The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/21
Monday 8 March 2021
We’ve been hearing rather a lot from HRH Queen Elizabeth 2 these Covid-19 pandemic days! It used to be that at Christmas, Trooping the Colour, her birthday, 21 April, and official birthday, 12 June, when masses of artillery are usually brought into play; on State visits by foreign dignitaries and Commonwealth meetings or assemblies. It is for this latter reason that the longest serving, living monarch in the entire world took to the airwaves (and digital platforms) yesterday; Sunday 7 March 2021, COMMONWEALTH DAY.
I WROTE THIS ARTICLE ON 15 OCTOBER (2020), and have delayed posting it until now (28 Nov. 2020). It may be my last before “migrating” from Facebook to my new website (, which I haven’t yet launch because I know when I do, I will have little time to update this page regularly; which has been my main vehicle of communication with both family, friends and the outside world for over a decade.
BUT “THINGS HAVE CHANGED;” and along with the wholesale “harvesting” of my (our) personal details (and I accept there is little one can do to put the genie back into the bottle); I will no longer accept the constant surveillance and censorship intrinsic to, and increasingly the substance of our “virtual connections” on this platform.
HAVING SAID THIS, I will try to “keep you posted” HERE from time to time; as long as I’m allowed to. And, if not blocked, I may even update my “The VOICE of Prophecy” Facebook page more often than of late, via a link to my new website; again if this avenue isn’t blocked. I will also, when possible, continue to share music (though probably not live streams) on my MUSIC MAN – Phil Gray Facebook page.
THIS WILL NOT BE WELCOMED BY EVERYONE. SOME WILL FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE; TOO “FAR OUT.” Doubtless someone will say, “He’s disappeared down a rabbit hole!” BUT HERE IT IS, (possibly) THE LAST POST I will publicly share on this my personal page:

THIS IS NO LONGER “the age of deference.” We can and should hold temporal leaders to account. As I have repeatedly warned the high and mighty, “YOU ARE BEING JUDGED NOW!” We are all being judged; NO ONE WILL ESCAPE JUDGEMENT! I’ve quoted Revelation 22: 10-11 in the past; but this time, let’s read further:
“…And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”
“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.”
(Revelation 22: 10-15, NKJV)

Here’s a question you don’t get asked every day. Although you may have thought to yourself “IS THE QUEEN ABOVE THE LAW?”
The prevailing wisdom is that technically the Queen could be prosecuted; but in practical terms she is extremely unlikely ever to be put on trial, even if she did break the law (or is called as a witness in a trial); because, like all “HEADS OF STATE,” the Queen enjoys immunity from prosecution (this explains why Benjamin Netanyahu will hold as many elections as it takes to cling on to power; to escape prosecution on the corruption charges now hanging over him – although technically, I don’t think he is a head of state?).
So, what would happen in practice and “THE LETTER OF THE LAW” are not the same. The only English monarch to be put on trial in recent history (if you call 1647 recent) is CHARLES I. And that didn’t end well for the king; on account of parliament’s decision to have his head separated from his body.
But now we live in a “LIBERAL DEMOCRACY,” in which (not over which) the monarch is now “supposed” a “titular head;” that is to say a ceremonial office holder, “supposedly” apolitical; whose only power is that of patronage. *THE QUEEN, LIKE THE REST, OF US IS A CITIZEN; and we are no longer SUBJECTS. *(This is probably not the case)
THAT IS THE THEORY; BUT I’M NOT BUYING IT! Contrary to what its aids, acolytes and apologist would have you believe (Royal Rottweilers as I like to call them; the Dickie Abiters of the royal coterie), including UK governments; THE MONARCHY EXERCISES ENORMOUS POWER, albeit quite subtly.
WHY, in a democracy is it still necessary for parliamentarians to “SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO THE QUEEN?” (Why don’t we pledge allegiance to “the flag,” as they do in America?). WHY does the Queen have a “Privy Council;” receive “red boxes” containing confidential government papers; and have a weekly audience with the Prime Minister? WHY are things still done in her name and named after her?
The “British” monarchy and the throne are far more than the world’s favourite soap opera, or the UK’s most popular tourist attraction. The lack of a written constitution has enabled it to feign weakness while driving a gilded coach and horses ALL OVER OUR DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS.
In a true democracy IT IS THE PEOPLE THAT IS “SOVEREIGN.” We should be citizens not SUBJECTS. Institutions should exist to SERVE US, not we them; or for them to RULE OVER US. Legislatures and governments are supposed to be made up of REPRESENTATIVES of the people; but all over the world we see that this is far from how “democracies” are functioning.
What we see is factionalism and tribalism in the form of party politics; with a continuum of self serving bureaucrats in the civil services; and succession of self-seeking career politicians in the debating chambers. Many of them are “place men” (and women), “appointed” by patronage; particularly in government offices and upper houses; many beholden to corporate monoliths who control governments with their money via “the lobby system.”
THIS CORRUPT SET UP ACTS TO SUBVERT THE TRUE “WILL OF THE PEOPLE” (if indeed it can be known). Elections are held, but in most instances serve only to preserve the status quo; offering a few fresh faces the opportunity to feather their own nests, and perhaps build their own moat around their second home?.
Any individual in a position of power supporting the imposition a laws contrary to the interest of “THE PEOPLE,” who is the sovereign state; or breaks constitutionally accepted laws to the injury of the general populous, IS GUILTY OF TREASON! They are betraying their country – THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS. It doesn’t get worse than that!
Being or supposing oneself to be a “FOUNT OF JUSTICE;” or elected to a legislative body with power to draft and enact law is not to give one a LICENCE but a solemn duty. Anyone who willfully betrays her/his office (or fails through negligence and/or incompetence) should be held to account and JUDGED UNDER THE LAW – anyone and everyone, WITHOUT EXCEPTION! That is the democratic principal. But I’m not so naïve as to believe or even think that this is how things actually work.
MIPO (Misconduct in Public Office)
IN THESE TIMES WHEN TRUTH IS SHUNNED, LIARS ARE ELEVATED and JUSTICE IS “REMOTE;” you might well question the value of sending letters notifying persons holding public office of YOUR intention to “hold them to account” for actions or inactions that lead to the harm of you and/or your family? You might conclude that those to whom you might write such a letter are not particularly interested in you or your family and your plight; but such a letter from you will probably change that.
I also say to you, IT IS YOUR CIVIC DUTY TO STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS. Because no individual or institution should usurp its power and authority given BY the people, TO ACT AGAINST THE PEOPLE’S INTERESTS OR ITS WILL! If you do not demonstrate YOUR WILL, you will lose your rights BY DEFAULT!
By writing to your doctor, dentist, MP and the teachers of your children, and other local government officers; or to national leaders, heads of companies and other institutions (including your employer if in a public office); whose decisions and actions are directly impacting your life; to let them know that where there IS MISCONDUCT, you will not take their harmful actions lying down! YOU CAN BREAK THE CHAIN!
Nowadays, you often hear it said, “These are unusual times.” What is really unusual to me is the WHOLESALE APATHY THAT PERVADES THE GENERAL POPULATION; as if people have been hypnotised (by their mobile phones) while their lives are dismantled before their eyes! This “NEW NORMAL” is not normal; and the architects behind it have NO INTENTION of allowing our lives to go back to normal.

