
I Live in a BOX!

I live in a box; but I’m not alone.

There are 8.4 million individuals living alone in the UK according to the Office of National Statistics, as of 2023:

Monday 3 February, 2025

I live in a box.

It is quite a large box; comfortable and reasonably secure. And I live on my own.

The box is approximately 10 metres by 7.5 metres, an area of 75 m2; and 2.34 metres in height, yielding a volume of 175.5 m3 . Within its outer walls, the box is at least three times as wide or long as it is high (before any subdivisions); so it is quite a shallow or flat box. Indeed, my box is FLAT!

I’ve lived in it for over 25 years. That’s a quarter-century; over which I’ve observed many changes: some within, and many others without.

From my box, I can see and overlook many other boxes. Some like mine are flat; and many are two-storied buildings, often conjoined in rows or terraces.

My box is elevated. It is on top of two identical boxes below: a ground floor and first floor flat. My box is on the second floor, or third storey. So, from my box, I look down on the streets and river below; and I can see elevated buildings and structures on the skyline that stand proud of surrounding trees (of which there are many).

The box in which I live is subdivided. There is seven compartments in all – if you include the hallway from which each “room” is entered. The largest room is generally considered to be a double-room; not just because of its size, but often because its use is divided between dining and lounging. In my case part of the space is given over to an office; with a sofa, TVs, tables, chairs and book cabinets occupying over half the room.

As you might expect; there is one room dedicated to food storage, preparation and cooking; washing and laundry etc. And another room is specifically set aside for personal hygiene, bodily functions and daily ablutions. I have put beds in two other rooms (as well as wardrobes and chests of drawers); so most would consider them “bedrooms.” But one of the two also has a sofa in it; and very recently I added a cross trainer – So is it a lounge or a gym? When I first moved into my box, in 1999; the same room had housed my half-sized pool table, no bed – that would have made it a pool room!

The last remaining room is very small; a box-room. In it I have several bookcases and shelves, along with an antique coat hanger. This is how my box is subdivided. For one “person,” it is a considerable amount of room or space.


As much as I appreciate how fortunate, indeed blessed, I am to have so much space at my disposal; living in a box, particularly in a multi-occupancy building has its drawbacks and challenges. These are not unique to apartment blocks; residents of terraced or semi-detached houses can also be victims or perpetrators of “neighbour nuisance;” most often relating to NOISE.

Being a musician, I have to admit to having been the source of excess noise at inappropriate hours on occasion myself. I have also seen good neighbours driven out of their homes by inconsiderate ones; who have yet to master the art of living in a box on top of a box, in a conglomeration of boxes. Again, these are real issues, not confined to apartment buildings only, but prevalent up and down the streets of England, Scotland, N. Ireland or Wales! Even where boxes have their own gardens, neighbours are never far from each others noise.


Unlike the majority of denizens in my block of 12 “flats;” I am a leaseholder. Nine of the flats are “owned,” operated and managed by the local Housing Authority – they are council flats. My lease entitles me access to my box via pathways leading to, and communal areas within the building; the upkeep and insurance for which I pay a quarterly service charge, including a modest ground rent.

The block of mixed one and two-bedroomed “flats” is set in communal gardens, surrounded by flowerbeds and several well established trees; and has the added advantage of being within 50 metres of the River Witham. However, there is no plot of ground or garden I can call or even consider my own. (Years ago, I had leased 2 allotments, visible from my flat, on the other side of the river). Outside areas, like the washing lines and refuse collection courtyard are shared; and also open to abuse by non-residents of the complex.

My own flat is comfortably furnished and carpeted; double glazed and fully centrally heated. But there being no outside personal space serves only to emphasise that I LIVE IN A BOX. Having food, shelter, warmth and security is only part of what it is to BE ALIVE. After all, inmates of Belmarsh, Holloway and Strangeways prison enjoy the same; with the notably lack of freedom to come and go as they please. Outside space in which one has the ability to express oneself freely is an important aspect of life.


Access to my box is gained via an outside security, intercom controlled entrance, door. The back door to the building exits toward the communal, waste recycling and outdoor laundry line enclosure. Either way, to reach my internal front door, one must first mount 4 flights of stairs; each of 7 steps – 28 in all. Reaching the second floor landing; it is just a handful of meters across tiled landing to a Russian Red door, bathed in daylight from an adjacent, double-glazed, window; illuminated at night by automated communal lights, sensitive to motion and light changes.

