The VOICE of Prophecy!
New Millennium Edition, 2004/2008
Saturday 6 May 2023
By Philip John: KING
As I write, preparations are well under way for the “coronation” of “king” Charles Phillip Arthur George, as King Charles III of England, Scotland, N Ireland and Wales. But as far back as 2002, The VOICE of Prophecy, Golden Jubilee Edition published an article on “Why Charles Will Not Be King!”
Nothing has changed in the intervening 22 years; so despite all the pomp and ceremony of this Sabbath day, Charles like all his progenitors before him will NEVER be a king before God, let alone over any of God’s peoples! And the massive, global “psyop” won’t change reality!
Those interested in understanding why Charles will not be king; and what it means to be a king, might want to read these articles:
Why DIANA had to DIE! & Why Charles will NOT Be King!
The END of The LINE
*(New Millennium Edition, 2004/2008, pp. 22, 24-25)

Page 22, The VOICE of Prophecy! New Millennium Edition 2004/2008

Page 24, The VOICE of Prophecy! New Millennium Edition 2004/2008

Page 25, The VOICE of Prophecy! New Millennium Edition 2004/2008
The “temporal powers” know well that true “kingship” can only really be conferred by God: hence the elaborate display of the trappings of monarchy and empty “religious” ceremony – invoking the name of God and diverse biblical symbolism. One being transporting the “Stone of Scone” or Stone of Destiny from Scotland: said (very unlikely) to be Jacob’s pillar stone, which he set up as a monument after his first encounter and covenant with God in his dream of a ladder up to heaven. (Genesis 28:11-19)
DON’T BE FOOLED! These are all Satan’s counterfeits! Remember the words of Jesus Christ; our TRUE and ONLY KING: “by their fruits you shall know them.”
*IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Like all earlier edition of The VOICE of Prophecy!; this edition adheres to the erroneous“BRITISH ISRAEL” doctrine, promulgated by the secret societies and cults controlling global affairs for more than two centuries; a doctrine which has never been supportable by the true facts of history.