philip john gray
Wednesday 4 September, 2024
Published here (below) is a series of documents, posted from this day forth to the named officers and/or offices, that rectify and assert my status as a living man; which former “legal” malfeasance on the part of a corpus of Roman state organs, agents and functionaries have conspired deprive, denude and defraud me of.
Primary notice:

Wednesday 4 September, 2024

LETTER ROGATORY…Proof of Process & Service
Also inserted in each individually addressed envelope; with the letter sent to five public office holders, along with the Pronuntio Restitutum (backed by a copy of my birth certificate); is a Letter Rogatory, Obsignation and Acceptance: Proof of Due Process and Service.
The Letter Rogatory is a an obsignated (signed with a thumb print), solemn, witness statement: proof of my fleshly existence as a living man (as opposed to a “straw man,” or “legal fiction”). It establishes my authorship of the Pronuntio Restitutum; and is also proof of the (postal) process of delivery and service.

A third and final, 4-page, Instruction document (printed on white paper) is also enclosed with each Pronuntio Restitutum.
Recipients are assumed (perhaps correctly) to be ignorant of the “restitution” process and its foundation in ecclesiastical, equitable and common law; and as a consequence may act inadvertently (or perhaps deliberately) with “dishonour.“
The instruction(s) explain in detail the legal underpinning of the process, and the duty of the office holders to act “honourably” with “respect” to this “humble” “request.” In fact, office holders are duty bound to accede, and restore my estate and competency over it. And, in the event that an office or its holder acts with dishonour; the ecclesiastical process is such that, following this series of pronouncements, restitution is accomplished; with or without the acquiescence of the offices of state.


In numerous letters which I have written to public offices and private businesses over the past two years; I have asserted, not only that I am a living man, but also my determination to change my name; and, “in deed,” published my change of name on 11 January 2024 on this website.
TODAY, I have completed the simple, UK Government, approved process for changing ones name. I publish it here again, as evidence of the deed I have enacted today; a reinforcement of the decision I made two years ago.

The VOICE of Prophecy!
Wednesday 4 September, 2024
Thursday, 19 September, 2024

THE ECCLESIASTICAL DEED POLL for “philip john gray” was mailed from the Rookery Lane Post Office, Lincoln, on Thursday 19 September, 2024, to the Justices’ Clerk of Lincoln Magistrates’s Court, and all the previous recipients of the Pronuntio Restitutum, mailed by registered post on Wednesday 4 September, 2024. To date, no responses rebutting the assertions of my Pronuntio Restitum for any of the government officials or offices served; more than 14 days after my first mailing.
Thursday, 19 September, 2024
Wednesday, 25 September, 2024
THIS WRIT OF PROHIBITION FOR “PHILIP JOHN GRAY” Estate, is an adaptation of a format produce by Ian Clifford [STAMP] of MATRIX FREEDOM. It is published here both as evidence of “service” to the respective officers and offices of State, responsible for correcting my “legal status,” or “standing;” and as a useful resource for those considering reclaiming their Estate – their mind, body and spirit!
This Writ of Prohibition, was sent by registered post (Special Delivery) on Wednesday, 25 & 26 September, 2024 to the following recipients, listed on the final page (46) of the the Writ itself:
Office of: [RICHARD HERMAM] Attorney General’s Office
102 Petty France, London SW1H 9EA
Office of Rt Hon: [KEIR STARMER], Prime Minister’s Office, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
Office of Rt Hon: [RACHEL REEVES], Chancellor of the Exchequer, HM Treasury, 1 Horse Guards Road, London SW1A 2HQ
Office of Rt Hon: [YVETTE COOPER], Sec. State for the Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF
Office of: [TOM GREIG], (Registrar of Vital Statistics), General Register Office, PO Box 2, Southport PR8 2JD
Office of: [DAVID RIDLEY], HM Senior Coroner for Wiltshire & Swindon, 26 Endless Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 1DP
His Holiness Pope [Francis XIV], [JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO], Apostolic Palace, Casa Santa Marta, Vatican City, 00210 Italy
To: The Justices’ Clerk, For the Presiding Magistrate, Care of: Lincoln Magistrates’ Court, 358 High Street, Lincoln LN5 7QA
Office of: [Nick Read], Chief Executive Officer, Post Office Limited, 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER
The Writ published BELOW contains amendment, corrections and updates to the Writs printed and mailed by registered post on 25 & 26 September, 2024:
PHILIP JOHN GRAY Estate, Executive Officer, WRIT OF PROHIBITION: 25 September 2024

Outside the Rookery Lane Post Office in Lincoln, after sending my Writ of Prohibition, a third step in correcting my status and gaining control of my own Estate; fraudulently “stolen” form each of us at the time of our Birth Registration. Once one passes the age of 7 (seven), this is quite an involved process which fewer than one in a thousand is likely to undertake; even when they understand it! However, anyone seeking true freedom from control by the Satanic system that governs our world, must at some point disentangle him/herself from the “legal” web of lies that enslaves them.
After the initial mailing of the Writ of Prohibition (25.09.2024) above; errors and omission were found on pages 17, and 43. A subsequent letter was mailed on Thursday 26 September 2024 containing an Addendum making the corrections (already included in the Writ above):

Above: mailing of the PHILIP JOHN GRAY Estate, Addendum – Rookery Lane Post Office, Thursday, 26.09.24
The VOICE of Prophecy!
Saturday, 28 September, 2024