From inside my living room, or my kitchen; the rooms in which I spend most of my waking hours while “indoors;” I overlook the daily, repeating life-cycles emerging from and passing by the array of boxes that blanket the landscape below me. Over 25 years of observations; patterns play themselves out within and without the building upon which my box is perched.

Children walk, cycle, are escorted or driven to and from “education” facilities (large units often set in playing fields); men and women foray back and forth, to and from places of “work,” possibly a factory, an office or perhaps a school? Retired, under-employed or unemployed persons, led by or leading their dogs; walk up and down the river, to and from the parks; or back and forth to the shops; some daily, some weekly, or at other intervals.

Babies have been brought in and taken out of these boxes. Young men and women have come to a tragic end inside and outside of their box. Old men and women are intermittently whisked away by emergency services, some never to return; while others slowly wither and perish alone or with an elderly “partner” in their box. Their fate, the one allotted to us all; to be taken way, placed in an even smaller, figure hugging box; and interred in a plot of common land that, like the box they once “lived”in, will never really belong to them.

it is inevitable that one day I too shall leave my box for the very last time, never to return. The question is: will I leave of my own volition; or will I be carried out to be disposed of or recycled like the weekly refuse collection? This is how it is: life and death in Satan’s system of “advanced civilisation.” He has by design, separated millions of us into silos, cells – boxes; and through “modern” media and technologies, in actual fact tended to isolate people one from another. There is no more vivid an illustration than the “Plandemic” of 2020. In truth, the disintegration of families is Satan’s millennial, old project.


This is not how it was meant to be. In the beginning the Creator placed the man and woman he made from the dust of the ground in specially designed garden; an arboretum – not a box in sight! When families developed and spread out; they began to build themselves “cities.” They also started to compete and war with each other (under the influence of the fallen angels). However, when Yahua began to deal with a specific family line; starting with Abram; He promised them land, and lots of it. He enshrined in laws (statutes) how that land should be lived upon, managed, distributed and inherited. Individuals were a product of their families: families were sustained by their land (gifted by Yahua) and their animals. From a semi-nomadic, it became a settled, agrarian culture; revolving around planting seasons and Yahua’s HOLY DAYS.

Only the Levites had no inheritance and lived in specific designated “cities.” Yahua is their inheritance. Even then, they had some “common land” in which raise crops and rear animals. But the children of Abram, Yitsach and Yashar’AL – the 12 tribes (with Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of Joseph allotted a double portion)were given the promised lands as a perpetual inheritance, FOREVER.

Following the establishment of Yashar’AL as a nation under Saul and David; we know that the divided Northern and Southern Kingdoms went into captivity for repeatedly breaking their covenant with Yahua. Later still, the remnant that returned from Babylonian captivity before the advent of Yahusha, were also dispersed after His crucifixion and the destruction of the second temple; as HaMashiac had predicted. But the land of Yashar’AL will never cease to be their inheritance, promised to Abram, Yitsach and Yashar’AL forever. Wherever those scattered descendants are; wherever the original promised land is; Yahua has promised to return the remnant of His chosen nation to their land (this is not to be confused with the modern day “Jewish” (Zionist) state in Palestine today).

This event coincides with the destruction of the Babylonian (Satan’s) system. The children of Yashar’AL are scattered among the heathen nations; worshipping false gods and estranged from Yahua’s covenant. The command from Yahua to His scattered, chosen people, is unequivocally to COME OUT from among them (Babylon); so as not to partake in their SINS and receive their PUNISHMENT.


Having been farmed (manipulated and reared) in Satan’s religious, political, educational and cultural systems; most people don’t know who they are, or their right hand from their left! Most of us accept a life divorced from reality: the real source of wealth and sustenance, which is land and how to live on and from it. We accept the false paradigm; that we should aspire to “owing” a box, or “invest” a bit “real estate;” all the while relying on Satan’s perverse systems to sustain us.

