The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfillment Edition, 20/20
CLICK HERE for IMAGE BELOW of PAGE 9 – The BIG Coronavirus LIE!
(This page is a PLAIN TEXT version of “The BIG LIE!” continued from page 8)
(Image: CENTRE PAGE, Title box; image of Bill Gates with multiple profiles bubbles with key figures from the Queen, President Trump, Boris Johnson and Tedros Ghebreyesus; text, THE BIG LIE (1925), subtext, 2019-n-CoV Media CIRCUS! LIES, damned LIES, journalists & POLITICIANS! )
“the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie,”
and we know “God’s word is truth;” and “God’s spirit” is a “spirit of truth.” In James we are told to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) GOD’S SPIRIT helps us to divine between what is true and that which is false; and for the avoidance of doubt, “THE STORY BEING SPUN ABOUT THE CORONAVIRUS IS FALSE!”
(Image: Left column, Matt Hancock at No.10 briefing. Lectern reads: “STAY HOME > PROTECT THE NHS > SAVE LIVES. Text overlay “HOPELESS, BUMBLING, IMPLAUSIBLE, LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!”)
PEOPLE ARE DYING, you can be sure of that! But the reason for these deaths has nothing to do with our social distancing or lack of it. People will not stop dying, “allegedly” of COVID-19, until the governments has achieved their aims of “culling” or euthanizing those they deem unproductive; and destroy the livelihoods of a vast swathe of the already poorest people on earth.
UNBELIEVABLE? Just the Kind of scheme Hitler himself dreamed up and used so successfully against Jews and others in Europe in the 1930s.
The front covers of each edition of The VOICE of Prophecy magazine has borne (usually in the bottom left corner), “The TRUTH will set you FREE.” It is a partial quote of Christ’s words to his disciples in John 8:31-32:
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (NKJV)
SO WE CAN BE FREE FROM FEAR that those who do not know God are feeling right now. But, it doesn’t mean we don’t have to observe the laws of the land; only we don’t do so blindly but with knowledge; and not just to show respect for our fellow citizens. When push comes to shove; WE WILL OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MAN!
(Images: CENTRE PAGE, inset circles of magnified coronaviruses)
THE WOLVES (political leaders and titans of banking, businesses and industry) who have foisted this BIG LIE on “THE SHEEP” they are marshalling with their “social distancing,” “stay at home” and destroy your jobs and the economy “edicts,” do not have their fellow citizens’ interests at heart. Their goals are social, political and economic.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, after creating a world of despair, which we can already see they are doing little to relieve (they are making preparations for mass deaths, not for saving lives); THEY WILL RETURN year after year with their CARNIVOROUS CORONAVIRUS (yes, it is an anagram), to claim the lives of THOSE THEY DEEM EXPENDABLE.
(Image: BAR CHART “Disease Deaths per Day Worldwide, CDC & WHO,” listing Covid-19 in 17th place, after Rabies and Yellow Fever, on 9 Mar 2020, Text – BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION!)
Disease Deaths per Day Worldwide
It’s very likely the same AMORAL cabal behind all major socio-political events that drive trends; perpetuate wars and topple governments who are responsible for the coronavirus “pandemic” – FOLLOW THE MONEY! We are not being led by our political leaders; WE ARE BEING MISLED BY THEM!
Study the WHO and CDC Disease Deaths per Day INFOGRAPHIC on the planet’s most deadly diseases above; and note how relatively insignificant COVID-19 is compared to Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Pneumonia and HIV / AIDS. Even seasonal flu has caused nearly 20 TIMES the number of deaths each day than NOVEL CORONAVIRUS THIS YEAR! (in April 2020)
Footer box:
JESUS TOLD his disciples not to “cast their pearls before swine.” SOME PEOPLE WILL NOT WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH; or as Jack Nicholson put it (in A Few Good Men) “…can’t handle the truth!” Jesus said they will turn around and rend you! – He should know! (Matthew 7:6)
“…and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe THE LIE, in order that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delight in wickedness…”
(I Thessalonians 2: 10-12) “THE BIG LIE,” Contd. in Footer on page 11
IMAGE BELOW: The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition: 20/20 – Page 9

CLICK HERE for: The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Fulfilment Edition, PAGE 10 – The FALSE HOPE!