You are witnessing a “GLOBAL ECONOMIC and INDUSTRIAL RESET.” It has already claimed the lives of millions; and will very likely, if not arrested will KILL BILLIONS OF PEOPLE! Whatever you do now, things will never go back to the way they were. But if you do nothing, unless you’re actually a part of evil conspiracy to cull millions of innocent lives, YOU WILL BE A VICTIM!
SO, “What does this have to do with the queen of England” (I hear you ask)? THE ROYAL FAMILY is not an innocent bystander or noble benefactor over the UK, or the Commonwealth – It is a parasite! JAMAICA, the country of my heritage, one of only 16 DOMINIONS, is still subservient to Queen Elizabeth 2, whose portrait can still be found hanging in public (state) schools.

THE ROYAL FAMILY, like the political classes under it, live at the expense of the general public. Despite its huge wealth, it is constantly dipping into the public purse to fund its exorbitant lifestyle. If the “CROWN ESTATE” belongs to the reigning monarch and NOT THE PEOPLE; the first question is WHY? Why should the public be burdened with its upkeep to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds?
Over the past 28 years, I’ve have written to WARN THE QUEEN and other members of the royal household on numerous occasions (along with many other world leaders)!
Whether or not the Queen can be held accountable in the civil or criminal courts is a moot point (some say if she abdicated in favour of Charles and was no longer monarch, then had she broken any laws she might be able to be put on trial?). But there is one court from which neither she or anyone else on earth is EXEMPT (this I have been telling Queen Elizabeth for three decades); THAT IS THE COURT OF HEAVEN!
I’m telling you, as I’ve been telling her, and I told BORIS JOHNSON (in the petition I wrote on 8 June 2020 demanding the abolition of the Coronavirus Act; and the repentance or resignation of the government); WE ARE ALL BEING JUDGED NOW! I know that many people will not believe or act on this warning (indeed they have not); and that is each one’s prerogative; but I still have to WARN THEM.

You would think, among all people, THE QUEEN would understand that she is being judged; because it is at the heart of Christ’s teaching in Matthew 24 and 25. After all, she is THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND? For this cause she and any Pope need to be especially careful; because no human being (no televangelist either) has been given spiritual authority over the people of God. (They may through Satan have taken power)
CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF HIS CHURCH; and when you understand the full gospel; ONLY JESUS knows who is “in” and who is “out” of HIS CHURCH! So, anyone wondering why these earthly organisations that claim they are “Christ” (and deceive many) are full of paedophiles, adulterers, liars, thieves and murderers; the answer is simple – THESE ARE NOT GOD’S CHURCHES. They are Satan’s churches and it is his purpose to lie, steal, kill and destroy. That’s pretty much the track history of this world’s churches! CHRIST SAID “you shall know them by their fruit” – two names, CARDINAL PELL and PRINCE ANDREW; both prominent churchgoers, I believe?
Both the old and new testaments prophesy about “BEAST POWERS” that would dominate the earth for millennia; beginning in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, from Persia through Greece and Rome and its iterations until the RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST. In Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation 13 and 17, there are a series of visions recounted whose relationship is somewhat complex, but which clearly relate to political, religious and military powers that hold sway over the vast majority of populations on earth; culminating in the destruction of “BABYLON THE GREAT.”
THE BRITISH EMPIRE, and THE QUEEN as part of it, is one of the “iterations” since the demise of Roman Empire in 4th century (the fourth beast of Daniel 7 with 10 horns). In my latest edition of The VOICE of Prophecy! I seek to interpret some of the biblical imagery in the light of what we have actually experienced and are witnessing in our age; just as Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream for his day. And yet some things Daniel enquired into were hidden from him; only to be revealed at the end of the age. (Daniel 12.9-10)
I give you: “THE RED QUEEN!”

CLICK HERE for: The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Fulfilment Edition, PAGE 21 – The RED QUEEN!