Bible prophecy, which describes a new heaven and a new earth (eventually); does not predict a “Hi Tech” future. It describes a return to the paradise and Garden of Eden originally designed by Yahua. I do not believe that the desert strip in the Levant or the current Arab region of Mesopotamia (Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Sudia Arabia) is the sum total of the land “flowing with milk and honey” promised to Abram and his descendants, specifically through Yitsach. There is lots of evidence that show much of the biblical narrative fits more convincingly on the continent of Africa, Alkebulan. Where exactly; for me is still a subject for further investigation.

What is beyond doubt is that, even though my nationality, education and culture is English; I am not FROM HERE – I’m not even from Jamaica: I am from Africa. (This is true for me and my generation; but not so for second generation family members; many of whom are of mixed heritage)

Over my 68 years, I have had many experiences that confirm that I am tolerated here; rather than really wanted or believed by the establishment to belong here in England. Whereas, clearly in Jamaica and Africa, I AM A FOREIGNER. I don’t have citizenship in either region. And yet I feel at home and among my own people in both places. Importantly, while this is by no means true for many of the people currently living in Jamaica or Africa; land and self sufficiency is available for those with the resources and a commitment to simpler way of life.

The current political unrest in the UK (Southport riots); and its xenophobic, racist undertones; should give everyone in ethnic minority groups pause for thought. It’s not that racism, prejudice, crime and violence don’t exist in Jamaica or Africa; they do. It is about where one is seen to fit in and be welcomed.

This is a two-way street: if one goes to a new country, one has to be prepared to learn about and embrace its culture. Since my belief is that Africa is not the backward continent; nor Africans the inferior people they are portrayed to be in the West; one must go there to learn a better way of life; as the ancient Greeks did over two millennia ago!

Philip John King

17 August 2024

To be continued…


SATAN’S SYSTEM has us “locked” in cheek by jowl silos; with postage stamps for ;gardens; in tightly drawn streets (resembling computer motherboards), serviced by potholed roads, connecting to busy, highroads. Postcodes and GPS co-ordinates (we willingly carry in our mobile devices), add to the 24/7 CCTV mass surveillance networks that ensure our locations and movements are seldom in doubt. NOW “Big Brother” plans to strip away the last vestiges of our autonomy in “15 Minute Cities” and self-driving cars!

I live in a box; but I’m not alone.

There are 8.4 million individuals living alone in the UK according to the Office of National Statistics, as of 2023:

In 2023, 8.4 million people in the UK lived alone, making up 30% of all households and 13%

of the total population. This is an increase from 2013, when 7.8 million people lived alone. 

The increase was primarily due to people aged 65 and older, who accounted for 93% of the growth.

I am one of those “aged 65 and older.”

Add to this, an estimated 440,000 “Care Home Residents; who, although there are some couples, predominantly live alone, albeit in a communal setting. In my experience as an Outreach Volunteer on geriatric wards in London Hospitals (now long since closed, in favour of “Care in the Community”); and again to care homes in California in the early 1980s; many if not most of these people feel lonely. If they’re lucky, they are no longer on open wards; but have individual boxes of their own. If they do make friends within their care home; what I’ve seen and heard shows what they miss most is their family or relatives.


So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

(Psalm 90:12)

Social Isolation and Loneliness as Health Risk Factors

For example, a meta-analysis of prospective epidemiological data, including more than 3.4 million participants, found that loneliness is associated with risk for earlier death by 26%, social isolation by 29%, and living alone by 32%.

Death Rate per 1000 population, male & female

A ccording to the National Library of Medicine (above), loneliness is a risk factor in early death. Those of us of a certain age don’t need to be told this; as we see friends we have made or perhaps people we were at school with, one by one depart to that “happy hunting ground” before us.

Statistics from for 2021, show graphically that the key age range for “departure” begins (in my case) right about now – 65-69! From here on, the death rate climbs steeply as age rockets towards the century mark.

We are schooled, and socially conditioned to accept and expect that we or our ageing relative should be rolling off the mortality conveyor belt by the time we reach our mid-sixties. Even the scriptures appear to reinforce this belief; suggesting that “three score and ten” is a pretty good innings. Government advice, funeral services and insurance companies are constantly encouraging us to prepare for our own demise. And boy, are they prepared!

