Wednesday 17 July, 2024
4 July 2024, would have been my Dad’s 99th birthday, had he still been alive! Instead, it will be remembered for the “snap election,” called by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, on Wednesday 22 May; the day after I returned from a 5 week tour of South Africa.
And who can forget the 2019 Christmas election called by Boris Johnson (who had by then replaced Mrs May as PM after months of Tory internal fighting over BREXIT) for Thursday 12 December? Again I was asked by locals if I would be standing for the Lincoln seat; although I did briefly consider it, I had learned my lesson by then; and put out a public statement: WHY I WON’T STAND IN BORIS’S DECEMBER ELECTION.
SO, RISHI SUNAK’S GAMBLE has resulted in the greatest parliamentary defeat in the history of the Conservative Party; losing 250 seats at a stroke; and ushered in yet another, “landslide” Labour government! I say another; because I’m old enough to remember the general election of 1 May, 1997; which after 18 years of Tory governments, delivered a landslide to Tony Blair’s Labour Party. Indeed, I could be held to be partly responsible for the result; as I campaigned on behalf of the Lincoln candidate, Gillian Merron; who was duly elected to parliament; one among 100 other “Blair Babes.”

In truth, having been abstemious from all things political my entire adult life; joining and campaigning for the Labour Party as I did in 1997, was a big departure from the more “spiritual” path I had been hitherto following. But it didn’t take long for me to become disillusioned with the Labour Party and resign my membership after a year.
In 2019, I promised to explain (in a video) WHY I STOOD IN TERESA MAY’S 2017 ELECTION. But now, some 5 years later, I still haven’t done so. I’m not sure that there is much to be gained by doing so; much having happened since in the past 7 years; NOT LEAST THE COVID-19 PLANDEMIC! I believe the lessons we need to learn NOW, are BEYOND and ABOVE politics!
HOWEVER, IN 2017; STANDING AS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE; with no support team (other than Alaric Gray, no relation, who “seconded” me, now sadly deceased); I made the decision that my campaign would have to be focused ONLINE.

Almost half of the short, 7 week window for campaigning was spent on writing, having approved, printing, and getting my 56,000 manifestos to the postal depot somewhere in Doncaster. Such was the time pressure that I only managed to deposit half of my manifestos in time. The rest were delivered to me at home by the printer; too late to make the cut off time for the post office. (There were candidates who, like me, struggled to get their manifestos printed in time, who missed the cut-off and didn’t have a single leaflet posted)!
I poured my heart, soul, and all my creativity into my manifesto. It, along with my online campaigning, 3 hustings appearances, media interviews, and a poorly attended Arboretum music festival, garnered me all of 312 VOTES! Nowhere near the 5% needed to save my £500 deposit. There were Lincoln constituents who told me after 8 June, they didn’t even know I was a candidate. Who knows how many more votes may have come my way if the other 26,000 manifestos had reached the constituents?

bus celebration of LINCOLN CITY FOOTBALL CLUB National League triumph
Throughout the campaign, I had styled myself as “THE COLOURFUL CANDIDATE;” and occupied that space in that space reserved for “fringe candidates” of the 80’s, like “Screaming Lord Such” of the Monster Raving Loony Party. This can be seen in my PLEDGE CARD; a device deployed by “New Labour” in its 1997 campaign, outlining its 5 POLICY PLEDGES. However, despite the humour of my 10-point pledge card, I was earnest about my policies.
I had an early run-in with the sitting Conservative candidate, Carl McCartney; who tried to intimidate me. This led to the writing and publishing of a second campaign song – “CONSERVATIVE RULES.” I recorded my first Campaign Song, outside the Lincoln polling station on 15 May 2017 – the “RAINBOW SONG.” McCartney eventually lost his seat to Labour’s candidate, Janet Lee.
I can’t say I was disappointed not to be elected (especially given what I now know and knew then); but for me, it was a “once in a lifetime” experience that I’m pleased to have gone through.
YES, BRITAIN has a brand, spanking, new LABOUR GOVERNMENT and “loyal opposition[?]” (with 350 new, first-time MPs, among a total of 650). Barely two weeks old; we can already see that nothing will CHANGE beyond the names and faces occupying the seats and offices of “power” – LOOK FORWARD TO MORE OF THE SAME!

The curtain has fallen on the most recent political charade; and as the dust has settles on Westminster Palaces MUSICAL CHAIRS: brace yourself for SEASON 5 of the political PANTOMIME!
POLITICIANS (whether they know it or not) ARE PUPPETS! Ahead for the UK and N. Ireland; and for ALL so-called “democratic” countries; is more of the same AGENDA dictated by a global elite who REALLY govern and control what happens in Britain and the rest of the world!
Some may be too old to be familiar with the MUPPETS; but will perhaps recall the 80s political satire. Spitting Image. Sir Keir STARMER could play a starring role in both! But the stage is now set for another period of pointless political THEATRE; while real issues affecting our present and future will not be meaningfully addressed.
Again, I advise the reader not to put his faith in politicians or the governments they serve (since they are in no way truly representative of the people); politics, like religion, is fundamentally an AGENT OF CONTROL; both systems of governance that promise “SALVATION;” but in reality will lead many to destruction and “hell!”
THE REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUES OF OUR DAY are NOT generally being covered by the media or on daily news. What we are PRESENTED with is there to DISTRACT US!
Britain is Not a Democracy
The VOICE of Prophecy! 17 July, 2024