Let's Talk About

It’s a “Shamocracy!”


Originally posted on Facebook, 15 June 2024


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again:


Yesterday I saw on Al Jazeera at least, that they are finally giving some airtime to the ongoing war in SUDAN. Of course we’ve been “bombarded” with daily news from Gaza, and the diabolical, genocidal war being waged by Israel on the Palestinians; and less now about the Russian/Ukraine war in which many thousands of civilians and conscripted soldiers are dying on both sides.

If you think the UN security Council or the US, or Joe Biden care anything about any of these “casualties,” you had better wake up! The UN is a puppet organisation with a Satanic worship center at its core; and Resident BIDEN is as guilty of pedophilia as his son, Hunter is of gun, drug and child trafficking crimes!

Have you noticed that the whole world has been hit by a rash of “Demonatic” elections? This SHOW of “Shamocracy” WILL CHANGE NOTHING! Because whichever hue of “government” you end up with after the votes have been counted (if they are really counted); will be mere minions of the banking families and their conglomerates who serve Satan!

You may think what I’m saying is unbelievable; and I would agree with you, BUT IS NONE THE LESS TRUE! And the reason you will reject this information will be because you have been trapped in a mind control program which began long before your parents or even your grandparents were born.

You have been convinced that because people (men, women and blacks, in that order) have “died to get the vote,” that voting is important or even precious. It had previously been the preserve of wealthy, male, landowners; back then, it probably did have some efficacy; but as and when they extended the franchise the vote was deliberately devalued.

Now (if you vote) you are told you are “electing” REPRESENTATIVES; and of course byenlarge, these representatives are members of parties and are subject to the “Whip,” to ensure they follow the “party line.” The parties (WE KNOW) are in the pockets of wealthy donors and multinationals; which in turn are merely the vehicles of the rich, Satanic Royal families and their bankers!

Populations are deliberately presented with a complex and confusing Hegelian Dialectic; presenting the public with false dichotomy: you must choose between the right or the left, between black or white; TRUE REPRESENTATION is never on offer, even if there is a third, fourth or fifth party to choose from.

You have probably heard the term “State Capture?” It’s something that is very evident in South Africa; Jacob Zuma, the previous president was tried and convicted of corruption due to deals done with the wealthy Gupta family. However, SOUTH AFRICA, like every other “country,” is under the control of wealthy banking families, in their case it is the Oppenheimers. In Israel’s case it is the Rockefellers; in the UK, the Rothchilds; in Germany Baring. But in practice, the banking network is like a “spider’s web; so there are many influential banks (public and private) operating in any given country or region. THE GLOBAL POLITICAL SYSTEM is in hoc to the BANKING SYSTEM and its Royal connections; and it is they whom the MP you vote for will be representing; whether they know it or not. A real representative MP will soon be marginalised or drummed out (one way or another); as we’ve seen in the cas of Andrew Bridgen; a stalwart campaigner for truth and transparency over the “Scamdemic.”

GENERAL ELECTIONS are little more than national opinion polls. Once THEY have allowed the populous to let off steam they the political jamboree; and possibly change the faces of those sitting in the seats of power in Parliament (which is a corporation listed on the stock market); THEY will carry on with their policies of lying, stealing and killing US; whatever their mouthpieces SAY!

YOUR VOTE is only significant in this sense: it SIGNALS your willingness to live under the jurisdiction and governance of the EVIL ELITE who control the earth. If you understand this, then you will be able fully comprehend the following insightful discussion on CHEMTRAILS. 🌹🙏🏿❤ x

The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots.


The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots.

The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies. Confirmation come