A brief overview of a future in-depth Report
22 October 2023
OUR SIX DAY WAR! (continued from Facebook)
22 October 2023 – 5:40 am
Ahead if the Israeli (IDF) ground offensive into Gaza, it is important to say this:
NOTHING CONDONES THE KILLING OR BRUTILISATION OF INNOCENT PEOPLE WHATEVER THEIR HERITAGE OR ORIGIN! Not the “holocaust” (in which 17 million peoples, not just *Jews died); not the pogroms; not 9/11 – NOTHING!
A tiny terrorist force, whose origin and funding is questionable, commits a heinous crime against humanity on the Israeli population (that includes Arabs); an attack that should never been allowed to happen if Israel’s government was fulfilling it’s duty; and this is used as an EXCUSE by the Israeli state (backed by it’s Western allies and impotent Arab neighbours) to COMMIT GENOCIDE against the long oppressed, and occupied Palestinian peoples?
PERHAPS 300 to 400 HAMAS killers attacked southern Israel on Saturday 7 October, on the Last Day of Succoth (a Jewish Feast); under cover of a rocket barrage of several thousands missiles on the first day – someone had forgotten to switch on the IRON DOME! IDF soldiers were caught napping, and now over 1,400 Israelis are reported killed, many more injured, and up 200 taken hostage (along with foreign nationals)!
SO ISRAEL: has cut off, water, electricity, food and fuel to the entire population of over 2 MILLION PEOPLE; in what is nothing other than COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT! Israel continues to terrorise the civilian population of Gaza with a relentless bombing campaign which is anything but “targeted!” WHO DOES SUCH THINGS? Only the Devil and his “Allies!”
I have much more to explain about this “situation;” but be sure of this: what we are witnessing is every bit as orchestrated as the Covid-19 “PLANDEMIC” of 2020; and designed to succeed where it failed; to take away MANY MORE LIVES! We are being mis-LED down a very dangerous path; one we have not been down before and may NOT return from! It is the “Endgame” of the EVIL ELITE; because they know their time is short – and “desperate times call for desperate measures.”
“THEY” are prepared for this: but the chances are that we are not! THEY have underground bunkers (cities) in various locations on earth; to ride out the nuclear conflagration they are about to unleash. AMERICA and BRITAIN and their close allies will bear the brunt; they will be among the first to fall. Remarkably; though its government will collapse (and will probably be in hiding); ISRAEL WILL SURVIVE. It will most likely come under the jurisdiction of the UNITED NATIONS, once again!
There will be an awful lot of BLOOD SHED before we arrive at THEIR “final destination;” but shedding blood is essentially what it’s all about!
What can we do?
SATAN is the “god of this world;” make no mistake – our “rulers” are Satan worshipers! Consider that seriously for a moment.
WHAT CAN WE DO? “Fear God and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come; and worship Him that made the heaven, the earth and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” (Revelation 14:7).
If you survive what’s coming, is even at our doors; don’t be persuaded to take the Universal Basic Income, or receive “the mark of the beast;” so you can take part its new, cashless commercial system. REMEMBER; God is our Creator and Provider of everything we need. But ultimately, “life” is NOT about surviving in the FLESH; it is about being transformed into SPIRITUAL BODIES and entering God’s eternal “Kingdom of heaven” that will be established here on His earth by His Son, JESUS המשיח!
Reflections from a Rooftop

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