The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Warning, Jublilee Edition: 20/22
16 March 2023
THE BIBLE CODE is a sermon delivered by PHIL GRAY to a congregation of the WORLDWIDE CHURCH of GOD in Paignton, Devon (UK), on Wednesday 14 October 1987; at the close of Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth).
That year the Festival, observed by WCG congregations at about 40 different locations around the world, was followed by a “GREAT STORM” on 16 & 17 October that leveled 15 million trees in UK, caused hundreds of millions of pounds in damage, and claimed the lives of 17 people. This was immediately followed, on 19 October, by the worst US Stock Market collapse since the 1930s!
Final Warning, Jubilee Edition, INSERT
In this final edition of The VOICE of Prophecy magazine; mailed to an exclusive list of world leaders; a CD of the sermon THE BIBLE CODE is included as an insert. The CD also contains tracks that record news coverage of: the Great Storm of 1987; the “Black Monday,” Stock Market crash of 19 October 1987; and the Persia Gulf War between US and Iranian naval vessels.

The Bible Code VIDEO
An audiovisual version of THE BIBLE CODE CD is available below:


H W Armstrong was the Founder of The Worldwide Church of God (1933) and Ambassador College (AC), in Pasadena CA (1947). PHIL GRADUATED from AC in May 1983 and was ordained a minister of WCG in Feb. 1986 (a month after the death of HWA).
REFERENCES to Mr Armstrong’s doctrines in this sermon, THE BIBLE CODE, do not reflect the current understanding or published positions of The VOICE of Prophecy! magazines. The article, What Ever Happened to the Worldwide Church of God, appears in the 2008 edition of the magazine (available on the website) which gives a retrospective, objective view of Mr Armstrong’s “Work.”
In the light of understanding gained in the past 4 years; published in the The VOICE of Prophecy!; it is apparent that following his conversion as a result of his wife’s adherence to a Sabbath keeping church, HWA began by earnestly striving to serve God as “they” were led. Following Loma (Dhillon) Armstrong’s death in 1971, Herbert Armstrong and “the work” took on a more “globalist” character.
The involvement of outside influencers, notably the California lawyer STANLEY R RADER, Mr Armstrong began to rub shoulders with world leaders; behave like a business tycoon; and pivot the church towards secular programmes. It seems clear in hindsight that either knowingly or perhaps unknowingly Armstrong was USED to advance the false doctrine of British Israel which long predated the “Radio Church of God,” the original name of the church, started by him and his wife.
Herbert W Armstrong was a charismatic figure who achieved a great deal in his 93 years of life. How much of what he built on the bible and sacrifices of loyal followers was “God’s Work;” and how much was the work of a man can be judged by what remains of his “work” 37 years after his death.
The organisation Armstrong built and dominated for 50 years; morphed and fractured under new leadership within a decade of his death. Some factions cling doggedly to what they consider the “faith once delivered;” while some members became deeply disillusioned, believing they were misled. Herbert Armstrong often quoted the scripture, “by their fruit you shall know them.” (Matt 7:16).
For several decades it appeared that the fruit of Mr and Mrs Armstrong labours had been blessed. But in hindsight it seems evident that Herbert Armstrong was among the ”…many false *prophets (who) rise up and deceive many.” (Matt 24:11)
There is ONE WAY into “The Kingdom of God,” through the MAN, ישוע המשיח (Yeshu Hamashiac – Jesus Christ); who died for OUR SINS, and sits at the Right Hand of GOD The FATHER!
*A prophet is a “speaker,” not necessarily one who foretells the future. Preachers and politicians can both be considered “prophets.”

The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Warning, Jublilee Edition: 20/22
16 March 2023