We are told we are living longer than ever; that our forebears were lucky if they made it to 50 years of age. While this may have been true in the civilised West; where the great unwashed lived either in crumbling hovels, overcrowded tenement blocks or insanitary slums – if they were not being sent off to die in some pointless war; but this was not always the norm; in eastern and Asian cultures, free from the social experiments of increasingly technocratic government, many people had longer lives.

Historical records would have us believe that life expectancy worldwide 200 years ago was only 40 (lower by some accounts); but it is important to remember during many of these years, infant mortality and wars claimed very many lives; as they still do in many countries in Africa today. There are people in many countries of the world who live well past 100 years of age. There are over 15,000 in the UK alone! Globally, there are an estimated 633,000 centenarian.


If we hadn’t realised it before (the Plandemic), we certainly know it now; that education and the governmental systems do not exist for our benefit. They are owned by and operated for the benefit of the State. We are merely cogs in a giant, technocratic machine that has been taking shape over the past 100 years. Our lives are used like the hammers and spanners depicted in Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall.” So, we ourselves believe, at age 65 or 70, we have outlived our productive usefulness. All that remains is for us to curl up in front of a flat-screen TV and gradually slip away into oblivion.

As in 1984 (George Orwell’s seminal novel), The Ministry of Truth is an organ of lies; and the National Health Service (NHS) is actually a bureaux of perpetual medicalisation of ill health. The regulatory bodies set up to certify our food, protect our environment and deliver clean water, are weak and ineffectual quangos that do nothing to give us clean air, stop water pollution or prevent carcinogens and other poisons being added to our food. The State is conspiring to kill us; but not too quickly; it needs to exploit our labour first.

The industrial, economic and education systems are designed to break up and separate families. So, as I experienced in my own education process; children are grilled in schools for 6 or 7 hours a day, five days a week. And if one enrolls in college or university; students are scattered often scores of miles away from their familial homes; and would in the past seldom return to the town of their origin. In America, a common complaint among the elderly residents I visited in Pasadena Care homes; was the lack of contact with children who in some cases lived thousands of miles away from their aged parent.

In developing countries; if not plagued by wars stoked by outside, malevolent powers; grandparents, parents and children would naturally stay close to one another to provide mutual support. But here, in the developed northern hemisphere, adult children might make the journey to see parents at Thanksgiving or Christmas; and after decades of neglect are likely to pay to place an inconvenient parent in a care home – because the relationship between parent child has crumbled. Modern social, political and economic systems are geared up to force families apart and to end in failure; both in life and in death.


It is not just the physical environments that have been built to contain or imprison us; we have been trapped in mental boxes constructed through mis-education, false philosophical. religious, and corrupt political systems. We have been fed and nurtured on lies. The false gods of science, pharmaceuticals, economics and technology promote a humanist ideology and seek to define the value of “human” life in their restrictive, economic or financial terms. Even the statistics we have seen measuring human lifespans is from a scientific point of view.

Biblical scriptures record much longer human lifespan in the past; and reveal the Creator of man, woman and spirits had originally intended them to live forever! But, after their sin, and the intervention of fallen angels, the lives of men and women were drastically reduced from the multiple centuries enjoyed by the earliest generations to about 120 years, as recorded in Genesis 6:3.

“How long are humans supposed to live naturally?

Aaron lived to the age of 123, and died on Mount Hor (Numbers 33:39). His more famous brother, Moshe, lived until he was 120, “Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.” (Deuteronomy 34:7). This verse suggests that had Moshe not rebelled against Yahua with his brother Aaron in the incident at Meribah, in the wilderness of Zin (where their elder sister, Miriam, had died, Numbers 20:1-12); he would have entered the promised land with the Yashar’alites, and lived another 10, 20 or 30 years! Who knows? After all, Abraham lived until he was 175 (Genesis 25:7); and all of these patriarchs, and matriarch, were born well after the flood!

The very term, “life expectancy,” wreaks of predictive programming! From the day we are born to the day we die; our lives are being subtly controlled in ways that are barely perceptible to us – Some of us are being “bred” to be skivvies or cannon fodder; some to be craftsmen or craftswomen, technicians or engineers; and still others to be in the bureaucratic, knowledge, political and propaganda industries. IT IS A BRAVE NEW WORLD; in which each of us is given a role to play, or not; as millions are consigned never to be born (or die in infancy). And those of us who make it past that threshold are poisoned, polluted, irradiated and experimented upon for as long as our physical constitution allows us to endure.

