Covid-19 Yellow Cards

The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21

                      10 May 2021

On 14 April 2021 I wrote a post to my Facebook Page about MATT HANCOCK and the CMO, Chris Whitty’s claim in their press conference, that the chances of experiencing a “blood clot” (the reason for which most of Europe had SUSPENDED USE of the AstraZenica Covid-19 vaccine) is “ONE IN A MILLION.”

Remarkably, the post is still there; possibly because it merely highlights information taken from the government’s own website. HOW LONG IT WILL REMAIN is another question; as Facebook announced just today that it will no longer tolerate ANY GROUPS that cast doubt or discourage the acceptance of Covid-19 vaccines.


MATT HANCOCK, Arch Deceiver, and Secretary of State for the MINISTRY of DEATH, tells yet another BIG LIE, this time about blood clots.

AMID ALL THE HYSTERIA ABOUT “BLOOD CLOTS,” what most politicians, doctors and scientists ARE NOT TELLING YOU is that the government’s OWN STATISTICS (GOV.UK) show Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) for both Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford, Astra Zeneca inoculations are in the tens of thousands, and “REPORTED” DEATHS exceed 700 in the “YELLOW CARD REPORTING” system (this is likely to be grossly underestimated).

WHY ARE MATT HANCOCK AND CHIEF SCIENTIST SAYING THERE’S “…a one in a million chance of dying from a rare blood clot,”??? THIS MAY (or may not) BE TRUE; BUT IT IS CLEARLY “MISDIRECTION!” Since your chance of DYING after receiving either one of these “JABS” is far, far greater! And your RISK of DYING OF (as opposed with) ANY CORONAVIRUS is very, very LOW!

Extract from the government website showing ADRs (adverse Drug reactions) to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine as of the 21 March 2021
Extract from the government website showing ADRs (adverse Drug reactions) to the Unspecified vaccine as of the 21 March 2021
Extract from the government website showing ADRs (adverse Drug reactions) to the Astra-Zenica vaccine as of the 21 March 2021

CONTRARY TO BOJO’S CLAIMS, LOCKDOWNS DON’T WORK! Eminent scientists, clinicians and epidemiologist who have not been silenced, sidelined, blackballed or BOUGHT OFF are all telling you the course being followed by national governments around the world is not only a danger to your life; IT IS A DANGER TO HUMANITY.



TODAY, the UK-COLUMN NEWS has highlighted the complete obfuscation by the MHRA (government medical procurement agency) of the “YELLOW CARD” reporting system; which at a cost of £1.5m is supposed to track the ADRs caused by the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Image from my censured Facebook post last November 2021, highlighting the MHRA’s tender for an AI programme “…to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)…”

The transmission, aired (online) at 1pm Monday 10 April 2021, shows the MHRA AI procurement document featured in one of my Facebook posts (which was censured) in November last year. But the hourlong UK-COLUMN NEWS programme takes an in-depth look at just how the medical agency responsible for approving the Covid-19 “vaccines” currently in use in the UK is failing to accurately record, honestly publish or seriously investigate those ADRs that are being reported; let alone the many that are not.

WATCH UK-COLUMN NEWS: Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today’s UK Column News, Monday 10 May 2021 – UK Column Yellow Card Website: –
The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21

                      10 May 2021