The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfillment Edition, 20/20
(This article is a continuation of PLAIN TEXT from “NOT GOD’S WORLD” on p.6)
BACKED BY THE W.H.O., BILL GATES and the E.U. are steamrolling the roll-out of a global vaccine!
(Image: close up of Bill Gates holding a vaccine vial, addressing the WHO)
(Image of Tedros Adhonom Ghebreyesus shaking hands with Bill Gates)
The current klutz, or director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus; an Eritrean with a string of letters after his name but no charisma, or obvious leadership skills. Not that they would be seen as useful, given that his main role is to parrot the BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION policies. In April, the Gates’ pitched up an additional $150m, taking its total to $250m; making it the second largest donor after the US which withdrew its funding after TRUMP accused WHO of being “soft on China;” the source of the 2019-nCoV that Tedros declared a global pandemic on 11 March 2020.
All music to Bill Gates ears! He is the real Head of WHO and stands to make back his investment in spades when they roll out the Coronavirus VACCINE this fall (or as soon as they can spring it on us); complete with identity CHIPS, nanotechnology and a birth control. The Gates foundation doesn’t have a good track record with vaccinations: If it doesn’t kill you it will almost certainly neuter you!
IT’S BOLD, AUDACIOUS, and BARELY CREDIBLE – BUT IT IS HAPPENING! It seems like overnight, but it has been decades in the planning! None of it would have been possible without the influential BILDERBERG GROUP and its two ugly sisters, the CFR and the TRILATERAL COMMISSION.
The influential ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, floated plans in its “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” published in May 2010 (see Petition, p31). This 54 page treatise “imagines” futures in which the “technocracy” of Trilateralist co-founder, ZBIGNEW BRZEZINSKI is implemented globally; leading to all human consumption being monitored, and controlled through a technocratic system by an elite who assume the power over human life and death.
With its partners and the multilateral organisations and agencies it controls; notably the UN, NATO, WHO, IMF, World Bank, FED, WEF and most national governments by proxy; these maniacs have plunged the world into the terrifying phase called “LOCK STEP,” the aim of which is to gradually gain control of all humans in every society!
The Foundation calls for the complete disruption of the existing economy to introduce the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” and a “NEW WORLD ORDER” with them at the top and everyone else at the bottom.
(Image: profile picture of ZBIGNEW BRZEZINSKI, Trilateralist, and President Carter’s National Security Advisor)
It was Brzezinski, as National Security advisor in President Jimmy Carter’s Trialateralist Administration, who is credited with opening the gateway for US (private) investment into communist CHINA under Deng Xiaoping in 1979; that set it on the technological path that has made it the economic equal of America today!
(Image: President Jimmy Carter shaking hands with Deng Xiaoping, in the Whitehouse, 1979)
Corporate America made COMMUNIST CHINA into the repressive, technocratic giant it is today. It is the ambitious plan of Trialateral’s to spread their vision of the future across every nation on earth. As the FAKE PANDEMIC wreaks havoc on earth, ELON MUSK is seeding the stratosphere with a blanket of 5G satellites that will connect everyone and everything to an AI network in which all resources, including humans are under the control of a technocratic ELITE.
Once inoculated with GATES’ vaccine(s), DEMOCRACY and “free enterprise” will be DEAD! They used to shape our opinions and “nudge” us; now at last they will be in COMPLETE COMMAND!
(image: Crowd of Chinese shoppers in facial recognition monitor)
(Image: montage with Bill Gates holding a vaccine vial; blue sky with “chemtrails,” with text reading: PHILANTHROPIST, NOPE! GLOBAL EUGENISIST – DEPOPULATION.)
(Continued from 2nd paragraph, above)
“We have a responsibility to meet this global crisis with global solidarity.” said Foundation co-chair Melinda Gates… “In addition to contributing to the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and VACCINES, these funds ($150m) will support efforts against COVID-19 in low-and-middle-income countries, where local leaders and healthcare workers are doing heroic work to protect vulnerable communities…” she said. “In the end game, we need everyone on the planet to be vaccinated.”
IMAGE BELOW: The VOICE of Prophecy! Final Fulfilment Edition, 20/20: PAGE 10, The FALSE HOPE!

CLICK HERE for: The VOICE of Prophecy, Final Fulfilment Edition, PAGE 11 – Let’s Talk About DEATH!