The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfillment Edition, 20/20
PAGE 13 – Let’s Talk About DEATH & TH NHS!
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THE FABULOUSLY LONG LIVES projected for many in the affluent, northern hemisphere will only be achieved if WAR, DISEASES, and FAMINES that once plagued us here and continue to assault the southern hemisphere continue to be averted.
THE THINGS THAT THREATEN OUR WORLD and the future of ALL LIFE on earth are largely beyond our control as individuals (perhaps this creates a sense of helplessness or apathy?). BUT MANY THINGS that make a difference to our personal lives and those we come into contact with ARE WITHIN OUR CONTROL! We can choose to smile or frown at our neighbour; we can curse or speak softly; we can throw our litter in the street or bin and recycle it; we can choose get more stuff for ourselves, or to acquire less, and, perhaps like some responding to Grenfell Tower fire, GIVE SOME STUFF AWAY? Lots of little acts of human kindness will not only change US, they can change our communities and society at large; even while we live under the shadow of a mushroom cloud.
DEATH IS A REALITY. IT CAN CLAIM US AT ANY TIME! As someone once said, “You’re a long time dead.” So don’t allow the fact that you may anticipate an “afterlife” or the RESURRECTION to stop you listening to “the preacher,” Solomon; and put all your energy, and being into your present, physical experience, before you “draw your last breath.” Of course it’s sad when a loved one dies; but while we remember and mourn them all the days of our lives, their deaths should not inhibit our lives. Why not try drawing closer to the living to in the absence of those who’ve died?
29 July, 2017
THE BIRTH OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (NHS) in July 1948 was not without its pangs. When CLEMENT ATTLEE’S Labour party defeated CHURCHILL in 1945 after the WAR, his government, and Minister of Health, ANEURIN BEVAN were committed to implementing the 1942 “Beverage Report” which recommended “comprehensive health and rehabilitation services.” It had been supported across the House of Commons by all parties. Eventually, the Cabinet endorsed the White Paper put forward by the Minister of Health (Sir) Henry Willink in 1944, which set out the guidelines for the NHS.
Bevan outlined its vision at the NHS launch on 5th July. The “essential values were, firstly, that the services helped everyone; secondly, healthcare was free and finally, that care would be provided based on need rather than ability to pay.”
A key obstacle to setting up this ambitious NEW SERVICE was doctors who believed THEY WOULD LOSE independence; and the BMA (British Medical Association) voted against joining the service in May 1948. Bevan’s political skill and “lucrative payment structure for consultants” brought doctors onboard, on whom the success of the NHS depended.
To a largely POVERTY STRICKEN post-war generation, unable to pay, and used putting up with constant ill health; the NHS was LIFE CHANGING; as an entire population queued to receive treatment for, injuries illnesses, sight problems, dental and maternity services and mental health issues. In its first 9 months the NHS PRODUCED 33 MILLION SETS OF FALSE TEETH. A victim of its own success, It was this level of demand that led to PRESCRIPTION CHARGES being introduced for some items
The improvement in the nations’ health was marked. Despite financial pressures, changes and several reorganisations, 72 years on the NHS continues to be the mainstay of the Nation’s health.
HOWEVER, there is DARK SIDE to this success story. The ever increasing DEMANDS on the NHS to go beyond prevention and cure of illnesses, and intervene to support lifestyle choices or PROLONG LIFE against the forces of nature have spiralled, leading to widespread RATIONING. ALSO, as DISEASES of AFFLUENCE proliferated, people sought medical solutions to moral, social and spiritual problems, ending up VICTIMS of NHS profiteers.
PRIVATE PRACTICE never went away, but was enshrined in the NHS, with doctors free to treat fee paying patients in NHS facilities; DIVIDING their time between lucrative PRIVATE PATIENTS and those for whom they receive modest NHS fees. If a pair of scissors is left inside, or the wrong leg amputated from a patient; that patient is unlikely to be private! And each year the NHS pays out £billions (through gritted teeth) to THOSE IT HAS UNWITTINGLY KILLED HARMED!
In 2016, ALMOST 48% of UK LIVES ENDED IN HOSPITALS – 24% at home – and 22% in CARE HOMES. Privatising the NHS through PPI, burdening it with debt and driving down wages, hasn’t served the public good or its health, but rather a CYNICAL ELITE who grow rich at public expense.
IMAGE BELOW: The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Fulfilment Edition, Page 13 – Let’s Talk About DEATH

PAGE 13 – Let’s Talk About DEATH!