THIS IS NOT YAHUA’S WORLDIT IS SATAN’S WORLD. We survive in it, we don’t really “live” in it as our Creator intended us to live.


As I write, all around Lincoln City; and indeed around the whole of the UK; CityFibre (“targetting a third of the UK market”) is digging up the streets to lay super-fast Broadband Fibre, “connecting 8 million homes, 800,000 businesses 400,000 local authority sites and 250,000 5G access points.” They are not the only players in the market; BT’s Open Reach as well as other, smaller network providers are just as busy constructing a digital cage; sold to us as being for our benefit, but that will ultimately control and put limitations on every aspect of our lives.

Emphasis is being placed on being digitally connected at the expense of the personal, human contact that until this last generation has been a hallmark healthy living; even in the overcrowded cities government and social engineers have herded us into. Electronic, social networking is being substituted for familial and community contact; a bedrock of healthy individual and social outlook. The powers that be are determined to isolate us in silos; consigning us to “virtual” lives; away from our kith and kin; devoid of physical contact; as was meanly demonstrated in the “social distancing” and “self isolation” policies of the Plandemic a few short years ago.

If we and future generations are to survive and thrive; we must extract ourselves from the suffocating nexus that keeps us entombed in boxes and dependent on systems which we have no control over for our food, water, energy, or even our air.

To live outside the box we have become so accustomed to, will require the rediscovery of the life skills necessary to provide for our own basic needs – food, clothing, shelter and warmth: this can only be achieved if we are reacquainted with the land and animals that our sustenance depends on. It is a lifestyle that is dependent on the cultivation of land and interdependence of like-minded people (family members); and local communities working together. Many of us know this; but the system is heavily biased against those wishing to become self-sufficient.

Those in control not only want us to stay in our boxes; they plan to close the lid. Their agendas: 21, Millennium Goals and, agenda 2030 (and in Africa, Agenda 2063?); drafted and pushed forward by unrepresentative, privately funded think tanks and NGOs, sound very good; but in reality are the blueprint to a dystopian future where “you will own nothing and be happy!” Just look what is happening right now to farmers all over Europe.

The truth is; most people’s future is already sown up. They are being railroaded into socialist/communist system that will control every aspect of their daily existence. What’s more, the vast majority welcome their dis-empowerment and loss of self-determination with open arms (cue, AI companions and “digital twins)!

To enjoy any meaningful freedoms and life in the future it is essential to have access to cultivatable land. That is why the global elites have been buying up or closing off (in nature “reserves”) vast tracts of land; and are hell bent on putting independent farmers and other SMEs out of business!


The noose is tightening. The lid is closing. Very soon now, the only choice that will remain is THEIR WAY, or NO WAY AT ALL! Unless you are in, set up or join a self-sustaining community; able to provide its own food, energy, shelter; and maintain them; you will be dependent on a small (elitist) group of people who do not have your best interest in their hearts.

Those brought up under the influence of Western education and ideologies may find it difficult to understand the need to become self-sufficient; believing the lives they lead now are the result of decades of “scientific” “technological,” and “cultural” progress. But the truth is the SOCIALIST SYSTEM that has taken over the world is a REGRESSIVE one – stripping the individual’s capabilities to survive in family, village and “tribal” communities; apart from the overarching machinery of state.

The fact that most farmers in the Western world depend on “subsidies;” and increasingly food producers in the “global south” rely on foreign multinationals for their seeds and fertilisers; tells us everything we need to know about how helpless most of us really are!

It may not seem fashionable; it may appear to be bonkers; but growing ones own food; or being in a community of farming producers is essential to our future as free individuals. Owning or having a mortgage on an expensive town house is not really an asset IF IT DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH LAND on which to produce food or other tradable products (wool, cotton etc.).

Satan’s system keeps us distracted with sports, entertainment; through mis-education and bogus crises of man’s own making – so our attention is foccused on the “non-essential” at the expense of what is essential.

Phil J King, 31 January, 2025