“The Promised Land!”
The New Frontier
Shavuot, 2 June 2024
29 May 2024

TODAY, SOUTH AFRICA went to the polls. Whatever the results of their parliamentary elections, the lives of the average South African; like that of most black and brown people on the continent, will not change for the better.
For an average “European” visitor like me; of very modest means, yet able to afford the air fares and hotel accommodation; the plight of millions of ordinary South African citizens appears lamentable, to say the least. Having driven over 4,856 miles, the length and breadth, and through all nine provinces of Africa’s wealthiest and southernmost country (including the landlocked country of Lesotho); I was struck by the abject poverty among the vast majority of both its original and migrant inhabitants.
AND YET; here in the relatively affluent West; many in the “African” diaspora; those whose heritage originated on the much maligned and exploited continent; are now recognising the cultural wealth and historical significance of the land they have so often been disparagingly told by hostile hosts to return to.
It has become increasingly evident that there have always been those, both on the continent and from the continent; which according to some “scholars” of Kemetic history was called ALKEBULAN (meaning, garden of Eden, or mother of mankind); who knew and understood the significance of their histories and their lands. What has been for so long the preserve a few, scattered pockets of “native” peoples, who retained the knowledge of their past through oral traditions, tribal and family customs, a physical connection to the continent, and in some instances written records (most of which were destroyed or secluded by European invaders): is now becoming “common knowledge.”
Since their arrivals in the 15th century, the Europeans; first as traders, then as invaders who “colonised,” enslaved, and ultimately divided to rule over the continent and its peoples; they have pursued policies of destruction, depopulation and complete subjugation of the original inhabitants of ALKEBULAN; to plunder its resources: practices they continue to this day.
I have watched, from the comparative safety of England in Western Europe; over the course of my entire life – seven decades; as wealthy Northern nations have treated ALKEBULAN (Africa) as their own, private fiefdoms; ruthlessly and cynically fermenting tribal wars and armed conflicts in the artificial “countries” they carved out; at the same time as exploiting and experimenting on its disenfranchised peoples. Despite every pretense to the contrary; Western powers through their global institutions, governmental and NGOs, have wreaked havoc on the continent of ALKEBULAN; coming (really) only “to kill, to steal and to destroy!”
But Alkebulans in the diaspora have fared only marginally better. We may have enjoyed more material benefits (as living standards rose from poverty levels in post war Britain and Europe); but black and brown people from the colonies, whether “African,” “Caribbean” or Asian, are tolerated rather than accepted into modern European hierarchies. Despite rafts of “legislation” in national parliaments; INSTITUTIONAL and CULTURAL “RACISM” remains a feature of the “black experience” wherever white Europeans exert power and influence. HENCE, it is still prevalent in and throughout South Africa.
For centuries, after being forcibly shipped off the continent to the four corners of Earth; in the African, European and Arab slave trades; descendants of slaves from Alkebulan have been discouraged and actively hindered from returning to the land of their heritage; while Europeans, Arabs and Asians have flocked into the lush, spacious and minerally rich birthplace of humanity in their droves!
The advent of the internet, the worldwide web and smart phones (a two-edged sword); has shrunk distances and gaps between both places and available knowledge; which was not only for the large part hidden, but inaccessible to all but a select group of academics who were relied upon to study and disseminate their findings through publications which constitute the knowledge bank upon which our libraries, universities and educational institutions are founded. The era of open-source technological, scientific, historical, social and cultural information has broken the monopoly of the “educated” elites; and we are no longer dependent on “Royal Societies” or other exclusive cabals to dictate and shape our view of reality or our history.
As far back as we can remember, the power and influence of RELIGIONS has been as effective (if not more-so) as any political, military government or dictatorship. Hence the propensity of so many potentates to declare themselves “gods,” or at the very least to be appointed by “gods.” Individuals can never really be FREE while under the influence of false “gods,” who in reality and demons or fallen angels, masquerading as “angels of light.” It is the central warning message of YAHUA in his word; those parts of it that survive their translation into our modern bibles.
Through His Spirit, YAHUA is calling the descendants of Abram, Yitzhak and Akobi out of their slumber; out of heathen, pagan, demon worship incorporated in all religions, especially Christianity; back to the covenant He made with our forebears while they sojourned in the land He promised to them and their descendants, in perpetuity – ALKEBULAN.
SO NOW, after centuries of punishment for breaking the covenant; YAHUA is calling His children OUT of the places of captivity and bondage to which He drove them; back to the land of their origin, to their mother; to Eden in the continent renamed by our adversaries and still in their greedy clutches -AFRICA!
Alkebulans, whether descendants of Abram, Yitzhak and Akobi (Jacob) or not; should not look to ANY religious or political leader to save them (or bring about meaningful change in their lives); they should look first to their Father, the Creator, Redeemer: HE ALONE can break the yoke of Satan’s systems from their necks! Return to YAHUA and He will return to us “with healing in His wings!”

Isaiah 62:11
Indeed the LORD has proclaimed To the end of the world: “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Surely your salvation is coming; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.’ ”
Jeremiah 3:14
“Return, O backsliding children,” says the LORD; “for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.
Isaiah 59:20
“The Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression in Jacob,” Says the LORD.
Jeremiah 50:5
They shall ask the way to Zion,
With their faces toward it, saying,
‘Come and let us join ourselves to the LORD
In a perpetual covenant
That will not be forgotten.’
Joel 2:32
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the LORD has said,
Among the remnant whom the LORD calls.
Shavout, 2 June 2024