CENTURIES the ruling elites restricted the dissemination of knowledge beyond that necessary to keep their serfs productive and able to serve them better. Ignorant people are far easier to control (even those who are skilful). They also find themselves dependent on those with greater knowledge, and consequently more readily accept their lowly station in life.
(Throughout Europe and in the “New World,” the elites have always had their own, exclusive educational institutions. In England, Oxford, Cambridge, Eton and the Royal Academy are all “universities” of historic renown. Harvard and Yale are the most prestigious in North America; and many equivalent international centres of learning in Paris, Leipzig, Salamanca and Pizza, date back to the 12th and 13th Centuries. These provided education for the aristocracy; and selected, rich and influential families)
In the eighteenth century, the heat of the industrial revolution (itself driven by the global controllers who imagined a new, more profitable mechanised world); it became necessary to widen access to education and training beyond patchy, elementary schooling and the city and guilds craft schools; to support the burgeoning industries and expanding trading opportunities.
In the UK, the ad hoc provision of elementary education by voluntary organisation, churches and philanthropists was no longer adequate to meet the needs created by the rapid changes taking place. By the middle of the 19th century, governments were stepping in; first to foster and increase in education provision through the Church of England and other denominations; and eventually to ensure blanket provision through a network of State and Voluntary schools.
Compared to European countries and America, the UK was very late in providing state education “between 1870 and 1902 … ‘elementary education became both free and compulsory, state elementary and secondary schools were established and central government control over education increased greatly’ (Stephens 1998:77).“ It was undoubtedly held back several decades by fierce opposition from factory owners hungry for child labourers; and the aristocracy who feared mass education would upset the social order.
However, when in finally arrived; the state system retained the divisive, class discriminations endemic in the preponderance of Church of England, voluntary and “public” (private) schools it “inherited.” Competing parties interested in improving the lot of the poor and uneducated; were equally determined to ensure that by doing so, they did not upset the status quo; and allow the “lower classes” to take away from their wealth and privilege! While education inevitably led to rise of a “middle class;” the “controllers” have been careful to make sure the overall effects of universal education has be “NULLIFIED!”
Just a Brick in the Wall
It cannot be contested that the situation of the UK poor and poor children in particular has improved “out of sight” over the past 120 years (although it is now slipping back alarmingly); nevertheless, glass ceilings exist to ensure no one rises above their “station;” and “slums” are deliberately maintained or created to incubate an expendable social underclass.
People of a certain age will remember the hit record, ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, by Pink Floyd. I remember this award winning song, released 44 years ago, in 1979, the very same year I was going through teacher training at Goldsmiths College in London. It was in the early days of music videos; it featured live film, and some simple but powerful animated sequences.
The lyrics, music and visuals managed to capture and portray the zeitgeist of the period; reflecting the experiences of many who went through the rigid, post-war, state educational systems of the 50s, 60s; and the unsettling changes of the 70s:
“We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone
All in all, it’s just another brick in the wall
All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall”
The video for Part 2 pictured secondary school pupils streaming out of their city, tower blocks (in sink estates) into fenced off buildings and playgrounds; where the exuberance of youth was contrasted with the oppressive, dictatorial “teaching” methods designed to impose conformity on the next generation. The educational process is likened to a mincing machine; churning out “material” to produce the building blocks of the soulless cities into which the “educated” must eventually fit.
The school teacher is represented as a grotesque marionette, complete with a liberally wielded cane in hand. The animation shows him shape-shifting into a claw hammer, the head containing a loudspeaker. By implication, the beleaguered pupils become an “army” of marching claw hammers.

Pink Floyd had articulated what generations of state educated pupils had felt; and raised larger questions about the motives as well as the methods employed by the authorities and their brainwashed minions.
The poor had been elevated from a position of abject poverty and ignorance; to relative health and “security” in exchange for restricted liberty and mind control.
However lofty the ideals and rhetoric, mass education, delivered under the auspices of the Church or the State, has always been about serving the institutions, not the individuals! Unless privately educated; MOST of US are victims of this system.
A Case in Point
In my own case; before embarking on a teaching career in October 1979; I had barely achieved minimum GCSE qualifications to advance to degree studies. Had it not been for my talent for art, and the encouragement of my subject teacher, Mr Barnaby; I would almost certainly have left school and “drifted” into whatever work presented itself to those with few and average pass certificates.
Of course, I could have signed up for an apprenticeship in any number of practical skills at the local technical college. In retrospect, this would have been a sensible choice, had I not succeeded in boosting my grades by retaking my exams in English and Maths; opening the door to a degree level course in fine art painting. In the end, with a lot of extra effort, my final years of secondary education turned out to be a success.
However; had I know then what I know now; I would have realised that while useful for the development of social skills; the education system was actually leading me away from what I actually wanted to be (when I understood myself well enough) toward something IT directed me to become. We are led to believe we are choosing our own career and forging out own future: when the opposite is true!

There is much I could write to support this conclusion; but for the purpose of this article, it is enough to say: after qualifying as a teacher, and working over the course of 35 years in education, social, youth, prison and probation programmes; I know now, I might with application have become the successful, self-taught musician I am today, without years of expensive studies and training. The system did not open my mind to the possibilities of “making a living” as an independent, creative artist or entrepreneur, in the way private education does.
Empty Vessels
Something far more insidious than mere misdirection of the masses is being “engineered” by the evil overseers: nine tenths of what is being taught in schools and universities today is effectively “WORTHLESS!” “How could that be?” I hear you ask! As I’ve said: it is hard to comprehend how totally manufactured our understanding of LIFE and THIS WORLD is!
Reading, writing and arithmetic (the three R’s); could be mastered by most in a few years of primary instruction, not necessarily in a “school.” What the education systems dispenses is designed to support the world the controllers have built, and are now busily deconstructing! Really useful education would teach people how to farm, construct a home, to look after ones health, and basic first aid. All of this knowledge is available; but only on specialist courses; and skewed towards the industrial world rather than home and family.
It was noticeable during my upbringing how the educational system was veering towards increasing specialisation; teaching individuals more and more about less and less; until the individual loses sight of “The Big Picture!” The curricula has become so divorced from reality, that graduates can now take a Masters degree in “The Fab Four;” studying influence of The Beatle’s music (which we now know they didn’t write) on popular culture. They and other rock bands, like the Rolling Stones, were used as a tool of the establishment, to erode social and moral values.
As if sociology, psychology, geography, history, economics and (dare I say) art courses aren’t useless enough! The knowledge covered may have some merit in itself; but in the context of “the system” is used to perpetuate the MYTHS of this modern world – which truly is A MATRIX. We’re taught that “in order to understand the present we need to understand the about the past;” which is precisely why the manipulating elites don’t reveal the TRUTH about history, geography or economics; and want to replace real knowledge of God with materialism; and nullify education!
As the apostle Paul wrote almost 2000 years ago: we’re in a world where we are “always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth!”
(2 Timothy 3:7)

They are not just trying:
To be continued…
Tuesday 9 May, 2023